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Homelab/server considerations, should I fysically split things up?

2 Julio 2024 at 13:08

Hi all!

I have a single server (12 cores, 24 threads, 64GB RAM, 2.5 TB storage for OS-related stuff and stuff running on virtual servers, 8TB dedicated for a virtual file server), running ESXi/vCenter and a bunch of other virtual servers.

I have a domain and Active Directory running, with Group Policies and DNS roles as well. Some other stuff too, to run and manage my domain on my home network.

I have a file server based of a Windows Server 2019 server, containing all important stuff of the people in my household, running a backup to cloud storage every other day with smart retention set up.

Besides the above I run a VMware homelab, well not exactly besides this, as the virtual servers mentioned above run on the ESXi Hypervisor and are managed through vCenter, which are part of my homelab setup. I also run a Workspace ONE stack with Horizon Instant Clone pools and so on.

Recently, also because of the Broadcom/Omnissa stuff happening regarding VMware products and myself looking to other employers that are less likely to run much VMware stuff, I am starting to wonder how solid my homelab solution is, I have subscriptions for the products I use for some 10 months until they expire and if the VMUG Advantage program is still alive I could just renew that.

Thing is, you never know if VMUG Advantage will still be a thing next year, and if I do switch employers and stop working with VMware products, I am unsure if it is very wise to stay with this setup I run now. But when I deside to quit the VMware stuff I have to find something else, and more importantly, migrate or rebuild all the virtual server on another hypervisor. I think it would have been wiser to have seperated the servers, deploying the stuff managing my home environment (AD, Fileserver, Home Assistant) with the homelab (VMware stuff) I use for a bit of professional learning and hobby at the same time. Now whenever I quit VMware/ESXi I will have a challenging migration ahead of me, I think?

So now I'm looking at a few scenario's:

  1. Find an alternative for ESXi and set all of it up kind of in the same way I have it running now.

  2. Find an alternative for ESXi, setup virtual servers that runs AD, Fileserver and all that other stuff. Keep a seperate server for homelab/hobby projects.

  3. Find an alternative for ESXi, setup virtual servers that runs AD, Home Assistant, Plex and other stuff on it. Buy or build a NAS or other file server system for my fileserver so it get's seperated from the before mentioned servers. Also get a seperate server for homelab/hobby.

  4. A mix of the two above.

  5. Keep it going as it is and only jump into action once VMware isn't an option anymore (which might not even become a thing, who knows)

What would you guys recommend?

Also, if you have any fun things to do with my server/homelab, some interesting hobby projects to run on them, please tell me :)

submitted by /u/Vescli87
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