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Ayer — 30 Junio 2024Salida Principal

Here's my new app process/flow from DEV to PROD. What processes/flows do you have in place?

Here's my new app process/flow from DEV to PROD. What processes/flows do you have in place?

Documentation, organization and following standardization in a homelab is really important. When I started, I was over-excited with everything and did not have a standardize way of doing things, resulting in a lot of frustration when things went wrong.

Over the course of the last few months, I put in place processes for backups, testing backups, updating Proxmox, Firewall, VMs/docker, monitoring etc. with the appropriate documentation. One such process is the one attached in the diagram reflecting my process of a new app from DEV to PROD.

Opening the discussion, especially for new comers that might find such things useful, what are your processes and flows that you have build to help you out and better your experience?

submitted by /u/Big-Edge2297
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2FAuth is a self-hosted solution which is legitimately better than every alternative

2FAuth is a self hosted web application for your two factor authentication codes. It's easy to use and setup. But more importantly, it's one of the few instances where the self hosted solution is way better than every alternative on offer.

Comparison with alternatives


2FAuth Authy
Private Questionable practices
Little risk of being hacked if you're accessing it through tunneling tools like Tailscale, and not opening it to the internet Authy has been hacked multiple times in the past
No question of syncing/data waiting to be synced Data is synced to their servers (encrypted)
No nasty user-hostile Twitch-Authy tie ups All kinds of nonsense
Open source Closed source, with history of being hacked
Available anywhere you have access to a web browser No desktop app


2FAuth 2FAS
Available anywhere you have access to a web browser Access to mobile app is a must even for use on the desktop (desktop browser extension can't work without mobile app)
Very easy to use UI (Personal opinion) The Android app is prone to lags and freezes even on a OnePlus with 16 GB RAM
Data under your control While you can sync to cloud services with encryption, GitHub issues exist about letting users have access to a better form of encryption

Aegis Authenticator

(Aegis is genuinely a good app. Please use it if it works for you.)

2FAuth Aegis
Data is under your control Proper no-nonsense encryption
No need for syncing No syncing (a cost of privacy)
Available everywhere you have access to a web browser No desktop application

Links to 2FAuth


Link to view sample docker-compose.yml

(P.S. - I'm not the developer.)

submitted by /u/Fearless-Pie-1058
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How do you deal with Infrastructure as a Code?

The question is mainly for those who are using an IaC approach, where you can (relatively) easily recover your environment from scratch (apart from using backups). And only for simple cases, when you have a physical machine in your house, no cloud.

What is your approach? K8s/helm charts? Ansible? Hell of bash scripts? Your own custom solution?

I'm trying Ansible right now:

But I'm a bit struggling with keeping it from becoming a mess. And since I came from strict static typisation world, using just a YAML with linter hurts my soul and makes me anxious 😅 Sometimes I need to fight with wish of writing a Kotlin DSL for writing YAML files for me, but I want just a reliable working home server with covering edge cases, not another pet-project to maintain 🥲

submitted by /u/FckngModest
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Best self-hosted backup soulution.

Best self-hosted backup soulution.

Hi, I am trying to find best backup soultions for my backup scenarion below. What would you recommend? There can be multiple backup soulutions / software for different task like backing up dotfiles or photos. My only criteria is that has to be hosted on docker and have linux client.

submitted by /u/GamenaitCZ
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Docmost: Open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software

Hi all, I hope you are having a great weekend.

Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.

I have been working on it for the past 12 months. This is the first public release (beta). I would love to hear your feedback.

The rich-text editor has support for real-time collaboration, LaTex, inline comments, tables, and callouts to name a few.

Collaborative real-time editor
Spaces (Teamspace)
User permissions
Page history
Nested pages
File attachments

You can find screenshots of the product on the website.


I hope it meets your self-hosted needs.

fun fact: I created the u/savevideo reddit bot.

submitted by /u/Kryptonh
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How do you prefer learning about updates for your self-hosted tools?

Hey selfhosters,

I’m the creator of the Open Source newsletter tool Keila and I’m currently thinking about how to communicate new releases to people who self-host.

So I’m curious to hear from you all: What is your preferred way of receiving the information that an update is available for a tool you’re self-hosting? Do you have examples where you think this is well done, or examples where you dislike the implementation?

What I’m currently considering is to add a feature that automatically fetches the update feed and then displays a dismissable update message (with a changelog) to admin users.

submitted by /u/wmnnd
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STRATO just blocked my domain

A week ago i bought my domain from STRATO to use my selfhosted services behind a domainname that points via dnydns to my homenetwork reverse proxy manager.

Yesterday i received an email that my domain has been blocked due to payment failure or termination of the contract. I did not do anything. They received the payment via paypal.

So i called the support hotline just to find out, that their system tagged my domain as „fake domain“ or „fake buy“. The support guy told me thats because my domain name consists of numbers and letters. (My lastname wasnt avaiable so i mixed it with numbers, just like hello to h3ll0). They now created a ticket that my domain will get unblocked.

Im very annoyed. Plus i cant access my STRATO account anymore.

submitted by /u/xFizZi18
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Dell IDRAC Fan control

Dell IDRAC Fan control


I was looking for a way to control the fans on my Dell R730XD and did not find what I was looking for, so I decided to try my hand at creating my own tool. This is my first attempt at a docker container and bash script so any feedback is welcome. 😁

submitted by /u/Pdiddy9733
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Reddit/wiki like for my city

Hello !
I would like to deploy a lightweight (with docker compose support) service that allows people from my city to post links and edit a wiki for different topics (best restaurants, news, events, etc). Ideally with a weekly digest of what happened during the week sent by email.
I stumbled upon Lemmy but the fediverse feature seems overkill.

Who tried something that could fit?

Thanks !

submitted by /u/Turbulent_Literature
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How to forward pushover notifications to email?

So, I have set up Pushover to receive notifications from my server whenever there is an issue. Pushover works well.

However, I would like to also receive the same notification in my private e-mail address to not entirely rely on having a phone.

Is there a (hidden) setting from Pushover that allows me to also forward the notifications to a specific e-mail?

I'd like to avoid sending the e-mail directly as GMail is quite strict with the spam filters and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

submitted by /u/jormaig
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Looking for help finding a Photo Sharing Service/Software

I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit to post this on, I also already posted on and r/DataHoarder , but since this is a subreddit for storage, I thought I would try my luck here;

I'm looking for help finding the perfect service to share my photos (as an experienced amateur photographer) with friends, family, and clients. For the past few weeks, I've been researching cloud storage/sharing software.

I've been using Amazon Photos (unlimited with Prime, 3 euros for me!) up until now and it has a few caveats I can no longer escape:

-Limited video storage (I know I can pay for more, but I'd rather pay for software that can store most file types for a photographer like .dng .nef .jpg .mov, etc).

-Crappy UI: It's easy to organize files but going through them can be a pain on Amazon

-Most importantly, Sharing Capabilities: It's buggy and laggy, tough to access when opening by phone, and users can't really make selections without it f*cking up completely.

I don't need it necessarily for storage; I have hard drives (and Amazon Photos) for that.

I need it to share thousands of RAW photos with friends or family after a vacation so that they can go through them and select photos they might want to have. I would then be able to see which files they selected and send them an edited JPG at the end.

I also shoot events on a voluntary basis (I've been paid a little here and there, but for now, I do it mainly to gain experience): After editing a few thousand photos, I want to be able to share them with the 'clients', who can then download the photos they prefer hassle-free and easily.

This means that the service would need to have RAW file previewing compatibility (thumbnails) and either allow users to favorite the images they like or select them for downloading.

Therefore, I've been looking at a multitude of services, and today I find myself with a few options (still open to others):

-WeTransfer: The free version is great for sharing files, though with the paid version, I have enough storage for multiple groups to access files for a longer period of time (lord knows friends and family like to come back to old albums from previous trips, etc), and there's this feature they have called portals? It seems like it somehow fits into what I was talking about above, where individuals can make their selections. If anyone has experience with that and even how to simplify the process with transfer, I'd be all ears.

-IceDrive: This particular cloud storage service caught my attention (rather than pCloud, iDrive, or others) because of the 1. friendly UI, making it easier for someone less tech-adept to look through photos, 2. many sharing capabilities that seem like they could work, 3. lifetime storage possibility- so that if I feel it is a service id be willing to use for years, I can just buy storage as I go and not have to worry about it, and 4. I can see thumbnails for RAW files!! (this really is important as I don't want to convert 3000 or so photos into jpg just so my friends can pick the photos they like before I go back to the RAW version to edit them and then re-send edited jpegs -> it would make more sense to just select the RAW files they want to be edited and then I send them the edited jpegs.)

-Drive/Google Photos: I used to use this when they had the unlimited photo storage option, but I have since been shooting RAW, and their services feel somehow not worth the premium. Nonetheless, they are leading in the industry, so I would never rule them out, especially since the other options I've been looking at aren't as renowned.

-Lightroom/Creative Cloud 1TB storage: I pay for this regardless, so I could use it, but I don't have much experience with how sharing files works here, especially when it comes to sharing files that haven't been edited yet.

Flickr: There is no RAW compatibility; otherwise, it could be a great deal. This makes me consider converting my raw files to JPGs every time, but at the same time, it really is a lot of time spent on friend trips or non-paying events.

Let me know if you need more info; I seem to have blurted it all out randomly and unorganizedly.

submitted by /u/Aquivry
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audio server with live capability

I currently have my speakers connected to a small amp which connects to my desktop PC by USB (dual boots Arch & Windows). I also run proxmox on a mini PC with a bunch of containers for Jellyfin, linux iso acquisition etc.

I would like to be able to play music without booting the desktop PC, but not have to swap cables around when I do want to play games or watch videos on the desktop (mostly Windows). The amp has other inputs (Bluetooth, analogue) but I'd rather avoid manually changing inputs, for example if I have been playing a game but am now in the kitchen, I would like to put some music on from my phone without going back to the lounge. The desktop PC, mini PC, and amp are all on the same desk at the moment.

I think the solution is plugging the amp directly in to the mini PC, and then solving two problems

  1. Setting up an audio device on Windows that pipes output to the mini PC
  2. Setting up one or more containers on Proxmox to play music

For the first problem, ChatGPT suggested I install and connect pulseaudio on both proxmox and Windows, and a bit of Windows software I've never heard of called VB-Cable.

I'm wondering if anyone has experience that can offer suggestions or point out any gotchas, before I get into it? If I can pass through the USB easily enough, I would prefer to make a separate container for pulseaudio rather than installing and configuring anything direct on the Proxmox host.

For the second problem, what recommendations do you good folk have for the media playing container/s? I have a library of MP3s. I have a spotify account. I'd love to do both through a single container but this may be a big ask. I think most media servers are set up in a way that streams audio to a client, rather than what I am looking for which is to play music from the server, but controlled from the client. Perhaps the answer there is just to selfhost a spotify client, which I can control from spotify on my phone.

Edit to add sorry: I know the first problem in particular isn't really "selfhosted" per se, and thought about posting to r/Proxmox instead, but I don't think it's really a proxmox problem, and a bit more in the wheelhouse of some of your minds than a basic tech support forum.

submitted by /u/kubota9963
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Creating my first Webserver in a VM and transferring it to a separate (physical Machine) later on, how do I do that ? Can I use MacOS as Server OS ? (Docker, Backups, what is and isn't a good idea ?)

So i am planning to create a server to run a few different services.
That would be:

  • Apache
  • vBulletin
  • MediaWiki
  • An IRC Server
  • An IRC Bot
  • Maybe one or two php scripts (once I know what that is) - essentially being forms that turn the input into an HTML Character sheet.
  • The dependencies (php + MySQL)

I don't plan on installing SSH, as with my life, as it looks like, will likely never put me in a position where I would have to or be able to remotely access the server and couldn't wait the, at worst, 8ish hours til I get home to fix it.

There are however a bunch of things I am unsure about/still have trouble with:

When installing Ubuntu Server, I can set a Nameserver and search domains - I do think I know what they do, but do I need to set them on a server ? I am fine with using just whichever for now and don't need a particular one.

What advantages does Docker have ? I do understand that it separates programs from each other like a VM would, without the need to have separate OSes, but do I really need that for a web server ?

I am looking for a time-machine like back-up solution for this server. As in, I plug in a hard drive, hit back up and should the server ever die, I just pull it out, plug it into the new one and hit recover, bringing the server back from the dead as if nothing ever happened.
Now I've researched this a bit already and it seems like this would require two solutions as Timeshift, the most popular option, backs up the system, but not the userdata or the other way around and to get what time-machine does you essentially need a certain file system and two softwares and it's by far not as simple as Time-Machine.
Is there an easy way to solve this?

Which does however also bring me to my last question.
Couldn't I just use MacOS for the server ?
APache, MySQL and php all do have MacOS versions and even if they did not, I could still just set up a VM on the Mac and get all the advantages from Time Machine, allowing me to back up and recover my server without much trouble.
And a Mac mini (M1, 8Cores, 8GB of Ram, 256GB Storage) is 400 bucks refurbished. Twice as much as I wanted to spend, but it also has twice as many cores as the S100 I was initially eyeing and comes with a build in remote access solution. And I think for the tasks at hand, it's more than enough power. Not only that but other than the S100 I could also use it for other tasks should I ever decide that the project isn't worth it anymore.

Edit: When installed on the VM the Webserver is meant to be only accessible from within the Network to allow me to set up forum and wiki before going online. Once transferred to the physical machine, it’s meant to be accessible from the outside.

submitted by /u/shouldworknotbehere
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Self hosted platform for creating embeddable web "apps"?

I'm looking for a web app builder that I can self-host on my own server.

My main goal is to create objects, primarily data visualizations, that can be easily embedded on another website. The elements I have in mind range from simple charts to more interactive web elements.

Does anyone know of any suitable tools or platforms that could help me achieve this? I’d prefer something that is user-friendly but also offers enough flexibility for customization.

An important requirement would be the ability to connect to an external database where I'm currently managing my data. Then wrap that in an SDK (etc) for embedding into the actual frontend.

Thanks in advance for your recommendations!

submitted by /u/danielrosehill
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Authentik Issues

because i am dumb and borked by docker Host OS because... resons..

I'm Having an issue after restoring a backup. Using the process outlined in the authentik documentation

It seemed to have worked and now doesn't, with the exception of browsers i'm already authenticated via authy to (those will forward requests and authenticate as expected. But in a new browser or device I get this gibberish.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <title> authentik </title> <link rel="icon" href="/static/dist/assets/icons/icon.png"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/dist/assets/icons/icon.png"> <link rel="prefetch" href="/static/dist/assets/images/flow_background.jpg" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/dist/patternfly.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/dist/theme-dark.css" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"> <script> window.authentik = { locale: "en-us", config: JSON.parse(''), brand: JSON.parse(''), versionFamily: "", versionSubdomain: "", build: "", }; window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { }); </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/dist/authentik.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/dist/custom.css" data-inject> <script src="/static/dist/poly.js?version=2024.2.2" type="module"></script> <script src="/static/dist/standalone/loading/index.js?version=2024.2.2" type="module"></script> <style> :root { --ak-flow-background: url("/static/dist/assets/images/flow_background.jpg"); --pf-c-background-image--BackgroundImage: var(--ak-flow-background); --pf-c-background-image--BackgroundImage-2x: var(--ak-flow-background); --pf-c-background-image--BackgroundImage--sm: var(--ak-flow-background); --pf-c-background-image--BackgroundImage--sm-2x: var(--ak-flow-background); --pf-c-background-image--BackgroundImage--lg: var(--ak-flow-background); } /* Form with user */ .form-control-static { margin-top: var(--pf-global--spacer--sm); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } .form-control-static .avatar { display: flex; align-items: center; } .form-control-static img { margin-right: var(--pf-global--spacer--xs); } .form-control-static a { padding-top: var(--pf-global--spacer--xs); padding-bottom: var(--pf-global--spacer--xs); line-height: var(--pf-global--spacer--xl); } </style> <meta name="sentry-trace" content="4b188e98703f4784a2b796f34f6413fa-855d4301460b111f-0" /> </head> <body> <div class="pf-c-background-image"> </div> <ak-message-container></ak-message-container> <div class="pf-c-login stacked"> <div class="ak-login-container"> <main class="pf-c-login__main"> <div class="pf-c-login__main-header pf-c-brand ak-brand"> <img src="/static/dist/assets/icons/icon_left_brand.svg" alt="authentik Logo" /> </div> <header class="pf-c-login__main-header"> <h1 class="pf-c-title pf-m-3xl"> Server Error </h1> </header> <div class="pf-c-login__main-body"> <form method="POST" class="pf-c-form"> <p></p> <a id="ak-back-home" href="/" class="pf-c-button pf-m-primary"> Go home </a> </form> </div> </main> <footer class="pf-c-login__footer"> <ul class="pf-c-list pf-m-inline"> <li> <a href=""> Powered by authentik </a> </li> </ul> </footer> </div> </div> </body> </html> 
submitted by /u/sid3ff3ct
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