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Ayer — 27 Noviembre 2024Salida Principal

Arduino/Electronics Enclosures

Arduino/Electronics Enclosures

I've designed a bunch of these enclosures for various arduinos and other components. There are more not included in this photo (because they need a bit more refinement).

There's still some room for minor tweaks and improvements but I'm fairly happy with them so far.

Which of the 3D printing sites should I post these to? Which ones do people still use? Printables, Makerworld, Thingiverse? And does anyone aftu

I use makerworld most often due to having Bambu printers. I've read people aren't huge fans of thingiverse anymore, so should I even bother posting to there?

I'm thinking makerworld and printables are the no brainers.

I also only want to post them if people actually want them because I've got a lot of projects under way and not much free time.

So let me know if you think it's worth the effort to post them based on whether or not you'd like to print them.

The cases in the photo are for: - Arduino Uno - Arduino Nano - 1602 LCD - OLED display - LM2596 Reg with Voltmeter - XL4015 Reg with Voltmeter

They will be free to use for anything non-commercial but I might allow people to sell them for some kind of license fee, which can contribute to the never ending cost of filament I rapidly churn through.

submitted by /u/maker-zone
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Smart Plant Pot: 3D Printed, Arduino Based

Smart Plant Pot: 3D Printed, Arduino Based

I designed and 3D printed this smart pot primarily for bench top herb gardens and indoor ornamental plants.

The smart pot automatically waters the plant whenever moisture drops below the configurable threshold.

It has built in waterproof capacitive soil moisture sensor, peristaltic pump, arduino nano as the brains of it, LCD display, and buttons for adjusting the settings.

As much as possible is hidden inside the pot and the cartridge, so the finished product looks neat and tidy sitting on a bench.

All the code and STL files are already available on GitHub for anyone who wants to build one. The plan is to open source everything.

The code and designs are modular so should allow for remixing and customising, and even reusing parts of it for completely different projects. The irrigator cartridge on the side can be easily removed and swapped for other devices, or customised versions.

I'm publishing info about the project including links to code and STL files (on GitHub) on this page:

Parts list and assembly instructions are coming soon.

I'd like to get feedback, ideas, suggestions, and it would be great to see how people customise and remix it.

What ideas do you have for the next version of the smart pot? Does anyone want to build one? Let me know if you need some guidance.

submitted by /u/maker-zone
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