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What are your experiences with Mailcow / Mailu / Stalwart?


I want to migrate my mail server (plain postfix, dovecot, etc.) to a new solution with a good UI.

Apart from the standard features (like multiple domains, DKIM/DMARC/...), I also need custom transports for relayed domains (accept all recipients and relay it to the transport server).

As for certificate handling, ideally, I'd have a Traefik reverse proxy in front with the proxy protocol enabled and TLS termination for all ports because I'm considering hosting SimpleLogin on the same server (now on a different server).
I also plan to use IaC (Pulumi) to manage the server, which ideally requires an automated update process through the dockerized image.

So far, I am contemplating these solutions:

  • Mailcow:

    • looks pretty solid with a vast feature set
    • seems pretty memory intensive
    • documentation specifies that I must make the certs available to it which I don't really get why if Traefik would handle all TLS termination and even if I'd mount the Traefik certs (how does mailcow know they got renewed?)
    • upgrades seem to involve manual commands
  • Mailu:

    • seems to have a slightly smaller feature set as Mailcow but covers all my needs
    • apparently less memory intensive
    • I can use the notls option, hoping this will work with Traefik in front (does it?)
    • upgrades seem to involve manual commands
  • Stalwart:

    • pretty lightweight
    • no virus scan
    • works well with Traefik
    • manual upgrade process with basically emptying the database, which makes upgrades inherently manual and, atm, "useless" for me
    • i really like the modern approach and being able to store emails in S3 for an easy backup

What are your (long-term) experiences with these solutions? How do you backup your emails?
I'd also be grateful for your take regarding my requirements, especially certificate and upgrade handling, regarding these. :)

submitted by /u/muhlba91
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