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IBM X3200 M3 Chassis/Backplane Help

Hey all, hope this kind of post is allowed, wasn't sure where else to ask this question.

I'm looking to repurpose the chassis for an old IBM System x3200 M3.

I plan on replacing the majority of the system, as the platform is pretty old (it's currently running a Xeon X3460). Ideally I'd also like to repurpose the drive backplane that came with the chassis, however I'm running into some issues with proprietary connectors.

The power supply included with the unit is only about 340W, which won't be enough for the system I plan on putting in this thing (i7 5820K, GTX 1060, drives, etc.). However, the PSU also has a power connector for the drive backplane that I've never seen before. Physically it seems the same as a female 8pin 12V EPS power connector, which is attached to the power supply, which connects to a corresponding male connector, and then to a small 14-pin connector on the backplane itself labelled 8_POWER. Part number for this latter cable is IBM 49Y8289.

Images for the connector attached to the PSU, the male head coming off the backplane, and the other end that actually plugs into the backplane, as well as an image of the cable from an ebay listing I found.

The power supply is a Delta Electronics DPS-400AB-9A.

All I've managed to find so far is a pinout for a slightly different backplane included with the x3500 that takes a 24-pin power connector instead. I haven't been able to find a pinout for the 49Y8289, nor a name for the 14-pin connector it uses, or whether or not the connector takes 12V EPS on the other end.

I'm aware this is probably a lot of unnecessary hassle, and that I could just buy a new case, but I like to reuse stuff where I can and I'd prefer to try reviving this thing with the included backplane if possible. Worst case scenario I end up putting a less power-hungry system in here, but I'm not quite at that stage yet.

If anyone has any ideas on where to go from here, I'd be extremely appreciative.

submitted by /u/Sacellum
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