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Update from portainer regarding new pricing

We recently sent an email to our 5 nodes free license holders regarding our updated pricing and asking for feedback. We received a lot of valuable feedback and are very appreciative of it. However it seems there were some misunderstandings around current and future free licenses that we wanted to clarify.

Firstly, the Community Edition of Portainer is not going anywhere. We started life as an open source product and we will continue to provide the Community Edition going forward for no cost. The Business Edition of Portainer enables us fund the development of Community Edition and helps to keep it free.

Secondly, we have no plans to remove our current 3 Nodes Free tier of Business Edition. This tier replaced our 5 Nodes Free tier for new users more than a year ago and provides you Business Edition for 3 nodes for free.

Thirdly, we have no plans to remove access to the 5 Nodes Free licenses for non-commercial users. For home users, when your current 5 nodes free license expires, we will provide a way for you to renew this license. It's our preference that business users switch to a paid license but we're happy to work with businesses who are experiencing financial hardship at this time.

The intent behind our previous email was to let you know of our updated pricing structures, and to gather feedback on what it would take for you to upgrade to a paid subscription.

For businesses, our offerings start at $99/month for 5 nodes. For non-commercial use such as home and hobbyist use, our Home & Student license is $149/yr for up to 15 nodes (we had feedback that you'd like a monthly payment option and we will investigate if this is possible).

We understand that paying for Portainer is not an option for all users, and for those users we believe the 3 Nodes Free and Community Edition offerings are suitable in most cases.

As mentioned in the initial email, Portainer is not free to develop. We need to pay our team, after all, and that money needs to come from somewhere. The best way for us to find that money is to ask for those users that find the product valuable, and are willing and able to pay, to support future development to do so.

Key points: All 5 nodes free users will be able to continue using their current 5 node free license until their expiry date. At expiry, non-commercial, 5 nodes free license holders who need more than 3 nodes will have the ability to apply for a new 5 nodes license. For those current 5 nodes home or business users who need 3 nodes or less, you will be able to switch to our 3 nodes free program when your current 5 node free license expires. For business users who need more than 3 nodes at the expiry date of their current 5 nodes free license, we offer a range of pricing to suit different needs and we'd be happy to work with you to find something suitable. Once again, thank you all for the feedback you have provided thus far and that you continue to provide. We consider all of the feedback we receive, positive and negative, and it is incredibly valuable when it comes to identifying ways that we can improve and expand.

submitted by /u/Efficient_Bird_6681
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UPDATE: It all started with a Pi-hole

Original thread:

I finally am at the point where (almost) everything is working properly, and most importantly, securely.

Media (Arrsuite): Radarr, Sonarr, Prowlarr, Homarr, Jellyfin, Jellyseerr, Flaresolverr and Transmission(Sitting behind Gluetun with a PIA VPN)

Immich and Nextcloud exposed via Cloudflare tunnel and Nginx reverse proxy w/ Let’s Encrypt SSL

Tailscale is also running and is the exit node for my tailnet, which allows all my devices use my internal DNS even if I’m not on home wifi

Ended up using Technitium in place of Pi-hole as it’s recursive and I can do a lot more with it. All local services in local DNS also running thru Nginx reverse proxy w/ SSL (Wildcard cert for all

internal stuff) Misc: Portainer (obviously) PHPMyAdmin MySQL StirlingPDF Uptime Kuma which sends push notifications thru NTFY Metube Watchtower

This is all running on a Pi 5 8GB w/ a 2TB NVMe.

I think that about covers it. I think I’m done adding more stuff and screwing around now 🤣

submitted by /u/rigeek
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Would you self host your media server, if you were me?

For the past 1 year I wanted to setup my own media server, to have control over my media. So, the amount of money I would spend to have a decent server with 30TB of storage for self hosting my media would be 11-12x of the amount if I take annual subscription of all the streaming services like Netflix, Prime, Disney etc. in my country.

So my issues are -

  1. 12-13x the annual cost of all streaming services (including cost of plex/emby is high because of lack of regional pricing)
  2. pain of regular maintenance of the server + I have to learn a lot of things, as I am a newbie.
  3. 40% hike in internet bill because I have to get a static IP, here all ISPs use CGNAT.
  4. Electricity bill of running it 24*7

So my cumulative cost of setuping a media server (My 99% use case is media only) would be around 15x the annual subscription of all streaming service.

If you were in my place, would you setup your own server

[Edit] I do want to learn self hosting, infact hosting a media server this is one of the first thing that I want to do when I get a job I love the ideas of having my own personalized collection (hoarding of some sort) but since I am sort of a newbie in networking and I don't know from where to start learning about these things or whom to ask question if you have any. This might be due to poor research on my part because of the very limited free time I have due to studies

submitted by /u/Low-Drive-479
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I got sick of paying for ChatGPT so I made my own little GPT

TL;DR: I'm self-hosting my own AI assistant (+ API) and open-sourced it for others who are interested in self-hosting it themselves. I use My Little GPT to talk to open-source models locally on my computer for free, or pay just for my usage of hosted model APIs.

This is intended to be a useful resource for anyone getting started or who is looking for a simpler codebase to work with, and is not trying to convince anyone to switch from other, more mature solutions, to My Little GPT.

I used to use ChatGPT through its premium subscription. Eventually I decided that I don't want to keep spending $20 a month on it. However, I still value consistent access to GPT-4 for work and whatnot, so I decided to look into self-hosting.

There are some great open-source repos for this, but I was looking for a codebase that is only as complex as I need it to be, with a chat app that has the mobile UX I want. I ultimately decided to make my own end-to-end stack – my own little GPT.

I've open-sourced the codebase and written an installation guide to make it as easy as possible for others who are interested in self-hosting it themselves. I use My Little GPT to talk to open-source models locally on my computer for free, or pay just for my usage of hosted model APIs.

Right now, My Little GPT supports a minimal, straightforward chat experience. Over time, I may continue to add new features to the app.

Hardware requirements

If you are just using hosted model APIs, any computer that supports Docker will probably work.

Local inference server

If you have at least 8GB of memory (RAM for CPU or VRAM for GPU), you should at least be able to run models that have quantized versions < 8GB in size.

For higher inference speeds, NVIDIA GPU or M1/M2/M3 Mac (Apple Silicon) is recommended.


Previews can be found in the README on GitHub.


Edited to add "(+ API)" to the TL;DR

Edited to clarify intent of this post

submitted by /u/thearrowban
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AI NSFW Video and Image Tagging

I have some exciting news to share that I think you'll find interesting! After years of hard work and countless iterations, I've developed an AI model that can tag images and videos with descriptive tags. This journey has been a bit like Edison's—finding many ways not to make an AI—but I'm thrilled to say that the result is something truly impressive.

A few years ago, I developed the AI model behind, which enables AI image censoring and body part identification. Building on that experience, I focused on creating an AI that could accurately tag images and videos. This AI model currently supports 35 different tags focused on various NSFW actions and is far better than any other NSFW tagging AI available online.

Additionally, I developed a plugin to integrate with Stash, a popular open-source, locally-hosted media server, allowing the AI to tag images and videos directly within Stash. If you have local images, videos, you can leverage these AI models to:

  • Organize your content: Easily manage your media.
  • Automatic tagging: Save time by automating the tagging process for large media libraries.
  • Enhanced search functionality: Find specific content faster with more accurate and detailed tags.
  • Content recommendations: Eventually, get personalized content recommendations.

Here's a demo of a few clips to show what the AI results look like on video:
AI Video Tagging Demo

To get started with AI tagging, consider becoming a Patreon member and following the quickstart guide here:
NSFW AI Tagging Quickstart Guide

For more information about my journey and my vision for the future, check out this post:
AI Tagging Explanation

If you have any questions feel free to join the discussion either here or in discord:

Discord Channel

Feel free to join the discussion and explore how this AI can help you manage your content more effectively!

EDIT: Due to demand mentioned here, Docker is now officially supported with installation instructions in the readme.

submitted by /u/Skier233
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what do you MACVLAN for ?

I am just starting with a little homelab, and I deployed some containers then it went like this oh I don't like that I am accessing like that with raw ip and port numbers, will what if I made an ip for each container and then assign a domain name for each. OH ! docker had this feature that I heard about called MACVLAN this could be a good use, I did that it worked. then I realized that this seems stupid ? why don't use a reverse proxy, so I went the easy way with nginx proxy manager and it worked. now I am questioning my self "So what is a good use case for MACVLANs when the obvious case for me didn't seem like it is" ?

submitted by /u/FortuneIntrepid6186
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Self hosted web based note taking app?

TLDR; web based note taking app that I can organize and browse/filter via tags. Supports embedded screenshots in the notes as well as attaching files to the note.


I don't want to put a bunch of effort into organizing a onenote or a wiki.

I just want a quick lazy way to make a note of something and assign tags to it. Then I can filter these tags to see all the related notes I've taken.


My use case:

I'm in college, and I'm doing outside learning from websites like tryhackme.

Some chapters will mention a useful resource whether it's a website, an application, a specific file on an operating system, a diagram, a cheatsheet, etc.

It's something I'd like to remain aware of and have easy access to, but it's not information I'd use every day. Which means i'll easily forget about it's existence if I don't write it down and see that note once in a while. After I'm done with whatever chapter I'm on, I'll completely forget about that resource in like 3 days.


So what I would like to do is:

  • log into some web app.

  • Click something like create new note.

  • I can add a title and body to the note. For example, title: WTMP. Body: whatever notes I want about to write about WTMP, embed screenshots in the body, and the ability to attach files to the note if desired.

Then I can tag this note with whatever tags I define. LINUX,FORENSIC,LOGGING,AUTHORIZATION and so on.


Then on some kind of overview/gallery/filter page:

  • I can see every note title I've created in an overview table so I can scroll through it and quickly see everything I've made.

  • I can filter these notes with tags. I can click on the LINUX tag if I want to see all objects I tagged with Linux. Or click on LINUX and FORENSIC to see all objects with those 2 tags.


This way I don't have some onenote document with 10000 pages and subcategories, or a sloppy notepad document, or 100 different categorized folders with word documents in them. Just a collection of note cards in one place on a responsive website.


When I load the web page, I'll always see those obects there which will remind me of their existence. One day I could be filtering for all objects tagged with WEBSITE because I'm looking for a sprcific website, I just don't remember the url. So while I'm scrolling through my list of objects tagged with WEBSITE, it kind of forces me to see other WEBSITE objects I've created which helps me remember "oh hey this website exists. I totally forgot about it." (I know bookmarks exist it's just an example.)

And I'll have quick access to whatever notes I took about that object so I can spend less time reading about it on Google and get straight to the point.


An index. A gallery. A gallery of note cards. An easy way for me to see what I want to be aware of.

This is really specific so I doubt it exists, but worth trying.

submitted by /u/Legitimate_Sun_5930
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Self hosted logging (ingestion, storage, query & analysis) tool Parseable. Version 1.3.0 Released.

We've just released Parseable v1.3.0 - based on single binary based design with built-in UI. Parseable can use local drives or S3 as the backend storage. Allows SQL based query on the log data, can ingest data with JSON over HTTP. Can scale out ingestors if needed.

Check out the release note here:

submitted by /u/tiwarinitish
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Can someone PLS explain which is better? Tailscale, CloudFlare tunnel or domain name with reverse proxy.


I have some apps that I host on docker but want to access outside home.

Could someone explain in simple words what the differences are and which is more secure if I wanted to give my family (grand parents) access to photos etc (I am looking to get a solution where they don't need to do anything apart from 1-2 clicks or type website name & login).

submitted by /u/sardine_lake
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Access From The Internet

I'm new to self-hosting and I want to know what is the best way to access my home server from the internet. I want something secure and will give me the ability to download and upload large amounts of data. I looked into cloudflare tunnels, but apparently cloudflare doesn't allow large files and media to pass through their tunnels. I have also looked at VPNs but I want something that doesn't need any kind of setup on the client side as I want my family to be able to access the data without me being their and setting up every device.

submitted by /u/RuinFull
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General setup solution for secure home access with dynamic VPN?

-- Yes, the title has a typo: It should be IP and not VPN. --

I am looking for a reasonably secure (I am not an NSA target) and (almost-)free solution for allowing access to services I run at home. I am currently running Nextcloud and planning to run a taskwarrior server, a 3D printing server, a calendar server and more. The main problem I see is that my home network has a dynamically allocated IP address which cannot be upgraded to static.

My current setup is a bought domain name with a DNS record pointing to my current dynamic IP, updated by my router when it changes. The router forwards a port to a homeserver running a "central" wireguard endpoint enabling ssh-ing into the network and accessing my Nextcloud server.

The problems I have are that my Android device has a Wireguard app, but while it is possible to keep the VPN running 24/7 the Android client does not check the domain name periodically unlike Windows and Linux clients, so I loose connection every day and cannot reliably reconnect. Also due to everything being behind a Wireguard tunnel, there can be no HTTPS-certificate authentication, which at least Nextcloud complains about all the time.

As you can see, I am not against using a VPN, but proxy servers and other methods are also possible. I just would like to keep it as secure as possible, as cheap as possible and as hassle-free as possible (probably like everyone else) while working with my dynamic IP.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/Pr0pagandaP4nda
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Nextcloud vs Syncthing for sharing assets and documents between our team

Hi, me and my team work as a web design agency. Currently, we are using OneDrive to store, share and sync assets like 3D models, image and vector assets, docs etc, using rclone on linux. I wanted to move away from anything proprietary in our toolchain and opt for opensource and self-hostable solutions. Currently I have come across two tools being presented as alternatives to OneDrive: Nextcloud and Syncthing.

Now I know that Nextcloud and Syncthing differ in that the former is centrally hosted, whereas the latter is p2p. But I'm not sure what that would mean in practice and which one will suit more to my specific needs. Ofcourse both can probably be used for the task, but I want the more efficient solution. What would you recommend? Or some other tool?

submitted by /u/Red-Eye-Soul
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VPS server or Cloud hosting?

Hi all, I am now running my website, e-shops and some web applications on a VMS server. But my provider is ending and I have to decide what platform to switch to. My website is built on Wordpress, Woocommerce e-shops and small simple web applications. I am deciding between Cloud PRO hosting and VPS hosting. I would prefer to choose VPS but I have no experience with it, running, updating, managing Wordress, e-shop, applications and overall administration. How complicated is this, can it be managed? Thanks for comments and possibly other solution suggestions.

submitted by /u/TheFantasticFuture
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SWAG NGINX proxy conf issue.

I have a mailcow server. I can access this server by going to the internal ip, To access the webmail, I can go to, as just plain old will lead me to the mailcow admin panel.

I'm using SWAG for my reverse proxying, and I'm looking for how to make a config to do the following:

I want to make a subdomain, "" lead to the webmail, that being I want to keep the root url unnaccessible from outside my local network. Only SOGo should be accessible, so if I am at "", it should show what is on "". That way the admin panel remains inaccessible outside of my local network.

Any suggestions as to how I could do this?

submitted by /u/davidsula
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Introducing Expedite - A simple encrypted file transfer service for humans

Introducing Expedite - A simple encrypted file transfer service for humans

What my project does

Expedite is a simple encrypted file transfer service that allows people to share synchronously assets among each other without having to rely on third party file sharing services (and constantly worrying about how their data might be used) or feeling the need to have publicly visible IP addresses (and constantly worrying about script kiddies attacking your computer).

Expedite Server can be deployed on a virtual private server having an IP address that is discoverable by the Expedite Client users to broker file contents. The transfers facilitated using WebSockets are end-to-end encrypted with the use of 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard and the server is restricted to logging only unidentifiable activities to the volatile memory.


Delivering file contents

Receiving file contents

Broker server


If this looks exciting to you, please consider giving the project a spin using the publicly available servers and let me know how I can further improve the project by filing issue tickets for software errors or feature requests. Starring the project repository, contributing to the codebase or sponsoring me to keep working on more FOSS projects would forever be greatly appreciated! <3


submitted by /u/t0xic0der
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Self-hosting vs SaaS for Secrets Management.

Good day all, I work for a SaaS based Secrets Management company r/akeyless that competes with Hashicorp Vault primarily as well as others in our space.

One of the objections I see is that our platform is not self-hosted. But what I don’t understand is why. Why would someone want to self host and manage the platform themselves rather than simply consume the service? I’m not trying to criticize anyone for this. Just trying to better understand the reasons behind it.

For context, we have a gateway which customers can install anywhere they need secrets, so in my mind this satisfies the self hosted question to some extent. Users also can install a customer fragment on the gateway, thereby enabling zero knowledge encryption so that customers have 100% control of their secrets and we have no way decrypt the data ourselves.

Gateways also perform caching in the event connectivity to the backed service is down, this way customers can still retrieve and work with existing secrets through their local gateway.

And for people who want to sandbox, run it in their home lab or have small dev teams, they can use the platform with all the Secrets Management features for free for up to 5 clients.

The only scenario I see where self hosted is a hard requirement is when a customer has an air gapped environment in which case the entire platform has to be self hosted.

submitted by /u/EncryptionNinja
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