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A Git based Notes app for Android with Markdown support and more! - It's also FOSS (fr this time)

Hello everyone!


I have been working on a Markdown based, git synced notes app for android. Skipping any bs, here are the features that u can explore rn (albeit without polish):

  • Git based syncing (clone over https, pull, add (staging and unstaging), commit and push implemented)

  • Allowing storage of repositories on external storage (fr this time)

  • Markdown rendering supported, opening files in other apps supported using intent framework

  • Multiple repos supported by default

  • MIT license, no hidden subscription/donations... its FOSS (fr this time).

Here's what I have planned for the near future (if there is demand):

  • Customizing the way markdown looks and feels, from font to its color, size, weight, style, etc.

  • A polished ui with pretty animations.

  • Support for sharing, converting and editing files (not just markdown)

  • SSH support

  • Using GitHub auth and something similar on GitLab for easy cloning and stuff.

Here are some more ideas that are just ideas (I have no clue how I will implement them or unsure if it will be of any use):

  • Potentially add support for a pen based input using a tab/drawing pad. (for now onenote files can be used maybe?)

  • Let each repo have a .{app name} folder with various configuration files, these files could have app settings in them. This means, for example you can have the apps theme change for different repos.

I hear you ask the name of the app?

GitNotes or MarGitDown... I am not sure yet, suggestions are welcome!

Here is the GitHub link if you find this project interesting!

Feel free to ask for any more information.

submitted by /u/Most-Net-8102
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