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AnteayerIT And Programming

Self hosted platform for creating embeddable web "apps"?

I'm looking for a web app builder that I can self-host on my own server.

My main goal is to create objects, primarily data visualizations, that can be easily embedded on another website. The elements I have in mind range from simple charts to more interactive web elements.

Does anyone know of any suitable tools or platforms that could help me achieve this? I’d prefer something that is user-friendly but also offers enough flexibility for customization.

An important requirement would be the ability to connect to an external database where I'm currently managing my data. Then wrap that in an SDK (etc) for embedding into the actual frontend.

Thanks in advance for your recommendations!

submitted by /u/danielrosehill
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Best admin area / CRUD builder with the most active user community?

Hi everyone,

I've been exploring the interesting world of low-code CRUD builders lately and using them to create custom backends.

I think they're all pretty great.

I've already built one to help my non profit's office be a bit more "managed", another for organising chores, one more for logging business expenses, and one for helping a relative to create an inventory of a historical book collection. They're strangely addictive!

I'm wary, however, of getting too deep into any one of the many SaaS tools out there because it seems very easy to create a huge technical dependency on one vendor's code-base. Even the ones who currently offer self-hosted options: what's stopping them from one day deciding that they don't want to do that any more? For that reason, I tend to think that going with a robust open source project is actually the better strategic move.

I'm fairly technically literate and have a spare VPS or three on Hetzner to play around with.

Are there any of the projects that stand out as being particularly robust, well-supported, and with an active userbase? I think that having a built in database is a huge plus too as it simplifies setup greatly so that would be a big plus.

Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/danielrosehill
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