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The Shadow Over Arlandria

The Shadow Over Arlandria

In the shadowed alleys of Arlandria, fear was a constant companion. Whispers of the Beast haunted the streets, a creature of nightmare said to be bound to the city by ancient, dark magic. For years, the citizens lived in terror, their nights plagued by the sound of claws scraping stone and the sight of glowing eyes in the darkness.

Sir Cedric, a renegade knight with a heart of iron, had come to Arlandria seeking redemption. His past was stained with blood and betrayal, but he believed that if he could rid the city of its monstrous curse, his soul might find peace. Clad in tarnished armor, he prowled the city, always on the lookout for the creature.

One fateful night, as the moon cast eerie shadows on the cobblestones, Cedric encountered Elara, a cunning thief known for her skill and secrets. She moved with the grace of a shadow, and her eyes held a wisdom beyond her years.

“You seek the Beast,” she whispered, her voice a mere breath in the cold air.

Cedric nodded, his hand tightening around his sword hilt. “Do you know where it lairs?”

Elara smirked. “I know more than that, knight. I know its secret.”

Together, they ventured into the heart of Arlandria, to the ruins of an ancient cathedral where the Beast was said to dwell. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the walls seemed to pulse with a dark energy.

In the deepest chamber, they found the creature—a mass of scales and claws, its eyes burning with an unholy fire. The Beast roared, a sound that shook the very foundations of the city.

“Elara, what is its secret?” Cedric shouted over the din.

Elara stepped forward, her gaze locked with the Beast’s. “It was once a guardian of this city, bound by a sorcerer’s curse. To free it, we must break the spell that binds it to this place.”

Cedric raised his sword, but Elara stopped him. “Not with steel, but with truth. The sorcerer’s name must be spoken.”

As the Beast lunged, Elara cried out a name, ancient and powerful. The creature froze, its eyes wide with recognition. A blinding light filled the chamber, and when it faded, the Beast was gone.

In its place stood a man, weary and broken. The curse was lifted, but Arlandria’s true danger was just beginning to awaken.

submitted by /u/MichaelvanLaar
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