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Displaced some pins trying to remove thermal paste... am i screwed?

3 Julio 2024 at 21:49
Displaced some pins trying to remove thermal paste... am i screwed?

wanted to perform a cpu upgrade on a poweredge t710 from a single E5606 to dual X5670s.

i bought this server years ago for about $200. I tried installing both processors, totally failed (E1410 errors for both). no idea why, the MB (rev 2) supposedly supports it.

anyways i thought maybe the bit of thermal paste that was caught in the pins had something to do with it. Got most of it out with an exacto knife but not without displacing a few pins. and i put the old cpu back in

now two of the dimm slots fail the membist test (the slots not the dimms themselves, tested with known good cards). So i'm short 16gb cause of the pins, and another 48gb cause apparently the x5670s don't work 😭 .. latest bios and everything

would the index card method be able to help?

submitted by /u/alpha1693
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