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Ayer — 27 Junio 2024IT And Programming

I need to find a solution for sharing family photos!

I need to find a solution for sharing family photos!

Hi all,

I do not want to reinvent the wheel, but I am trying to find a solution for sharing pictures among family members, while saving storage space on these devices.

Often I need to "reorganize" the devices of parents and other due to a load of pictures here and there. Finally I got people used to working with albumns in their phones, therefore I am thinking about the following:


  • I need a solution for both Android and Iphone.
  • Pictures are always structured in albums, to make it easier to manage.
  • Uploading apps: I am successfully using FolderSync in android devices to upload Albums to an old DreamHost account that I have. I am using more than 300gb already for 2 android devices (pictures and videos), therefore storage in VPS is not an option. Q1) While I am happy with this, would anyone recommend a different solution?
  • What about Iphones? Q2) I am not an user and have searched for options whithout testing any alternative. Would anyone recommend user-friendly apps for non-advanced users? (I can set them up myself if routines can in the background, without user input).

Storage Box and file upload:

  • I have been using SFTP to my DH account, where lots of space is available. But I do not want to rely on this solution long term. Therefore I am thinking about getting a storage box, such as the ones offered by Hetzner.
  • The idea is to send media files to the box, freeing space in the users' phone.
  • Original files stay there in a "to be consumed" folder.


  • My VPS will then be used to process the images and videos, to reduce size/quality. The goal here is to keep a decent quality for phones (mainly) and laptops. Full quality is not needed so that storage space can be saved. I believe I can implement this routines using python. Q3) Any good recommendations or existing github projects that would simplify my journey?
  • After processing the images, I plan to either dump the original files but allow for an optional cold storage, that would be accessed if someone needs higher resolution media "from that specific event" when grandpa gathered everyone together ;)
  • The VPS should also run a simple media gallery. I think Immich or Photoprism would be an overkill. I have tried Piwigo some time ago and was happy with it. Pixelfed looks interesting for an instagram-like approach, but users have to post file by file, which is not what I want. Q4) Any different recommendations?

Back to phone:

  • Users would need to be able to access their own albums but also other family member's ones as well.
  • I even considered using a simple File Explorer, but perhaps I can find better options??? If would be amazing if the selfhosted gallery is already providing mobile apps.

Am I making this too complicated? What am I missing? Can you save me? haha I just need peace of mind with family and their phones.

submitted by /u/burd001
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How much do you guys trust built-in backblaze B2 encryption?

Hey y'all,

Just configured rclone with Backblaze B2. I'm backing up immich (photos and videos) and proxmox lxc to two different buckets with encryption enabled at bucket level (not encrypted from client).

My question: How much do you guys trust backblaze?

Should I consider encrypting files at client before backing them to backblaze?

Open for a healthy arguments.

submitted by /u/the_matrix_hyena
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How's my backup strategy?

I've got a Synology NAS that hosts all my docker containers for things like Immich, Paperless, Jellyfin, CalDAV, Seafile etc.

Obviously its vital to me I don't lose my Contacts, Calendar, Photos, Documents etc. My personal files total 100GB at the moment (mostly Photos).

I'd rather not lose my Jellyfin media but realistically I could just download it again and as its 5.5TB and growing, I don't think there's a cost effective way to back that up to the cloud.

Currently, Hyper Backup uploads my /docker folder (contains all the databases and config for the containers) every other night to a Backblaze B2 bucket. A max of 5 copies are kept, to keep the bucket under 500GB or $3 a month. My Home Assistant also backs up to another bucket every night, but this is only 1GB so I keep up to 30 copies.

Once a week, I have my /docker folder sync to Proton Drive via RClone, since I have 500GB free storage on there which I don't use. My upload speed is quite bad (40Mb max) so I don't want these backups to happen nightly as they're quite often still going in the morning when I wake up.

One thing I was thinking about is getting a second cheap NAS to sit at my parent's house. If I put 16TB in there I could give them 6TB which is more than enough and keep 10TB for myself to backup my media and personal files again. It's a lot of money up front but may well be worth it. It also gives me another Tailscale exit node.

Another thing I was thinking is setting up an old Pixel with Syncthing to upload everything to Google Photos without hitting storage caps, but I have been trying to completely degoogle everything for privacy reasons so I may have to resist the temptation of free unlimited photo storage.

submitted by /u/No_Tart_1619
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Is it reasonable to selfhost if you're bandwidth limited by ISP

I am new to selfhosting and currently prefer it much more than buying a VPS or using a cloud service; having 100% control over my hardware specifications and permissions makes me just feel safer. While right now I have it currently just hosting a simple game server for my friends, I do want to expand it to other things, such as hosting a website and a small database.

However, I have currently run into the issue where I have reached the bandwidth limits provided by my ISP, which is a surprise to me, since I didn't expect to hit it, but once I've opened the server this month, it is the first time I've received a warning about it.

Only trusted people have access to my server, so I am fairly certain that I just underestimated the amount of traffic that there would be in and out, but I am now wary if selfhosting for my other ideas is possible if I get bandwidth limited so fast.

If bandwidth limitations is a very strong barrier to selfhosting, what are alternatives/services that you guys recommend?


submitted by /u/dern123
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Downgrade Plex docker version?

Hi everybody!

I am running a Plex server on my Synology DS224+. Because I wanted to activate HDR tone mapping hardware decoding, I started using docker to run Plex.
However, there seems to be a problem with latest Plex server versions.

That's why I decided to change my docker compose file to downgrade Plex to v1.40.2 as advised on this thread .
I tried both and rebuilt the image after saving: 

But unfortunately, neither seem to have worked. According to Plex, I am still running

Am I missing anything?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/BattermanZ
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SMTP relay that allows wildcard subdomains

My ISP unexpectedly stopped permitting SMTP relay of non-ISP domain names, after 22 years.

I have a wildcard subdomain MX entry in my DNS, such that sending/receiving * are valid.

I do this so I can email from a email address, say []( , tailored to the recipient. Great for knowing who leaks my email address, and can even create a MX record for that subdomain and point it to so the spam never even gets to me if I wish.

So now I'm looking for a low volume STMP relay service, that will of course verify I own my domain name, but doesn't require me to manually add each subdomain (of which there are countless).

Any recommendations?


edit: only looking for outbound relay - I'd still be receiving/hosting inbound directly.

submitted by /u/incomingone
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Exploiting web-based e-readers with malicious ebooks

Hi r/selfhosted!

I've posted in the past about security topics related to self-hosted applications.

This time I wondered what would happen if I put malicious scripts inside EPUBs and displayed them with several popular applications (Kavita, Audiobookshelf and Jellyfin among others).

I was able to escalate to code execution on the server / host itself in some cases, while stealing session tokens or private data in others.

Because scripting capabilities are an official part of the EPUB specification, developers face the challenge of either disallowing them or providing a safe sandbox for script execution.

The result is an article that discusses the underlying problem, case studies (with demos), the feasibility of distributing malicious ebooks and solutions to the problem.

Maybe it's of interest to some of you. :^)

Here's the article.

submitted by /u/GEBIRGE
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Off-Site Backup/Redundancy

This may be a better question for r/datahoarding, however, most answers I get from there tend to be much higher scale than I'm at.

I have a small self hosted setup along side my personal phone backups to my NAS, including:

  • HASS
  • Paperless-ngx
  • NGINX proxy manager
  • Mealie
  • Homebox

Wondering what the best option for backup/redundancy is? I currently have an RTRR backup setup for all my critical files to an offsite NAS (old one that wasn't dead yet) that runs once every 6 hours (off-site has a monthly data-cap so can't do live) Are there better options of an off-site, self hosted, backup?

submitted by /u/happyjackassiam
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Looking for knowledge managment application

I am looking for an application where I can save images, website-links, pdfs, X(twitter) messages and so on with tags so I can find them later. Ideally this would also work from smartphone (maybe as a target for a "sharing to social networks or whatsapp button" you have everywhere).

Later I would want to find the data snippets using tags and a good search on text.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/Rserbitar
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Best way to add storage to a mini pc?

I recently ordered a GMKTec NucBox G3 with an Intel N100 and will order 32GB of ram for it.

For now I will use an external 256GB SSD and install proxmox onto it, however, I want to add media storage. I have a 2TB hard drive full of media + a 480GB SATA SSD also full. I want to buy a 4TB NAS drive for it and move everything from those 2 drives to that.

How would you go about adding storage? An external HDD case? An NVME to SATA controller? I want some suggestions.

submitted by /u/SplatinkGR
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Jellyfin needs to be owner of library? With lidarr and proxmox.

I'm trying to give my proxmox server some media library capabilities and struggling to get some of the details right.

My intent is to lock down file permissions as tightly as reasonably possible to prevent other issues down the road (such as accidental deletion of media or conflicts from jellyfin and Arr each trying to constantly fix the other's metadata). What I would like is for Arr suite to fetch and update metadata for media that I own across separate libraries for music, video, etc. To minimize crosstalk and user errors, I was thinking it would be nice to give Jellyfin read-only group access to each.

For example, lidarr unpriviliged LXC gets /data/music as lxc.mount.entry from the host, chowned as lidarr:lidarr. A separate Jellyfin unpriviliged LXC gets the same mount, and the jellyfin user is a member of group Lidarr. I would hope to replicate across other ARRs as well, for the same jellyfin instance. In my docker compose, I specified uid:gid corresponding to jellyfin:jellyfin.

In practice, this simply did not work. Jellyfin was not able to scan the library until I chowned the library to jellyfin:jellyfin - after which it worked immediately and my media started populating into the Jellyfin library, but it messed up things for my other LXCs, including lidarr and the samba share I use to manage files.

Do any of you have a setup similar to what I'm trying to achieve, or some insight into where I've gone wrong?

submitted by /u/verticalfuzz
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Is Focalboard actually dead, or is it feature-complete and not affected by the halted development?

With no new development expected for Focalboard, and the community unable to continue due to lack of familiarity with the codebase, what missing features or annoying nuisances should I expect if I choose to use Focalboard?

submitted by /u/dewise
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Job Hunting Helper?

Hey all,

I've been thinking of job hunting a bit lately and want a system to help keep me organized. In the past, I've created a database using LibreOffice Base, but it's tedious to design and implement (may as well just write a full python+JS app).

Recently I found and installed Monica CRM, but it doesn't seem particularly suited for the task. I mean, I could add companies as "People" and just tag them that way, and add contacts as other people, marking their parent company entry as the "Boss". It's definitely better than what I'd written before, but ... I'm wondering what you would do.

I've got medium experience building from source, recently learned podman, and have a server with a few other installs already.

What do you recommend?

submitted by /u/brothatscool
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What's your preferred internal certificate authority solution?

I've used Windows Server for PKI (way overkill), I've used FreeNAS, I've used OpenSSL at the command line. I'm looking for a better solution that isn't tied to LetsEncrypt, as I want it to be a fully internal CA. I'll probably run it in its own encrypted VM that will remain powered off 99% of the time once I've issued my certs, so I'm not looking to run it in a container.

Anyone got a good relatively simple web UI solution?

submitted by /u/eclectic_spaceman
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Is it time to consider forking Vtiger?

Been evaluating several crm which can be hosted on-prem in private cloud environment and for the purpose and needs that I have, it felt that Vtiger was a good choice. Until I started to take a deep dive into the community edition and how well the online commuity forum was working (or lack of it...) But, it seems likely that Vtiger will go fully commercial sooner or later based on how they're more or less hidding away the community edition of Vtiger including that their online support forum is almost deserted, and there's little effort to keep it active, which is unfortunate.

Given this situation, is it time to consider forking Vtiger to revive its user base and community? This would, of course, depend on whether there is enough support from both the user base and developers, as this can't be a one-person effort. It's truly a pity that a platform initially driven by the community is becoming more closed-source with minimal updates.

Just thinking out loud here to see if there is an interest in yet another fork of a CRM system.

submitted by /u/tchsrrctusr
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Problem with Reverse Proxy Setup

Problem with Reverse Proxy Setup


I’m desperately needing some advises here…

I’m very new to self-hosting, going through learning while doing, doing while learning cycle.

This illustration shows my current setup. I’m trying to create a reverse proxy for Nextcloud under domain. With this setup, I’m facing issue with Nextcloud installation where it keeps giving me an error of “Domain does not point to this container or your reverse proxy is setup incorrectly…”

PC2 is running TrueNAS with cloudflare tunnel without an issue. I’m trying to learn the reverse proxy thing so that I can move on with media contents apps/services.

I’ve followed all the steps based on a YouTube tutorial here:

I’m stuck now. I redo everything for the Jail-Docker-Dockge-NGINX-CloudflareDDNS-Nextcloud container things..multiple times..end up to the same error.

Please help me out here..very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Icy_Ideal_6994
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self-hosting private email newsletter

hi folks,

First apology if somebody has already asked this. Please let me know link and be good :)

I am building a website and want to integrate the private email listed. I came across ConvertKit, Beehiiv and Mailerlite. Although Beehiiv is free for 2500 subscribers, I found it expensive for 5k subscribers compared to Mailerlite.

Although Beehiiv is free for 2500 subscribers, I found it expensive for 5k subscribers compared to Mailerlite. I only intend to send article links. I don't have any products. So, what happens when your audience crosses the 1k or 2500 mark? I cannot afford to pay these guys, but I am still looking to send a monthly newsletter to my audience.

I have private email list of 2000. I don't need a fancy template. I am happy to send a plain email with hyperlinks.

I host my website on vultr with WordPress. I don't have hands on experience with database but how difficult would it be to self host private newsletter? What's the best approach?

I welcome your input.


submitted by /u/cacid46
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