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Ayer — 27 Septiembre 2024Welcome to R/3D Printing! Come for the Benchy, stay for the Calibration!

My son is autistic and loves all things color, numbers and shapes. I designed this puzzle for him.

My son is autistic and loves all things color, numbers and shapes. I designed this puzzle for him.

As the title says he loves to line things up and loves colors, numbers and shapes so I designed this puzzle to cater towards his interests while also working on motor skills and color and shape matching and word association. I hope somebody else can find use of this.

submitted by /u/Boring-Condition1373
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Mimic D20 sculpt to print to paint to cast 👁️‍🗨️

Mimic D20 sculpt to print to paint to cast 👁️‍🗨️

I bought an Anycubic Photo Mono M5s pro a couple months back and that paired with Siraya Tech ABS-like resin has been yielding staggering results. Anyways lol, I’m making these lil guys to cast in playable dice and the projects been super fun. Definitely gonna be designing more printed dice inserts in the future. Now I just need to pick a colour to ink the numbers with!

submitted by /u/NorthVC
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3D printing and designing has the potential to save lives

3D printing and designing has the potential to save lives

I am completely blind. Disability is generally quite unsexy, at least according to employers, opinion-makers, and other stakeholders. I'm trying to make disability a bit sexier, more accessible, and above all, less intimidating.

That's why I personally designed this fire safety sign in 3D. You're welcome.

In Denmark, it's legally required for all hotels and public places to have an overview of what to do in case of fire or similar emergencies. But oddly enough, it's not legally required to make these accessible for the visually impaired or people with disabilities in general. I'm trying to change that. If a completely blind man can design in 3D, then surely those who work with it daily can too!

Share this so we can make disability just a little bit sexier!

Have a great weekend!

submitted by /u/Mrblindguardian
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Saw the bionicle post

Saw the bionicle post

So I saw the post with the bionicle, and it was behind a payroll on one of the sites we don't not use. So I found all the parts in .bat format and made them to a STL and the instructions for the set online. If you google "bionicle online STL" there is a reddit post on how to do it.

submitted by /u/CancelNo9787
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My love hate with PEI build plates

My love hate with PEI build plates

I have a pretty big love hate relationship with these build plates, I love how easy the prints are to remove after it’s cooled but lately I’ve had so much trouble getting long prints to stick. I clean the plate with alcohol before every print and bet temp at 70c sticks nicely, the stock print surface I use 60c and works well. I think the power flickered last night 2 of my computers powered off.. but I don’t have auto resume turned on so idk why it would have started up after again…

This was an 8 hour print I let go over night, I check on it to make sure the first layers looked good and adhering well, and everything looked good… so idk 🤷🏻‍♂️

Any recommendations to make my life a bit better with this?

submitted by /u/Blue88Comanche
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