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RivalFlow AI

RivalFlow AI identifies content gaps compared to competitors and provides tailored, GPT-generated copy for your site. With no technical setup required, RivalFlow AI is user-friendly and enhances content quality for better Google rankings. It stands out by offering a straightforward, risk-free SEO strategy, perfect for boosting your website’s performance. Simply enter a URL and RivalFlow […]



Kahubi is an AI assistant that helps researchers write, read, and analyze more effectively. It enables you to draft parts of papers, summarize text, do lit reviews, rewrite content, and more. Kahubi can also identify research gaps and proofread your inputted text for correlations and insights. It supports transcribing interviews, coding with AI, and chatting […]



Product teams use Validly to gain deep insights from continuous user interviews 10x faster. The tool automates recruitment and scheduling, generates discussion guides, facilitates video interviews, and uses AI to extract insights from call transcripts. Validly can be used to help quickly identify patterns and trends in user feedback, making it easier to develop and […]


The ’80s Multi-Processor System That Never Was

Until the early 2000s, the computer processors available on the market were essentially all single-core chips. There were some niche layouts that used multiple processors on the same board for improved parallel operation, and it wasn’t until the POWER4 processor from IBM in 2001 and later things like the AMD Opteron and Intel Pentium D that we got multi-core processors. If things had gone just slightly differently with this experimental platform, though, we might have had multi-processor systems available for general use as early as the 80s instead of two decades later.

The team behind this chip were from the University of Califorina, Berkeley, a place known for such other innovations as RAID, BSD, SPICE, and some of the first RISC processors. This processor architecture would be based on RISC as well, and would be known as Symbolic Processing Using RISC. It was specially designed to integrate with the Lisp programming language but its major feature was a set of parallel processors with a common bus that allowed for parallel operations to be computed at a much greater speed than comparable systems at the time. The use of RISC also allowed a smaller group to develop something like this, and although more instructions need to be executed they can often be done faster than other architectures.

The linked article from [Babbage] goes into much more detail about the architecture of the system as well as some of the things about UC Berkeley that made projects like this possible in the first place. It’s a fantastic deep-dive into a piece of somewhat obscure computing history that, had it been more commercially viable, could have changed the course of computing. Berkeley RISC did go on to have major impacts in other areas of computing and was a significant influence on the SPARC system as well.


Coframe is an AI-based website A/B testing tool that can be used as a copywriter, frontend developer, and UX researcher. The platform lets you input your website URL and analyze it for possible improvements, such as higher converting copy. Coframe persistently analyzes your site for optimization, letting you easily compare between results. The tool is […]


Julius AI

Julius is an AI data analysis tool that helps you visualize, analyze, and get insights from all kinds of data. With Julius, you can simply upload your spreadsheets and databases and then ask questions or give instructions in plain English. It works great for visualization and creating graphs, charts, and other graphic elements to represent […]



Olvy is a feedback management tool designed for user-centric product teams. It can be used to help track, analyze, and act on user feedback, enabling you and your team to ship products faster and smoother while keeping everyone in the loop. With Olvy’s AI Copilot powered by OpenAI and GPT-4, product managers can gain deep […]


Implantable Battery Charges Itself

Battery technology is the major limiting factor for the large-scale adoption of electric vehicles and grid-level energy storage. Marginal improvements have been made for lithium cells in the past decade but the technology has arguably been fairly stagnant, at least on massive industrial scales. At smaller levels there have been some more outside-of-the-box developments for things like embedded systems and, at least in the case of this battery that can recharge itself, implantable batteries for medical devices.

The tiny battery uses sodium and gold for the anode and cathode, and takes oxygen from the body to complete the chemical reaction. With a virtually unlimited supply of oxygen available to it, the battery essentially never needs to be replaced or recharged. In lab tests, it took a bit of time for the implant site to heal before there was a reliable oxygen supply, though, but once healing was complete the battery’s performance leveled off.

Currently the tiny batteries have only been tested in rats as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate the chemistry and electricity generation capabilities, but there didn’t appear to be any adverse consequences. Technology like this could be a big improvement for implanted devices like pacemakers if it can scale up, and could even help fight diseases and improve healing times. For some more background on implantable devices, [Dan Maloney] catches us up on the difficulties of building and powering replacement hearts for humans.


Osum is an AI-powered market research and insights tool that delivers instant analysis on any company or product. Simply enter a product or business URL and Osum’s algorithms give you instant access to detailed research, SWOT analysis, buyer personas, growth opportunities and more for any product or business at the push of a button, so […]

