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I printed a camera.

I printed a camera.

Work encouraged me to find things to print for my hobbies. I’ve always been interested in 3d printing a camera and so I decided to try printing this project I found online.

I like the aesthetic and the fact that it uses a real lens.

I can comment on changes and challenges if anyone is interested.

I have not taken any pictures yet due to the challenges, I’ll post those when available.

submitted by /u/AngryPandaPolka
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Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 Charging Station

Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 Charging Station

Hello everyone!

I have created a charging station for my Samsung Galaxy Fit 3. This model is a print-in-place model with no extra hardware except the charger itself!

Let me know what you think and if you happen to have the same watch and want to print it yourself, check this link out on MakerWorld:

submitted by /u/sajmons38
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