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Power line networking

4 Julio 2024 at 13:12

Hello Homelabbers!

I moved house a while back, from my parents to my own (private rent) apartment. My fibre from my ISP comes in at a certain point of the building, and I want to run a network cable to the bedroom. Because it's a private rental, I can't easily run cables between the rooms as I would need to get permission, and the walls are all solid brick anyway

Are power line networking products still as bad as I remember them, or are they good nowadays? Are there any brands that are preferred over others? I have a 1Gbit symmetrical connection to distribute around the place so any product that can handle that or at least a high percentage of it would be good.

I'm still looking at running a cable between rooms as there' a 4 foot void under the floor across the various floor spaces, but it's not that accessible from above (I would have to use an RC car to get cabling in place!)

submitted by /u/starcaller
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