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Best secured & simple way to expose a local machine?

I have been diving into posts for days and, the more I read, the more confused (and security concerned) I am.

I have set up a server running some services such as (but not limited to) Home Assistant. I have some rules in HA that depend on my location, so my instance needs permanent connection to the HA phone app when I am away. So far, I have worked around it with Tailscale, but there are two drawbacks: 1) a permanent Tailscale connection drains out my phone battery, 2) if I activate Tailscale manually, I would need to (remember to) do every time I move in and out of my delimited zones, which is impractical.

I know other alternatives:

  • VPNs: same battery issue if running a 24/7 connection, plus all my traffic being redirected which I do not need.
  • Cloudflare Tunnel: many people suggesting to avoid due to the unencrypted traffic on their servers.
  • Tailscale Funnel: seems like their predictable URLs and lack of other defensive resorts (unlike Cloudflare) are a potential security issue.

Are there other alternatives not necessarily involving VPS or other systems, that can expose my HA instance (and other services) while keeping HA and my network secured?

submitted by /u/Alreiber
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