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Portainer restructuring and layoffs

Firstly, this post is not to celebrate somebody losing their job, nor to poke fun at a company struggling in today's market.

However, it might go some way to explaining why Portainer are tightening up the free Business plan from 5 to 3 nodes

Sean O'Dell

My time at Portainer came to an end in May due to restructuring/layoffs. I am proud of the work the team and I put in. Being the Head of Marketing is challenging but I am thankful for the personal growth and all that we accomplished. Monday starts the search for my next role!

submitted by /u/mykaitch
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I need a free remote desktop solution that allows reliable headless unattended access to my entire normal desktop environment (Debian 12 GNOME) from my windows 11

I am not comfortable doing everything through shell as I am very new to Linux and prefer a DE.

I have tried RustDesk and what it provided was very promising until I unplugged the monitor, apparently I need a dummy HDMI for it to function correctly and I'm only willing to deal with that if I have no other options.

The other solutions I am aware of are:

  • Remmina (I am not sure if this is what I am looking for)
  • xRDP (Looks good but seems technical and I would like to hear if people think this is right for my needs before I try it)
  • Google Chrome Remote View (I don't trust google but it seems reliable and I'll use it if it's the most reliable option)
  • AnyDesk (Seems decent)
  • Teamviewer (Spyware probably lol)
  • Gnome Remote Desktop
  • Gnome Connections

I'd love to hear what you guys use for this specific use case and what you have had the best experience with! I'd also love to hear about any other options I don't know of. What's most important is that it's not just SSH or a generative DE, I want reliable unattended headless access from distant locations to my normal DE I use with a monitor. I'm OK with connecting to a central server I don't have a preference on that. Thank you!

submitted by /u/python_88
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Dozzle: a self hosted tool to check docker container logs

The idea behind Dozzle is remarkably simple. It just lets you view docker container logs in the browser. No need for searching for names of containers or typing "docker logs ...". Errors are highlighted beautifully and it's extremely lightweight and easy to use.

GitHub link -

(As always, I am not the developer)

submitted by /u/Fearless-Pie-1058
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Best way of achieveing this music streaming setup?

I have 2 servers running, one is a NUC which is always on. I have it running a number of docker images that I want to be on all the time (CF tunnel, Crowdsec, NGINX PM, Vaultwarden, Plex for music, Audiobookshelf etc) this also serves as a gateway/proxy. I also have a bigger machine which I can run when I want. This serves my plex video collection and other services I don't need 100% uptime on.

I recently purchased a nice amp with built in DAC and speaker setup. What I would like to achieve is a headless plexamp docker instance running on the NUC so that I can connect directly the NUC to the DAC on the amp and play my music directly in high bitrate. I also have a small 10 inch monitor that ideally if possible I'd like to display the track details and album art of the currently playing track.

What is the best way to achieve this? Should I run plexamp headless on the NUC, or get a separate pi to do this? Also, as I cant find a linux driver for my amp does anyone know whether there are generic linux audio drivers to support DSD/high bitrate music playback through a DAC. I guess my other option would be to run a windows machine to do this, but if at all possible I'd like to avoid this. Has anyone had any success in a similar setup? Also does anyone know if the album art thing is possible?

If there is a better way of doing this then I'm definitely open to ideas. Basically I'd like to be able to sit down on the sofa, queue up sone tunes on my phone and have them play at max quality, with a nice little album art display.

submitted by /u/BakedReality
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Self Hosted OIDC

There are a few public web services I use that require a SSO style login. Some support using a custom OIDC server for login rather than the typical Google, Microsoft, Apple.

Hosting my own OIDC provider fits my self hosted goals but I am nervous about having to finally poke a hole in my firewall to make the service public. I’m also nervous that if something happened to my service, I’d be locked out of everything.

Currently looking at Authelia though. If you have experience running it, is it stable? Is it going to be a headache? Can I trust it for critical things like my tailscale auth provider?

There are some things I just want to work 24/7 without my tinkering or intervention. Is it worth taking the plunge?

submitted by /u/BinaryPatrickDev
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SOSSE 1.10 - Open Source Web Crawler & Search Engine!


I'm excited to announce that we've just released SOSSE 1.10, an open-source web crawler and search engine.

SOSSE is designed to crawl dynamic webpages using a real browser (thanks to Selenium), making it perfect for indexing real world modern websites. It's also a great tool for archiving existing websites so you can browse them offline.

🦋 What's new in SOSSE 1.10?

GUI improvements: Our interface is now even more intuitive and user-friendly.

Website snapshots: Take a snapshot of your favorite website and browse it offline.

REST API: Interact with SOSSE programmatically using our RESTful API. Dark theme: Sunglasses for your browser.

🐕 Want to learn more?

Check out our changelog for a detailed list of changes, fixes, and improvements:

🐱 Ready to try SOSSE?

Head over to our GitHub page to find installation instructions (Docker, Debian/Ubuntu pkg, source):

Check out the screenshots (contains cats photos):

Explore the documentation to learn more about SOSSE's features and usage:

🐙 Join the conversation! Share your thoughts and experiences with SOSSE. Happy crawling!

submitted by /u/biolds
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MeshVPN over Wireguard server

TL;DR: Why choose MeshVPN over a Wireguard server?

Hey folks, just curious, can anyone explain why you'd pick Tailscale/Netbird/etc. over a standard Wireguard server on your router or on your network in a homelab setup?

From what I gather, using something like Tailscale means a third party (the coordinator) holds the "keys to your kingdom." I get that connections are direct and client-to-client, but the coordinator still approves them. Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of self-hosting? Someone at Tailscale could theoretically grant access, right?

I know people might say you don't need to punch a hole in your firewall with Tailscale. But as far as I understand, a Wireguard port (which can be any port) only responds when it gets its certificate. Otherwise, it's seen as a closed port.

With something like Netbird, you still need to open ports for the client to connect to the coordinator server, which could be a VPS or something, but still holds the keys to your kingdom.

Everyone says Tailscale/Netbird/etc. are more secure and better. The only clear advantage I see is using MFA with them. So, what's the deal? Why do you guys prefer these over a plain Wireguard setup?

submitted by /u/SMAW04
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Looking for platform to work together on diagrams

Hello, I would like to offer my students a platform to work together on diagrams for specific topics. These should also be saved online and everyone should be able to work on them. I've already tested and Excalidraw, but if I understand correctly, online storage was never possible. Am I seeing this correctly, do you have any other tips?

submitted by /u/datatest05
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Wanting to start a fresh gaming server machine for me and my family, would love some input.

First of, hi to everyone :D

I just purchased all the bits and pieces I needed to rebuild an older PC into what will become my home gaming server machine. It's not strong, but I have 64gb ram, Ryzen 5 5600x cpu and some other bits and bobs .. I have an old 1070TI gfx card IF needed to be used ( but I would prefer to use the onboard gfx port, as I do have a headless dongle ).
My plan is to add 2TB M.2 and 2x2TB SSD discs to it.

Now .. my problem is that I can't decide weather I should buy Win11 Pro, use my existing Win11 Home or start with Ubuntu Server .. I have little to no experience with Linux but have been told Ubuntu Server is not hard to learn.

The games that is planned to be hosted are ( as of writing )
Conan Exiles
Minecraft Modded server
7 Days to Die
Space Engineers
SCUM ( When it releases the server files at v1.0 )
ARK ( Either Evolved or Ascended )

A maximum of 2 (maybe 3 at most) servers will be active at all times ( we switch one out when we fancy something else )

Some people tell me that Ubuntu Server with Pterodactyl is the way to go, while other state Use AMP on windows, while others again come with other solutions...
One thing they all have in common, is that I can't get a better explanation on why, nor info on how to use ( I don't mind learning new things, it's what make one better :D )

What are you guys take on this?

Windows server?? ( if so, home or Pro? )
Ubuntu Server ( and Pterodactyl or something else/better? )

I forgot to state I will need to have this autostart/login ( this I know how to on Windows, but not on Linux, so I don't know if this even is a thing on Linux )

submitted by /u/Sgt_Morrigahn
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Howto forward email to 15 email adresses via 1 email address

I am looking for a solution for my brother. He owns a small bar/restuarant,

At the end of every shift, the person who closes for the night sends the numbers to about 15 email address.

This often doesnt go a 100%, the forget a person etc.

I would like to create one email address and auto forward the emails to the 15 other address (MS/ Google / some own domain addresses). If the 15 persons would stay the same for a long time i could create local addressbook entries maybe. But since the personal often changes this would be something that we need to be done often. So no go.

I have access to my own M365 domain, i also have got a SMTP2GO account. I also have docker, Nextcloud, HASS. Maybe something that can be used :)

I could create a distribution list in my M365 portal, but some sites said forwarding like to outside your own domain will hurt your send reputation. Which i believe is indeed the case.

Any ideas on how to do this? A whole other idea is also welcome ofcourse.

submitted by /u/Operations8
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Simple Scheduling App

Long story short, my wife and I are expecting our first child here soon. We don't live close to any of our family and it does require a decent drive to get to us. Furthermore, we can really only support one "group" of visitors at a time due our bedroom layout. So, I had the idea to setup a quick scheduling app that we can pass out for visitors to "schedule" time and de-conflict trips.

However, I am struggling to figure out what app would be good for this purpose. I run a Nextcloud instance internally and I am sure that there is some sort of Nextcloud workflow that would work, however Nextcloud tends to be a bit heavy and I don't know how I feel about opening it up (even for a bit) to the wide internet for my family to use.

I do have a public facing web server isolated on my network with my own domains. It mostly runs a few Hugo websites, but I do have Docker behind an Apache proxy for a few services allowing me a number of different options. Docker would also be easier to setup for a few months, then tear down once we no longer need this.

So... anyone have a recommended app I could use for such a use case? Maybe something pretty simple that I could setup a basic login for each member? Simplicity would be the priority, not really looking for a Swiss Army Knife.

submitted by /u/rwilso03
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Jellyfin client hardware?

Hi guys, I'm looking for an hardware client to use on my 8 years old Samsung smart tv 4k.

What I'm looking for about hardware: - all commons codecs support - no hardware transcoding when enabling subtitles - ethernet port or ethernet adapter

What I'm looking for about software: - possibility to see preview when moving the timeline - everything else that can be comfy and wife approved

What do you use to see Jellyfin on your tvs? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Paolo_000
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Social Media Post Planner

Hi, I need a tool to schedule social media posts (tiktok, instagram, twitter, facebook, possibly linkedin) for a dozen or so accounts at once (I'm going to open a marketing agency and would like to have all the stuff and accounts on hand)

In addition, it would be nice if such a tool had some kind of integration with automation tools (prefers, however, it can be other however it also has to be self-hosted)

submitted by /u/Studziakskrr
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Route all network traffic for specific domain through VPN on Ubuntu server?

I'm wondering how I would be able to set up a way for all queries from anywhere on my network to, e.g., to be routed through a VPN on my Ubuntu server machine.

In case that's not clear, I have a laptop and a main desktop PC and some mobile devices connected to my network. Anytime any of those devices wants to go to YouTube, I want that request to be routed through a VPN that is hosted and connected to the VPN service from the Ubuntu server machine.

Is this possible?

submitted by /u/Mikitz
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