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15k hand-curated portrait images of "a woman"

From the dataset page:


All images have a woman in them, solo, at APPROXIMATELY 2:3 aspect ratio. (and at least 1200 px in length)
Some are just a little wider, not taller. Therefore, they are safe to auto crop to 2:3

These images are HUMAN CURATED. I have personally gone through every one at least once.

Additionally, there are no visible watermarks, the quality and focus are good, and it should not be confusing for AI training

There should be a little over 15k images here.

Note that there is a wide variety of body sizes, from size 0, to perhaps size 18

There are also THREE choices of captions: the really bad "alt text", then a natural language summary using the "moondream" model, and then finally a tagged style using the wd-large-tagger-v3 model.

submitted by /u/lostinspaz
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