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What would you do with $150 monthly credit on Azure?

I have recently come to be the proud owner of a $150 monthly Azure credit that for the past few months has just sat unused. I am working to learn Azure via youtube and some Udemy courses and I figure with this credit I could set something(s?) up for myself to get some hands on experience as well. Problem is, I really don't know what I could or should do with this, so I wanted to see if I could get some inspiration from the fine folks on this subreddit.

I have been self-hosting for probably 7 or so years now. It started with Plex, as I'm sure it does for many. Back then it was on an old windows PC that I got for free from work.

Nowadays I've got a couple Proxmox servers, with some of the usual suspects across LXC's and VM's. Pihole, Home Assistant, Blue iris, Docker that I tinker with mostly for fun. I just started setting up Grafana and Loki recently as well.

Backups are done with Proxmox backup server, and I plan to be setting up a 2nd at a relatives house to sync offsite backups to. PfSense runs the network installed baremetal on a Dell R210-II. Most everything is tied together with Tailscale for when I am away from the house. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting things though.

I'm open to pretty much any ideas, as I often have the desire to setup and play with new services to learn or just for fun, but often find myself lacking inspiration for what exactly to try.

submitted by /u/Khaos231
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