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When My Homelab Went Down: A Journey of Panic and Persistence

This is just a aftermath of my morning, hope it is a good read for you.

As a tech enthusiast, I take great pride in my homelab setup. It’s my personal slice of the internet where I experiment, learn, and run various services that I rely on. Everything was going smoothly—until that fateful morning when it all went dark.

The Alarm

It started innocently enough. In grabbed a cup of coffee was happy to have some relaxing time before the family comes for a visit on my day off. A notification popped up from my external monitoring service, bluntly telling me that my services were offline. My first thought? “The internet must be down.” I rushed to check my ISP's router—everything looked fine, green lights and all. So, the internet was up, but my network wasn't.

That’s when I turned my attention to the next logical suspect: my OPNsense firewall behind my ISP's router.

The Firewall Freakout

When I logged into the firewall, things Errors about buffers were splashed across the screen, making little sense to me at the time. I did what any sane person would do—reboot. But instead of a reboot solving everything, that’s when things really went downhill.

OPNsense refused to come back up. It was like it had taken the dive into oblivion and dragged my entire homelab down with it. Now it was time to roll up my sleeves.

The Hunt for HDMI and Keyboard

Of course, in moments like these, you realize just how long it’s been since you needed a wired keyboard or an HDMI cable. Cue the frantic search through drawers, boxes, and behind dusty shelves. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, I found what I needed. HDMI cable and keyboard in hand, I hooked them up to the firewall.

The OPNsense box was stuck in the boot menu. Not good.

The Missing Interface Confusion

I hit “Enter,” hoping for a magic fix. Instead, OPNsense asked me to configure the interfaces manually, which didn’t make sense. Why was it asking for this? I hadn’t changed anything! Then came the cryptic message: "Missing default interface." The confusion deepened, but I decided to push forward and configure the WAN and LAN interfaces manually.

No dice. The WAN wouldn't come up. Something bigger was wrong, but what?

The Revelation: A Dead Interface

After fiddling with cables, checking connections, and wondering why nothing was working, I finally had a lightbulb moment: "Default interface missing" wasn’t just a random error—it was trying to tell me something important. I tested the cable, and it was fine. But the WAN interface on the firewall, the port itself, was dead. Gone. Finished.

And because that WAN interface was tied to the default interface (which OPNsense couldn’t find anymore), it threw everything into disarray. All my neatly ordered interfaces—LAN, WAN, and Management—were scrambled, causing chaos.

The Long Road to Recovery

At this point, I had no choice but to manually configure the interfaces. First, I moved the WAN from the dead port (igc0) to a working one (igc2). But since OPNsense uses interface names for everything, this caused even more confusion. All my old configs, VLANs, and link aggregation settings (LAG) were referencing the old interface names.

Worse yet, in my panic, I had overwritten all the local backups on the firewall at this point. My NAS backups were unreachable for now, and time was ticking. I had to start from scratch, manually piecing together my configurations like a digital jigsaw puzzle.

Slowly, Piece by Piece

Once I’d manually set up the WAN on a new port and reconfigured the LAG and VLANs that were critical for my network, I finally started to see some light at the end of the tunnel. The network slowly came back online. I could access my PC again, and my services began breathing new life.

The Aftermath and Learnings

In the end, it took me from 9:22 AM to 11:50 AM to fully recover. Thankfully, it was a day off, and I didn’t have any urgent work commitments. But it was a stressful experience that left me with a few important lessons:

  • Hardware can fail at any time. I always thought, “Nah, this won’t happen to me.” It did. My WAN port just gave up on life. Never assume your hardware is invincible.
  • Enable “Prevent Interface Deletion” for critical interfaces. This would have saved me so much grief by stopping the chaos that happened when OPNsense couldn’t find my WAN interface.
  • Keep an up-to-date firewall backup on your PC or another easily accessible device. Relying on a NAS backup that you can't access is as good as not having one at all in these situations.
  • Have a backup plan for your network infrastructure. I was fortunate I could switch on Wi-Fi on my ISP’s router if needed, but I’m now considering either a secondary firewall device or even a virtualized backup to step in if my primary hardware fails again.

Final Thoughts

No one likes when their homelab goes down, but it happens. This experience taught me that while it’s impossible to prevent every failure, you can make recovery smoother by planning ahead. With better backups, redundancy, and a plan B, future outages will (hopefully) be less stressful.

For now, the network is stable, but I’m keeping a much closer eye on my hardware, and this experience has me thinking: maybe it’s time to invest in some extra gear. After all, when you manage your own network, you are your own IT department, and no one likes being on the other end of a panicked support call—especially when it’s your own voice you’re hearing.

Now I am going back to my coffee, Family will arrive here in a bit.

submitted by /u/cdrieling
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First time showing off my small but mighty homelab

First time showing off my small but mighty homelab

After about two years of tinkering, small and incremental updates, and many improvements I finally feel confident enough to show off my small but mighty homelab.

Going through the rack units top to bottom and left to right:

1) 24 Port Keystone Patch Panel (will likely replace it in the future with a UniFi keystone panel purely for the looks. I’m a sucker for the clean, Aluminium, aesthetics) - Port 1 and 2 are HDMI and USB3 to my Intel NUC, rest is Cat7 Ethernet 2) USW (Standard) 24 PoE 3) Cheap Rack shelve - Anker 6 Port USB PDU (vor various USB powered components) - HomeAssistant Yellow POE, powered by an CM4 8GB RAM / 16GB eMMC but booting off a 512GB WD-Black nVME 4) UniFi OCD Brush Panel for cable management 5) Pi-Rack hosting 4x Raspberry Pi 4 - left most is the 8GB RAM version serving both as my jump-host to the lab and as a temp-server for various experimentation stuff. - the other 3 are the 2GB model running in a K8s cluster which serves as my “lab/experimentation” cluster to try out things (deployed via the K3s Ansible-Playbook and managed with bare kubectl) before moving them to my “production” cluster hosted on Hetzner (deployed with Cluster-API and managed by ArgoCD) 6) UniFi OCD Panel (vented) 7-10) basically everything in here sits on the bottom of the rack - APC UPS (BX950MI-GR) 950VA/520W to protect my NAS - A Protonet Maya (failed local startup. Got the device as a gift from a friend who used to work there. It’s basically an Intel NUC with 16GB RAM and I have a 1TB SATA SSD installed) running Proxmox for when I “need” an x86 VM. It’s meant to stand upright in the corner of your office. But I really don’t like the bright orange color and it’s very inconvenient to reach to power button when it stands upright. So I modeled a custom stand with OnShape so I can have it vertically in my rack for easy access to the power button and the better aesthetics of the hexagonal top - Synology DS923+ with 4x 4TB Segate IronWolf Pro Hosting Jellyfin (in a Docker Container) as well as TimeMachine Backups and just General file storage via the Synology Drive and Synology Photos Applications. The Synology is backed up using Synology Hyperbackup to backblaze b2 Storage.

The Rack itself got a WS2812B LED Strip all around the front powered by an ESP8266 running the WLED firmware.

I took the decision to wire the whole rack through the patch panel. So the switch will only ever have short leads to the patch panel above and then the patch panel will connect to the devices because I wanted to keep the wiring as clean as possible. In the back of the rack I have a 19” (unmanaged) PDU strip. Mounted approximately in the middle of the rack height. The NAS got an USB connection to the APC UPS so it can shut down safely when the battery goes too low in case of longer power outages (which is super rare anyway where I live, but better be safe than sorry. We had one power outage in the past year and a half and it only lasted about 10 minutes. But again. I wanna play it save with my data).

What’s not in the picture: I have another Pi4 with a WaveShare Lora Router board sitting next to my window with a big 868MhZ antenna as well as a GPS Antenna. I use this for experimentation with LoRa and for some experiments I run I even use the GPS antenna from the LoRa board for accurate time sync. Next to the Pi4 on the window I also have a LilyGo T-Beam Supreme LoRa dev board running Meshtastic.

Next to the Rack, mounted on the wall (about half a meter away), hangs a UniFi U7Pro powered by the USW 24PoE. Since the Internet uplink is literally at the opposite end of my apartment I had to get “creative” with the uplink. The USW 24PoE connects to the Cat7 outlet in my office room. The outlet leads to the central circuit breaker board of the apartment where all rooms terminate.

But because the builders fucked the up the breaker boards in the whole house and installed way too small boxes it’s too small to host a patch panel or the router. Technically the Cable terminates here too. But there is another cable (coax) outlet in another room that’s connected to here too. Due to the space limitations I crimped on the smallest Cat7 plugs I could find and connected all the rooms by installing an PoE Powered USW Flex Mini (powered from the USW24PoE) I could barely fit in the tiny breaker box. Then in the aforementioned room where the coax cable terminates I have my provider supplied Cable Router (Set to Bridge Mode) connected to a USW CloudGateway Ultra which also connects to the USW Flex Mini and a U6 Mesh (o choose the U6 mesh for aesthetics reasons since it sits in my fiancées office/gamer cave and aesthetics is more important to her than the 6GhZ WiFi offered by of the much larger and harder to “hide” U7 Pro).

So yeah - my networking is entirely UniFi. I know it sounds stupid, but I absolutely love their aesthetics. Yeah - software is good too and the hardware capabilities are fine too, but I do all of that for a living and I wanted to have a coherent UX all the way for all my networking devices and the awesome look and feel of every device was a cherry on top. I previously had a mix of old Aruba APs and a Juniper EX2300C-12T which I had all acquired second hand over the years but I don’t regret the switch to UI at all.

For management purposes everything connects to my tailscale network so I can access everything remotely. I plan on setting up a self hosted NetBird in the future and migrate away from TailScale. Not because TS is bad or anything. But I love the idea of hosting the VPN myself. Yes I know about headscale, but NetBird is more compelling to me right now. I used to work as a software engineer implementing IPSec (IKEv2) for a firewall vendor. And even through I would say I have an “above average” understanding of IPSec I’d still choose wireguard (based) VPNs any fucking time and day of the week. It’s amazing to me how well wireguard works. Especially with software like TS, HS, or NB that “automate” key exchange and everything around that.

So yeah - that’s it. That’s my “HomeLab”. Give me your thoughts, ask me anything about it. Happy to answer :)

Hope that is enough context and details for you folks <3

submitted by /u/c3di1
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First network diagram!

First network diagram!

Ok so I know my modem to router connection is wonky, but hear me out. I am a cybersecurity student I just got my a+ and I’m now working towards my ccna. This is the network I am working towards/ using to learn networking. The reason for the wonky modem to router connection is because I still live at home, and my parents have the modem in there room and the rest of the equipment will be in my room. The plan with this network is to have everything on the left side virtualized to practice blue and red team cybersecurity tools. While having the right and middle run my actual home network/ guest network. This will be a gradual process as I have to obtain a tiny a bit more equipment and will also be studying as I build it up. I would love input from you guys on how to better improve my diagram and maybe any tips going further in what has really helped with your process. But don’t be afraid to tell me it doesn’t look right at all this is my very first network diagram and it is before the actual network has gone up.

submitted by /u/Idid_yourmom
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What's the easiest way to build a network of IOT devices?

I've been working on a science pet-project and need to start installing some instruments at remote locations. I've got some friends and family that are willing to host, for now, but eventually it would installed at many different locations.

I would like to be able to take a device (small linux machine with some sensor hardware), install a docker repo onto it, do some minimal config (Wifi SSID/Password, device name, location etc) and then plug it in. It should start pumping data to a remote URL (pretty easy to do) but also be accessible via SSH (less easy when not on my network).

I don't want to fiddle with port forwarding or domain names on someone else's network so I'm guessing creating a VPN would be easiest.

Anyone had some experience doing something like this before and can point out some potential pitfalls/resources? Is there a VPN software package that it good at rejoining a network after network failure, power failure etc?

submitted by /u/LeanOnIt
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Homelab, Self-Hosted, Security, and You! - A Passionate Discussion at the Edge of the Rabbit Hole

If you're a prospective homelabarr, a newbie to the hobby, or an experienced self-appointed home administrator looking for a new project, this might be the post for you.

I'm about one month into my homelab journey and I wanted to start a discussion about labs, best practices, and self-hosted security in 2024 to see how people are feeling about the landscape, and perhaps share and find some new tips about making this hobby of ours as enjoyable and safe as possible. I'll include some resources I found to be invaluable during my journey. I hope you all drop some tips/tricks/questions in the comments, and hopefully everyone can learn, or teach, something new.

This video is what got me into this hobby:


I'm running Unifi at the moment. It's been nice being able to separate devices with VLANs, and my firewall rules are such that my lab and devices are all on their own network. No IoT or Guest access, etc. etc. and everything is running great with IDS/IPS enabled. If you're just getting started, definitely familiarize yourself with VLANs and what they can do for you.

The Best VLAN Explanation I Found:

Building Your Own Router:

Self-Hosting Security:

I purchased a domain for the sole purpose of running self-hosted applications. My domain is running through CloudFlare's proxy, and I use dynamic DNS to update my DNS Zone file, since my ISP has a tendency to change my IP a lot, and Static IP is not a service they offer at this time. Ports 80, 443, and a custom Plex port are forwarded to NginxProxyManager running in docker. I opted not to run a VPN on unRAID or at the network level, as I feel with multiple proxy layers it shouldn't be necessary. Plus, it seems that it had the potential to cause issues with some of my UseNet automation stuff, including Plex - which was a major factor in that decision.

Self-hosting with Nginx Proxy Manager and CloudFlare:

DNS explanations from the one-and-only, NetworkChuck:

I picked up a Dell Wyse 5070 ThinClient to have a dedicated Ubuntu box, and I'm using it for Pi-Hole + unbound at the moment. Super over-kill, but I plan to do more with it soon. This is an AMAZING tool, and it blocked 99% of advertisements on my network. What are some fun tools you run alongside your DNS configurations?

Pi-hole + Unbound configuration guides:


I got most of the info I needed to build this box from an awesome home server enthusiast, JDM_WAAAT. Basically walked me through building a home NAS/Lab step by step. Definitely check this stuff out if you're looking at getting into the hobby. They even have a Discord, if you're so inclined.

ServerBuilds Forum:

These guys also have a partnership with RhinoTechnology. I got all of my enterprise drives from them, and they have excellent customer service. One of my drives was DOA, and they shipped a free replacement SAME-DAY!


I'm Running unRAID on some leftover gaming PC parts and using an Adaptec HBA card for 8x6TB drives, plus 2x NVMe for cache. The box + all network devices are connected to an APC UPS with auto-shutdown. It's all basically sitting next to my desk and all four of my monitor's display outputs are being used! How do you guys prefer to access your hardware? Is it headless, KVM, or direct output?

For those who may want another project, build a DIY KVM:

For data management - I run automatic appdata backups, updates, and scheduled mover sessions through unRAID's included utilities. Parity checks are quarterly. How do you manage your data?


Oh boy. I think I've spent over 100 hours on this part, and I find something I want to tweak every single day. The amount of information out there for this hobby is insane! Here are some fantastic creators who have helped me through this journey so far.


Spaceinvader One:




And of course, for anyone interested in their own media server, TRaSH guides are invaluable. These guides helped me get all of my media applications configured in the most efficient way possible. Some of the community creators above, namely AlienTech42, have excellent guides related to TRaSH.

TRaSH Guides:

So far, I'm self hosting the following applications:

BitWarden(VaultWarden) - Password Manager

PhotoPrism - Photo library with cloud support

PrivateBin - A tool for sharing sensitive text, like passwords or code

all of which are accessible externally via the aforementioned domain/proxy setup. These also have signups disabled. I am dabbling in Authelia configuration at the moment - but it's quite the complicated process and I do not have it working yet.

I used this Discord bot to stream music to for my friends, because why not?

Discord Red Bot:

Here is a fun little project I came across that I'm in the process of working on!


What are some fun self-hosted projects, useful tools, or must-have security measures you you take with your applications? If you have questions about any of the hardware, network, or application stuff - feel free to ask! I hope this can help someone by putting a lot of great information in one place.

submitted by /u/mikeseb184
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I went to the bar yesterday and had this laying around. Jukebox/Plex Server?

I went to the bar yesterday and had this laying around. Jukebox/Plex Server?

I have a million CDs and DVDs. I got the TV for free. The dell has 5tb of storage and a haswell i5 and 16gh ram. My exercise bike and "home theater" which is just an old 1080p 55" tv I can't bother to replace is right next to it. I am thinking of taking all the random CDs and DVDs and making a Plex server and dumping all my backups too. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Funny-Ad3014
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How to determine power requirements

How to determine power requirements

I’m very inexperienced with hardware. My experience is more on the development side, but I’ve always wanted to get started with a homelab. The other week I managed to get myself a server cabinet and two servers from an auction at a price too good to pass up. Now I’m trying to gather all the information I need in order to get everything hooked up.

My cabinet came with four PDU’s but no power cables. I’ve tried reaching out to the manufacturer for information or looking up a manual and I’m struggling to find anything useful. I know basically nothing about electricity and circuit load as well.

I’m hoping someone here might be able to point me into the correct direction for A) learning about power requirements and calculating the capacity the circuit needs (for example understanding difference between current and voltage in my context) and B) recommend any good vendors for power cables as I’ll need cables both for the PDU to my circuit and from my PDU to my servers.

My servers are both poweredge 720’s and the cabinet is a netapp cabinet. If I left out any important information please let me know. I appreciate any assistance getting started into my homelab journey!

submitted by /u/IkeTheMan6
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Could i turn my old PC into a homelab?

I would love to get into the whole homelab rabbit hole and since i am planning on buying a new PC in Febuary 2025 i was thinking if I could turn my current setup into a homelab to host minecraft/valheim etc for me and my friends aswell as all the other things you could do.

My current setup:

Whats your opinion on this? Is this system even usable for what i want? Where and how to start getting into this?

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/itzArti
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Dell R720XD/NX3200 Processor

Dell R720XD/NX3200 Processor

Will E5 2689 work in R720XD?

I have a little setup, and I just added a Dell NX3200, all my other machines are 13th gen Dell Servers. I got this machine for free and was like uhhh ok I guess I could just piece it together with some spares.

I have a pair of E5 2689 (V1)s laying around collecting dust. It’s not an exclusively supported proc but theoretically they should work…. That’s why I’m here asking. Anyone try?

Goal for my machine will probably be host for a large storage repository, I’ll just move cold VM Disks to it. Sometimes I make a VM and just need to save it for later. Also it makes a (sketchy) backup target. I don’t play by the rules sorry.

I’ll take more pics of the whole rack later I’m ashamed of my poor cable management. 🫣

submitted by /u/geogak
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Bare Metal

Hardware is built and now I'm pondering to do everything bare metal. I don't need much for starters: Debian system, SMB file sharing, Syncthing and Jellyfin. In addition I want to do the networking with an OpenBSD router and PF firewall, all manually configured, no Pfsense or Opnsense. Reasons: (1) I want to learn from the ground up, understand everything under the hood before I add abstractions on top. (2) My needs for production are few, and experimentation should feed into (1). To separate experimentation from production I will use LXD/LXC. Also manually configured :) Good plan or rabbit hole? (Actually me thinks by forgoing hypervisor I will keep the complexity at bay)

submitted by /u/goodbyclunky
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Identify a locked-OEM processor before buying

Hello everyone!

I have a Gigabyte B550 VISION D-P with a Ryzen 5600X and 32 gigabytes of ddr4 RAM. I've been using for gaming, running a RTX 3070 Ti.

I'm about to upgrade my gaming machine and I would like to build a Proxmox + Unraid server with some of the spared parts from my old build. This time I want to go for a DDR ECC unbuffered build because my motherboard supports it.

So, my plan is to get 64 gigs of DDR4 ECC unbuffered memory and a Ryzen 7 Pro 5750G. It has built-in GPU that supports ECC memory. I will use the GPU on another system.

So, this is the issue: the second hand market of the Ryzen 7 Pro 5750G is fucked because many of those CPUs are OEM-locked and some sellers don't even know if they are when you buy them. So, my question is: can you identify if a processor is locked or not from any of the references written on the IHS?

Here are a couple of examples. The first one is locked

Thank you!

submitted by /u/s1L3nCe_wb
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Do you host your media apps on your NAS or a separate server/VM?

I know this might be a very personal choice type of question, but I'm curious how you all run your media apps with your NAS.

I've typically run my media apps (Jellyfin, NextCloud, Syncthing etc) on a different server/VM and connect to the NAS over the network (NFS/SMB). I like this approach just because it gives me freedom to use any technology to run these apps including docker/docker compose or Kubernetes.

I'm in the process of building a new NAS for my use because the old one isn't cutting it anymore so I was wondering if I should plan for running these apps with my NAS as well.

Does running it locally significantly boost performance? Are there any other reasons I would choose to run these apps on my NAS Operating System?

submitted by /u/slashAneesh
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Which server to buy (specs/purpose in post)

I'm looking for a server and am trying to decide between two options, looking for some opinions.

Purpose: Gaming server, host small wow/minecraft private server for friends/family

Option 1:

OptiPlex 7050 Tower
i5 7500 3.4Ghz
GeForce GTX 1660 Super 6GB

Option 2:

OptiPlex 3070 SFF
i7 8700 3.2Ghz
UHD Graphics 630

submitted by /u/Hogger18
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