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Potential uses of a cracked but operational Samsung flagship phone?

I've a relative who's currently sitting on their old Samsung S21 Ultra 2 256GB, they dropped it near the start of the year and cracked the screen at an angle where it's essentially unusable. The phone still works, but can only be navigated when it's connected to a USB-C dock with mouse + keyboard or with a Bluetooth mouse. They said if they can't sell it they'd give it to me to see if there's anything I can use it for.

I'll be honest, I can't be bothered with the hassle of replacing the screen but I'm curious what utility I might have for it I already have a 1 liter PC under my desk that's running Proxmox with a few linux VMs for storage/sftp/media (jellyfin) and a win10 VM for the management of said relative's iCloud store. Any suggestions what the phone might be good for?

submitted by /u/TheUrbanisedZombie
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