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The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era

Por: Jenny List
31 Agosto 2024 at 08:00

The 8-bit home computers of yore that we all know and love, without exception as far as we are aware, had an off the shelf microprocessor at heart. In 1983 you were either in the Z80 camp or the 6502 camp, with only a relatively few outliers using processors with other architectures.

But what if you could have both at once, without resorting to a machine such as the Commodore 128 with both on board? How about a machine with retargetable microcode? No, not the DEC Alpha, but the Isetta from [RoelH]— a novel and extremely clever machine based upon 74-series logic, than can not only be a 6502 or a Z80, but can also run both ZX Spectrum games, and Apple 1 BASIC. We would have done anything to own one of these back in 1983.

If retargetable microcode is new to you, imagine the instruction set of a microprocessor. If you take a look at the die you’ll find what is in effect a ROM on board, a look-up table defining what each instruction does. A machine with said capability can change this ROM, and not merely emulate a different instruction set, but be that instruction set. This is the Isetta’s trick, it’s not a machine with a novel RISC architecture like the Gigatron, but a fairy conventional one for the day with the ability to select different microcode ROMs.

It’s a beautifully designed circuit if you’re a lover of 74 logic, and it’s implemented in all surface mount on a surprisingly compact PCB. The interfaces are relatively modern too, with VGA and a PS/2 keyboard. The write-up is comprehensive and easy to understand, and we certainly enjoyed digging through it to understand this remarkable machine. We were lucky enough to see an Isetta prototype in the flesh over the summer, and we really hope he thinks about making a product from it, we know a lot of you would be interested.

A Journey Into Unexpected Serial Ports

Por: Jenny List
24 Agosto 2024 at 11:00

Through all the generations of computing devices from the era of the teleprinter to the present day, there’s one interface that’s remained universal. Even though its usefulness as an everyday port has decreased in the face of much faster competition, it’s fair to say that everything has a serial port on board somewhere. Even with that ubiquity though, there’s still some scope for variation.

Older ports and those that are still exposed via a D socket are in most case the so-called RS-232, a higher voltage port, while your microcontroller debug port will be so-called TTL (transistor-transistor logic), operating at logic level. That’s not quite always the case though, as [Terin Stock] found out with an older Garmin GPS unit.

Pleasingly for a three decade old device, given a fresh set of batteries it worked. The time was wrong, but after some fiddling and a Windows 98 machine spun up it applied a Garmin update from 1999 that fixed it. When hooked up to a Flipper Zero though, and after a mild panic about voltage levels, the serial port appeared to deliver garbage. There followed some investigation, with an interesting conclusion that TTL serial is usually the inverse of RS-232 serial, The Garmin had the RS-232 polarity with TTL levels, allowing it to work with many PC serial ports. A quick application of an inverter fixed the problem, and now Garmin and Flipper talk happily.

Rebuilding The First Digital Personal Computer

16 Agosto 2024 at 11:00

When thinking of the first PCs, most of us might imagine something like the Apple I or the TRS-80. But even before that, there were a set of computers that often had no keyboard, or recognizable display beyond a few blinking lights. [Artem Kalinchuk] is attempting to recreate one of these very early digital computers, the Kenbak-1, using as many period-correct parts as possible.

Considered by many to be the world’s first personal computer, the Kenbak-1 was an 8-bit machine with 256 bytes of memory, using TTL integrated circuits for the logic as there was no commercially available microprocessor available at the time it was designed. For [Artem]’s build, most of these parts can still be sourced including the 7400-series chips and carbon resistors although the shift registers were a bit of a challenge to find. A custom PCB was built to replicate the original, and with all the parts in order it’s ready to be assembled and put into a case which was built using the drawings for the original unit.

Although [Artem] plans to build a period-correct linear power supply for this computer, right now he’s using a modern switching power supply for testing. The only other major components that are different are the status lamps, in this case switched to LEDs because he wasn’t able to source incandescent bulbs that drew low enough current, and the switches which he’s replaced with MX-style keys. We’ll stay tuned as he builds and tests this over the course of several videos, but in the meantime if you’re curious how this early computer actually worked we featured an emulator for it a while back.
