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Anteayer3D printing

Advice on storing printers

22 Junio 2024 at 05:57

Hello everyone. I'm looking for some advice and suggestions.

This week I came home to my toilet spraying water from the hose connecting to the tank. I happened to be out of town and it the leak went on for about a day and a half. Unfortunately it was enough volume that 90% of my house had water damage and all the floors are ruined. Luckily I had no damage to any items other than a melted power strip that luckily didn't burn my house down!

So I'm in the process of getting things fixed. The cleaning crew that's coming to pull the flooring and continue to dry my house out is planning on bringing a POD unit to my backyard where essentially all my things will be moved into.

Saying that, my front two spare bedrooms are filled with printers. Somewhere around 15 give or take. Mostly bed slingers. Few coreXY and a few treadmills.

What would you do to help protect your printers while being moved and stored? I figure the machines should be pretty robust as long as they're not mishandled, but I'm sure you guys have some great ideas!

I wouldn't call my self a beginner, but I would appreciate any advice or tips if anyone can spare some!

Thank you ao much in advance!


submitted by /u/Dillsaini
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