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AnteayerIT And Programming

Simple Scheduling App

Long story short, my wife and I are expecting our first child here soon. We don't live close to any of our family and it does require a decent drive to get to us. Furthermore, we can really only support one "group" of visitors at a time due our bedroom layout. So, I had the idea to setup a quick scheduling app that we can pass out for visitors to "schedule" time and de-conflict trips.

However, I am struggling to figure out what app would be good for this purpose. I run a Nextcloud instance internally and I am sure that there is some sort of Nextcloud workflow that would work, however Nextcloud tends to be a bit heavy and I don't know how I feel about opening it up (even for a bit) to the wide internet for my family to use.

I do have a public facing web server isolated on my network with my own domains. It mostly runs a few Hugo websites, but I do have Docker behind an Apache proxy for a few services allowing me a number of different options. Docker would also be easier to setup for a few months, then tear down once we no longer need this.

So... anyone have a recommended app I could use for such a use case? Maybe something pretty simple that I could setup a basic login for each member? Simplicity would be the priority, not really looking for a Swiss Army Knife.

submitted by /u/rwilso03
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