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Customisable Jar Lid Cover

29 Junio 2024 at 07:56
Customisable Jar Lid Cover

My first openSCAD design. Simple but I've found them useful!

Potential use cases: 1. Decorate your cupboards! - Print out lid covers in a bunch of fun colours and make your cupboards a bit more colourful than the boring old lids most jars come with! 2. Organise your cupboards! - Use colour coded lid covers to help organise your cupboards. Either to make sure things are placed back in the right place (purple jars to go back in the “purple zone” ) or you could use red lid covers on jars that are close to running out to remind you to buy more next time you are at the shops 3. Label your jars! - If you decant condiments into unlabelled jars, or if you keep items in drawers where you can only see the top of the lid, it can often be hard to tell what jar is which - use the label badge version to add names/messages to jars to help find things. Also great in shared housing to show what belongs to who! 4. Accessibility - 1. Add braille to the label badge to make it easier for the hard of sight to find the jar they are looking for. 2. Add images or names in different languages to help those who don't speak the language 3. Use colour coding to help food safety/allergies - e.g. put a red warning label on all the jars you know contain nuts to help protect nut allergy suffererers

submitted by /u/Tartanblaster
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