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I'm designing a micro rack

I'm designing a micro rack

I recently got my first big boy switch, a mikrotik switch with 2.5gb ports and two 10gb SFP+ ports, and it came with rack ears, which got my curious about what homelab appropriate racks are available. After digging around and checking out a few options I wasn't super keen on any of them, and the ones I did like where waaay to big and overkill.

So I decided to design and build one that works for my purposes!

It uses 2020 aluminium extrusion and 3D printed ABS parts, it's specifically designed to be used with rack studs.

It's the equivalent width of a 10inch rack.

The rail mount segments are currently 1U or 2U, so you could potentially make it any size you like.

I designed a 5 port patch panel that fit cat6 keystones, and because my switch for some reason takes power from the front, I added a small power cable hole in the rack ear.

I've only got the lil patch panel and my switch in it so far, but I plan to design mounts for a 1L mini PC that I plan to run Pfsense on, KVM, a Raspberry Pi, a USB C hub, and a small case to take a mITX board that I plan to put a RISC-V board in.

Still early days, and I'm curious how well it will hold up over time, and I still need to do some proper testing on weight capacity and what not.

Anyway, I just think it's kinda neat and meets my needs and I get to make something.

Any (constructive) feedback or questions welcome :)

Also, bonus network cat

submitted by /u/kingyachan
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How I keep my 10G RJ45 SFP+ cool.

How I keep my 10G RJ45 SFP+ cool.

At home we have 10G internet, but our router only has an RJ45 out. To connect it to our switches, we need to use an RJ45 SFP+ module. Some of you might know that these get ridiculously hot (90°C at times). So hot in fact that it sometimes shut down. Leaving the door open for ventilation helped a bit (85°C), but didn’t make my wife happy, so I had to come up with another solution.

I connected an old Noctua PC fan to an unused 12V power supply with a 2€ controller from aliExpress.

I also stuck mini heatsinks (meant for RaspberryPi) directly to the SFP+ module.

Now the temperatures are <75°C, and my wife and I are both happy.

submitted by /u/q_phazer
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My little lab space

My little lab space

I've been laid off from work for a few months now, so I've had a lot of time on my hands recently. I've been in the alarm industry all my life so never had a big hand in messing with servers or more IT-oriented stuff but have always wanted to learn.

I have a workstation, with Truenas and the *arr suite of apps installed on it, that I got from a friend awhile ago and it works great. So much so that I wanted to mess around with alot more. I bought a Dell server and a storage array off marketplace and had an old computer sitting in a closet so I could play around with some things.

I took that old computer, bought a Cisco switch and a Ruckus access point then installed Opnsense. Tonight I finally got my network set up with a few different VLANs to separate all my devices. My next step is to install Proxmox so I can mess around with VMs and all the other self-hosted programs I've been wanting to try.

The picture of my setup is pretty much me trying to cobble together a server rack from scrap wood from finishing my deck, which I think turned out half-decent. Also my wife was tired of looking at everything so I had to move it all down to the far room in the basement (there's a toilet out of frame to the right, which is a plus I guess).

I have a long way to go but it's been a bit of a challenge and tons of fun so far.

-side question: With the ruckus access point I set up, can I reuse the TP-Link decos I have to support a single wifi network or should I just try to sell them?

submitted by /u/drfletch90
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Remote home lab

I’m visiting my parents house soon, who live in a different country.

They use my homelab for media services (Plex mainly), and I was thinking of setting a server up there.

The main things I would like to get out of it are

1) some remote backup for my server 2) Tailscale as an exit node instead of a VPN for streaming local channels 3) better streaming performance.

My current home lab is unraid.

Any advice? Is this worth it?

submitted by /u/BurgerQuester
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Homelab and Cloudlab

Ive noticed a few Youtubers recently (TechoTim/Spaceinvaderone) do videos on collocating parts of their homelab either by renting rack space or hosting services somewhere like hetzner.

Im curious as to if anyone is doing colocation in the UK and why and also if anyone is doing half homelab half cloudlab and what/why you host ^insert service name^ in the cloud rather than locally.

submitted by /u/Obvious-Viking
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Which one to choose for home lab?

Hi all,

I am willing to get a mini pc for setting up my first home server!
I currently use VPSs for some applications and now it is type to start bothering my wifi with additional devices at home ;)

My goals are:

  • Proxmox for running a few VMs
  • Wanna play around and learn about: VPN, ip tables and secutiry, bucket storage with MinIO
  • If I change my mind, I will try to setup a NAS with 2 drives for family photos
  • I will install new HDs, since I am not that confident on using used was...

I have the following options with very similar price:

  1. Lenovo m900 mini / i5 6500T 2.5GHz / 22gb ram
  2. Dell OptiPlex 3040 / i5 6th gen (further details not provided) / 12GB RAM
  3. Dell Optiplex 3050 / i5 7500 2.7GHz / 8GB ram

My questions are:

  • Should I prioritize i5 7th gen and new device over higher ram? I have seen people recommending nothing below intel 8th gen and others saying that 7th gen has significantly better performance than 6th gen.
  • I am tending to go with the 22gb ram, but this maybe not even needed for my applications. How should I evaluate the required ram?
  • Is there any significant difference among the devices or additional details that I should care about?

All comments and critics are appreciated!

submitted by /u/burd001
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Help choosing Hardware for Opnsense Firewall & recommendations


I'm in the process of setting up a smart home and want to address privacy and security concerns using an Opnsense firewall. I'm considering creating VLANs to isolate my smart appliances (plugs, etc.) from the internet and another VLAN for my trusted devices. I also want to implement continuous malware detection.

I'm evaluating two hardware options and need some guidance:

  1. Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro i5 8500T - 16GB RAM
  2. Protectli (models V1410, FW4B, or FW4C)

Option A: Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro

  • From my understanding, I would need to purchase a 2 or 4 port Intel gigabit network card.
  • I can't replace the ISP router and would have to use the Dell via DMZ to manage all network traffic. (My current router supports DMZ).

Option B: Protectli (V1410 or FW4B or FW4C)

  • I could completely replace the ISP router or use it only for the wireless network because the Protectli affordable line supports only 2.4GHz, not 5GHz, and I don't want to lose the 5GHz band.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Are my assumptions in options A and B correct?
  2. Which option is better and why? Is either option easier to set up?
  3. Can the budget Protectli devices handle the workload of malware detection, or would it slow down my network speed?

Additionally, is my network design correct so far (isolating smart appliances from the internet and creating a VLAN for trusted devices)?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/AccomplishedHyena738
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looking to build out R720 with dual 3080's for AI workstation

looking for info, i know i can get away with 3060's as they are lower tdp but the 3080 have 24gb of ram and would be a better option if they would work, from the info iv seen with the 250w riser card and the 70w from the the pcie slot the gpu"s are limated to 300wat tdp max, even thow there the r720's got dual 750W psu's is there anyway to make this work or am i just wasting my time trying?

submitted by /u/BlackFalcon1
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Using combination of pfSense/OPNsense's bridges and hardware switches for my home network

Using combination of pfSense/OPNsense's bridges and hardware switches for my home network

This is a continuation of my Homelab journey, currently trying to build a DIY router. My previous post here.

To recap my journey, I finally bought a generic "industrial" Mini PC that comes with several 2.5G NICs which uses Intel I226-V chips, and I plan to use it for my DIY router using OPNsense (virtualized through Proxmox with LAN passthrough, but that's gonna be a separate story). As this mini PC comes with tons of multi-gigabit LAN ports, I figure I might as well try to maximize its use case by turning them into bridges. Shown below are 2 separate diagram variants of my proposed network topology:

Left: PCs that needed 2.5G connects directly to the DIY router; Right: An additional 2.5G unmanaged switch is added.

Additional information for the diagrams above:

  • I am planning to set up VLANs, however for now I'm only going to do it on my WIFI AP through SSID to VLAN mapping; other wired devices are going to be grouped into my Home VLAN instead.
  • The difference between the left and right is only the additional 2.5GbE unmanaged switch for devices that supports (and benefited) it, while the left one will be mostly a temporary configuration for now to the near future.

Now, onto why I'm thinking of doing a mix of bridges and switches for my current config:

  • In my country (I'm from Indonesia), so far it's very seldom for me to find switches that have 2.5G of speed with reasonable prices sold locally, let alone smart ones. They usually are marked up to 2x their original price or more (I have looked ServeTheHome's video for model suggestions, unfortunately the situation still held up).
  • Trying to import goods are its own complications, especially with my country's high tax, convoluted process and other gobledygook (for instance, Ali-Express is no longer able to ship to my country due to this afaik). I might going to reconsider this in the future, however it's just not worth it for now.

Finally, my disclaimer: I admit that I really have zero experience regarding computer networking, let alone on network bridges and switches. I do have done some research and as expected, most (if not all) do suggest to have dedicated switch instead of only bridges (for example, I understand it has something to do with its dedicated ASIC chip, among many things).

However, with my current situations I've mentioned above, I do still have concerns and unresolved questions that I would like to have discussion with, hopefully it can shed some lights to them:

  • Most of the answers I found randomly on the internet do lead to concerns regarding the throughput and speed, however I can't seem to find resources with data that shows how much the difference it. In addition, my understanding with the cons of using bridges instead of switches are within the situation of offices with many computers, and I am considering if my set up is small enough that those cons are small enough.
  • I do still uses switches in my diagram. It's just that, as I cannot find 2.5G ones in my area, I decided to use the bridge feature on my leftover NICs and configure as such shown above. If you all have opinions, suggestions, or insight regarding above config (such as from your experiences, your predictions on what'll happen, pros and cons), please do share them.
  • I reckon that, with the configuration in the diagram above, it sort of like nesting switches (instead it's switches nested in a bridge). Again, please feel free to comment out your opinions, suggestions, and insights here --- I only point out that why I go with this configuration because: a) I already have an 8 port gigabit unmanaged switch, b) I also already have a dedicated WIFI AP, and c) I would like to re-use my existing devices instead of having to re-buy different things if they still are able to be used.
  • You might also notice that I directly connect my WIFI AP into the DIY router NIC instead of going through the unmanaged gigabit switch there; I only wonder whether if the VLAN tags will be retained if I go through the unmanaged switch first or will it be stripped out / broke the switching (the switch is TP -Link LS108G)
submitted by /u/dfirecmv
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IBM X3200 M3 Chassis/Backplane Help

Hey all, hope this kind of post is allowed, wasn't sure where else to ask this question.

I'm looking to repurpose the chassis for an old IBM System x3200 M3.

I plan on replacing the majority of the system, as the platform is pretty old (it's currently running a Xeon X3460). Ideally I'd also like to repurpose the drive backplane that came with the chassis, however I'm running into some issues with proprietary connectors.

The power supply included with the unit is only about 340W, which won't be enough for the system I plan on putting in this thing (i7 5820K, GTX 1060, drives, etc.). However, the PSU also has a power connector for the drive backplane that I've never seen before. Physically it seems the same as a female 8pin 12V EPS power connector, which is attached to the power supply, which connects to a corresponding male connector, and then to a small 14-pin connector on the backplane itself labelled 8_POWER. Part number for this latter cable is IBM 49Y8289.

Images for the connector attached to the PSU, the male head coming off the backplane, and the other end that actually plugs into the backplane, as well as an image of the cable from an ebay listing I found.

The power supply is a Delta Electronics DPS-400AB-9A.

All I've managed to find so far is a pinout for a slightly different backplane included with the x3500 that takes a 24-pin power connector instead. I haven't been able to find a pinout for the 49Y8289, nor a name for the 14-pin connector it uses, or whether or not the connector takes 12V EPS on the other end.

I'm aware this is probably a lot of unnecessary hassle, and that I could just buy a new case, but I like to reuse stuff where I can and I'd prefer to try reviving this thing with the included backplane if possible. Worst case scenario I end up putting a less power-hungry system in here, but I'm not quite at that stage yet.

If anyone has any ideas on where to go from here, I'd be extremely appreciative.

submitted by /u/Sacellum
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Building home server/home lab, need advice.

Hi all,

Some sanity check/advice needed for my homelab/home server setup. I plan on doing/running the following:

  • Blue iris
  • Home Assistant
  • Jellyfin
  • Transmission, *arr stack and etc
  • Immich
  • Snapraid
  • File/Download server [all files consolidated here]
  • Various other things that I'd like to test.


I’ve tested the above services in proxmox VMs using my current system and it seems to work decent but blue iris seems a touch laggy/blurry. I’ve been looking to either build a new pc to run all these in separate vms (potential build below) or get separate smaller systems (blue iris 1 system, HA 1 system, and the rest + jellyfin using my current build). Prices from country have been converted to USD.

Additional info that might help: Servers will be in my parent’s place. I’ll remote into them and likely check them out once every few months or so. Blue iris is mainly to monitor their place. Jellyfin to serve files for them and likely serve remotely for me (or I’ll use tailscale and see how it goes). Home Automation is for my parent’s place as well. In a year or so, I’ll likely get another pc/system to set up remote backups.


Parts Current System Potential Build Blue Iris HA System
Type Custom Custom HP Prodesk 600 G3 Dell Optiplex Mini 7040
OS/Planned OS Windows 10 Proxmox with VMs Windows 10 HAOS
CPU i5 3570k Core i5-12400 i5-6500 i5-6500T
Mobo Asus P8Z77-M MSI B760M-A Pro Wifi Default Default
RAM 4GB x2 Kingston Value PNY XLR8 8GB DDR4-3200 X2 8GB x2 RAM generic 4GB x2 generic
PSU Silverstone Strider 600W MSI A650BN Default Default
SSD 250GB Samsung EVO 850 Reusing Comes with 256GB SSD Comes with 128GB SSD
GPU MSI GTX 670 OC 2GB (might not use this) iGPU iGPU iGPU
Casing Corsair 400R Reusing Default Default
HDD WD Blue 3TB x2, WD Red 4TB x4 Reusing + WD Purple 4TB x1 WD Purple 4TB x1 None
Total - ~500 USD ~284 USD ~104 USD (another 25USD if choosing the 8GB x2 + 256GB SSD Option)
Warranty Nil New parts warranty 1 year (can upgrade to 2 year for additional ~43USD) 6 months


Building new system costs me ~500USD, whilst using old + getting 2 refurbished ones only sets me back 288 (331 with additional warranty). I’m slightly concerned about the power bill. At my place electricity is tier based. Higher usage = higher price per kwh, but on average, even with high usage its about 60 cents per kwh. If total wattage per hour of 3 system would be somewhat similar to a new build, then should be okay.


My total setup will have the following if it helps:

  • Fiber Optics Modem
  • TP-Link AC1200 Router
  • TP-Link SL1311MP POE Switch
  • System/Systems [depending on which route I go]
  • Planned on getting an UPS [mainly reason was to power CCTV POE switch + blue iris]


Is there any reason I shouldn’t go for the 3 systems setup or should I consolidate all into 1 system? I would keep my old system out of the way if I can buy something refurbished that can hold a good amount of hdds (need for my files) or even refurbished system that allows me to relocate into current pc case. Refurbished office setup or even used gaming pc set is a little harder to find in my place :(.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/tryingtolearn1991
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Cisco HX240CM4 vs UCS240M4 - Some questions about the server models

I didn't do enough research maybe before I just ordered an HX240M4 thinking it's just a server like the UCS240M4 with more bays on the front of it, and the PDFs show diagrams of the interior, looks just the same as the USCS240M4, but now the more I read the specs & install guide the more it looks like it may be a specialized storage solution than a generic server & may not be as useful as I hoped with it being referred to as a node & not a server, seemingly mandated drive layouts (SSD in slot 1 only etc.), management, and OS support.

I hope I can make it do what I want. My workplaces have been HP/Lenovo/Fujitsu/Dell over the last few years and I've never seen a Cisco server in the flesh ever before though.

1. Are these servers pretty much a UCS240 M4?
My concerns are:
-Driver availability for Windows/RHEL/Almalinux/Proxmox
-The Cisco support pages have no drivers under the HX section, though in under the UCS support pages there's everything
-I'm hoping they are the same or it'll probably be a pain with anything other than ESXi which I'm not planning on using or paying for, not a fan of Broadcom's business strategy, sorry.

2. Is the Firmware and IMC the same functionality wise between the two?

3. Should I use interposers if putting SATA SSDs in the front slots of the HX?

4. If I upgrade the e5-2609v4 CPUs to 140watt models will I need to upgrade heatsinks or anything? (model I've purchased has the 1400Watt PSUs onboard already)

5. Anything else I should know?

My goals for this server are:
-Install RHEL / Almalinux with Windows VMs on top of that. (I'll try Proxmox prior to see if it sways me)
-Hook it up to a Netapp DS4243 disk shelf for storage, software archive/movies/music/plex etc.

If anyone has detailed gut shots of the HX240cM4 server insides, I'd really like to see them.

submitted by /u/3576742
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Help with HomeLab software

So, I have a HPE DL360 G9 sat around doing nothing, and I thought hey, I should turn this into a home server, before you say, I am already aware of the noise and power consumption etc... the hardware is set, what I am not sure on, and from all my research am now even more unsure, is what software setup to use..

I have seen many posts/blogs/guides about what software to use and I am no closer to making a decision, so I was hoping you guys could help, for information I want/do the following:

  • Plex/Kodi/Jellyfin (arr)
    • I am currently using Stremio+Torrentio+RD as a replacement for netflix/disney+ etc which is super solid and doesnt require extensive drive space
    • I have IPTV via xtream API, have tried adding this to Stremio via apps but none seem to work, ideally I want my IPTV/Movies/TV shows all in one place/app
  • Unifi Controller
    • I have a couple of UniFi APs and a switch installed in my home
  • Network/traffic monitoring
  • CCTV
  • Password Manager - if possible?
  • Add blocking
  • VPN
  • File Cloud
  • Home assistant - I have phillips hue lights and some homekit stuff
  • Dashboard/(s) - to monitor/display the services I have in place
  • web proxy to use everything via my own domain

Probably a lot of requirements but curious what you guys think.. I have seen alot of people talk about Proxmox to host everything, as well as (Sonarr, Radarr, Bazarr, QBittorrent) arr stacks - i would use DebridMediaManager or something i guess..

appreciate any input

submitted by /u/_Elfatron
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Dual 2.5g NIC into M2 A/E Key WLAN slot max speed.

I want to play around with creating my own router, and upgrading my home network to 2.5g speeds. I think going to get one of the mini pcs commonly bought from Aliexpress with 4 or 6 2.5g ports and install pfsense. Before I pull the trigger, I have some old hardware lying around that I would like to test the software side of first. I have a laptop motherboard which has a WLAN M.2 port available to use. I was thinking about buying a M.2 WiFi A.E Key A+E To PCI-e 4x x4 Riser Extender Adapter Card and then a Dual 2.5g NIC.

What I'm wondering is what speed will the A+E M.2 port max out at? I'm assuming the M.2 A+E slot would be below the bandwidth of fully saturated dual 2.5gb NIC, but by how much?

submitted by /u/snorkrat
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Anyone Have Luck w/ Onboard SlimSAS?


I went a week or so with a ZFS pool with 8 SATA drives via SlimSAS and two via SARA on a ASRock TRX50 WS and today the SlimSAS connected drives (via 2x SFF-8654 4i connectors) are just not cooperating. 1-2 show as REMOVED when I reboot the server and when I run `zpool clear <poolname>` the rest show as UNAVAIL.


status: One or more devices are faulted in response to IO failures.

action: Make sure the affected devices are connected, then run 'zpool clear'.


scan: resilvered 688K in 00:00:00 with 0 errors on Wed Jul 3 08:38:53 2024



tank UNAVAIL 0 0 0 insufficient replicas

raidz1-0 UNAVAIL 0 0 0 insufficient replicas

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX21178V REMOVED 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX2119KV REMOVED 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX212NRG UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX213EN2 UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX2117BV UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX213CZK UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX213E7P UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX2116F6 UNAVAIL 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX213CQC ONLINE 0 0 0

ata-ST20000NM004E-3HR103_ZX213D2F ONLINE 0 0 0

errors: List of errors unavailable: pool I/O is currently suspended

Since my two SATA drives always show as ONLINE I am highly suspicious of the SlimSAS on the motherboard. I have a couple LSI 9207-8i's sitting in a case in my storage unit, am I best off just switching over to these or is there more debugging I can do here? If I do switch will ZFS recognized these as the same drives even though the adapter changed?


submitted by /u/manofoz
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