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Looking for a Lightweight Self-Hosted Automatic YouTube Downloader – TubeSync Feels Bloated

I'm looking for a specific self-hosted service or application that allows me to manage a list of YouTube channels with individual configurations. The ideal tool should:

  • Poll YT API or listen to the RSS feeds of the specified YouTube channels.
  • Automatically download new videos as soon as they're released to a predefined folder.
  • Save metadata (thumbnails, descriptions, etc.) so I can view them in Jellyfin.
  • Have a minimalistic UI, or even no UI at all, I'm comfortable modifying config files manually.

I tried TubeSync but really didn't like it at all. Building a custom solution sounds like a fun weekend project, but before I dive in, I wanted to check if there are any existing self-hosted services apart from TubeSync that can accomplish this.

Does anyone know of a tool that fits these requirements?

submitted by /u/StackerCoding
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