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Ayer — 3 Julio 2024IT And Programming

My server keeps becoming unreachable and I can't understand why

My server keeps becoming unreachable and I can't understand why

This seems to be kind of a real problem so let's state :

(This server is a home-made one)

  • I self-host all my services with docker except for caddy
  • Got four working HDD drives attached via SATA I think
  • Works using ethernet and my pi-hole as dns
  • Can not at all use a display

So, the issue I'm having is :

The server works for a few days, then randomly becomes unaccessible via ssh or any web port or anything really BUT continues seems to continue running cause ethernet green LED is still on et and "power on button" still on too.

After restarting, it usually resolves the problem but sometimes, it doesn't and I have to turn off the psu, wait a few hours or a day, and then it runs normally until it breaks again.

I'm not a linux professionnal so I'm reaching to you about how I could determine what's the problem ? Is there a journalctl log that could help me or anything that'd give me a hint ?

If I did not give crucial details tell me, Thanks for your help

submitted by /u/Daitan_
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Is Next Cloud a good option to share big chunks of files?

Hey all, I'm looking to use Next Cloud to share large-ish chunks of data (usu 256GB) with specific people. Maintaining the file structure of the data is critically important. The data would be backed up elsewhere, this is just to make it available to specific people in the short term. A friend of mine told me Next Could would be cripplingly slow at this but I'm hoping they're being dramatic. I don't mind it being relatively slow.



Right now I use Drop Box, but it's kinda spendy for how often I need this.

submitted by /u/xxjosephchristxx
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Potential uses of a cracked but operational Samsung flagship phone?

I've a relative who's currently sitting on their old Samsung S21 Ultra 2 256GB, they dropped it near the start of the year and cracked the screen at an angle where it's essentially unusable. The phone still works, but can only be navigated when it's connected to a USB-C dock with mouse + keyboard or with a Bluetooth mouse. They said if they can't sell it they'd give it to me to see if there's anything I can use it for.

I'll be honest, I can't be bothered with the hassle of replacing the screen but I'm curious what utility I might have for it I already have a 1 liter PC under my desk that's running Proxmox with a few linux VMs for storage/sftp/media (jellyfin) and a win10 VM for the management of said relative's iCloud store. Any suggestions what the phone might be good for?

submitted by /u/TheUrbanisedZombie
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OPNSense on Proxmox?

Soon my mini pc will arrive and I want to use it as a router to get rid of the garbage my isp provides (only use the isp router as a modem)

How would this work. I know I need 2 LAN interfaces, one for WAN and one for LAN. The Lan should then go to a switch to connect all the devices.

But how would this work? What IP would Proxmox get if the router is running inside of it?

When I say OPNSense I also mean all the alternatives.

How would you guys go about setting this up?

submitted by /u/SplatinkGR
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A made an alternative to olivetin with a more modern UI.


You probably have seen [olivetin]( a simple app for running predefined shell commands through a web UI. I really liked the idea of the app but I thought the UI was a bit outdated and tried to make my own theme but I failed so I decided to make my own more modern alternative called [buttonbox]( (the name sucks real bad), its essentially olivetin written in react with what I believe is a modern UI. Right now the only way to run it is by using npm and node but I am working on an easier way of running it. Do you think the UI is better? What would you add?

submitted by /u/steveiliop56
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ONLYOFFICE Workspace vs Nextcloud + Office

Hi! I have some Nextcloud experience, but am looking at ONLYOFFICE which might be a better choice. For a small, 3-5 people agency, what is the best solution in your opinion? Sharing some pro''s and con''s below is super helpful!

Like many, we're looking for file sharing, chat/video conferencing (meetings & chat rooms), document editing, mail/calendar and basic task management. I do want a nice desktop client, and mobile clients, for files but esp for chat / video calls.

View Poll

submitted by /u/fossfan83
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Vaultwarden in Proxmox only accessable via web. No access in network


I use a homeserver with Proxmox and installed vaultwarden in a container (with docker/docker compose).
I meanwhile have my own domain, DynDNS is running with my router (FritzBox 5590 Fiber).
In Nginx proxy manager (also running in an own container in Proxmox) I set up the proxy host to the vaultwarden IP.

When I now enter in my mobile phone via web (wifi deactivated) I get forwarded to the vaulwarden page and can add a new user.

When I enter with my personal computer (in the same network like my home server) I get forwarded to the login page to my router.
I already tried it with,, and

Does anybody has an idea how to solve this behaviour?

submitted by /u/Infect_FTW
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The hidden SSH backdoor, or why your password authentication might not be off after all.

So you have installed and hardened your server. You protected SSH with ssh keys , and in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you set PasswordAuthentication to no. All security checks are green. Beware:

More often than not, access is still possible with a password, and without your knowing.

The reason lurks in an innocuous “sshd_config.d” subdirectory of /etc/ssh.

In that you might find another conf file, named “50-cloud-init.conf,” or somesuch. Any file name will do. If you found “PasswordAuthentication yes” in that file, then you caught the criminal.

With an entry in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d /*.conf any corresponding setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config will happily and quietly be overridden.

REMOVE, don’t edit these entries. Restart the ssh server. As long as there is a “PasswordAuthentication yes” in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config, nobody can get in without the proper ssh key.

Providers plant these SSH backdoors into the systems they deliver to customers. The ultra-moronic hen send the password via email, and all bets are off.

submitted by /u/Knurpel
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Self-hosted corporate messenger without paywall bs?

Hey /selfhosted!

Do you guys know any somewhat reliable and modern messenger for companies that does not require you to purchase license to access full functionality? My company is looking for alternative for Slack as it's becoming very expensive.

I've looked at both Rocketchat and Mattermost and they all have paywalls for advanced functionality, such as SSO or SCIM. At best, it should be something like rocketchat's community edition that they've discontinued not very long ago.

Core functionality I'm looking for is:

  1. DM's, private and public channels
  2. Google SSO or SCIM
  3. Functionality to import Slack history (not necessarily built-in functionality, might be something from community)
  4. Mobile apps (well, that may be too much lol)


submitted by /u/lolwut1337omfg
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What would you do with $150 monthly credit on Azure?

I have recently come to be the proud owner of a $150 monthly Azure credit that for the past few months has just sat unused. I am working to learn Azure via youtube and some Udemy courses and I figure with this credit I could set something(s?) up for myself to get some hands on experience as well. Problem is, I really don't know what I could or should do with this, so I wanted to see if I could get some inspiration from the fine folks on this subreddit.

I have been self-hosting for probably 7 or so years now. It started with Plex, as I'm sure it does for many. Back then it was on an old windows PC that I got for free from work.

Nowadays I've got a couple Proxmox servers, with some of the usual suspects across LXC's and VM's. Pihole, Home Assistant, Blue iris, Docker that I tinker with mostly for fun. I just started setting up Grafana and Loki recently as well.

Backups are done with Proxmox backup server, and I plan to be setting up a 2nd at a relatives house to sync offsite backups to. PfSense runs the network installed baremetal on a Dell R210-II. Most everything is tied together with Tailscale for when I am away from the house. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting things though.

I'm open to pretty much any ideas, as I often have the desire to setup and play with new services to learn or just for fun, but often find myself lacking inspiration for what exactly to try.

submitted by /u/Khaos231
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First server build questions for a low noise impact machine..

Hi folks, After flirting with docker on my Synology NAS (Self hosting Foundry VTT for D&D) and Raspberry Pi (for my 3d Printers) I'm looking at putting together a server for bigger projects.

Short term plan is to use it to host an Azerothcore instance for me and some friends and a modded minecraft server.

Longer term is to replace the synology nas with truenas, and to pick up the tasks the synology is currently doing (docker, foundry vtt, etc etc)

The main problem I have at the moment is I'll need to situate the server at a desk in the living room that already has two gaming pc's and the NAS, so in order to get partner-approval the server will have to be relatively small and as quiet as possible.

So, what are people's recommendations for cases? I may one day end up wanting to do plex type stuff, so it'll need room for a gpu.

I'm also interested in people's opinions on cpu/motherboard combos...

I'm very aware this is a rabbit hole I'm gonna fall down into hard.. I'm currently also researching best options for replacing my ISP supplied router to redo my home network...

submitted by /u/KesrynBlackstone
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Help choosing Hardware for Opnsense Firewall & recommendations


I'm in the process of setting up a smart home and want to address privacy and security concerns using an Opnsense firewall. I'm considering creating VLANs to isolate my smart appliances (plugs, etc.) from the internet and another VLAN for my trusted devices. I also want to implement continuous malware detection.

I'm evaluating two hardware options and need some guidance:

  1. Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro i5 8500T - 16GB RAM
  2. Protectli (models V1410, FW4B, or FW4C)

Option A: Dell Optiplex 3060 Micro

  • From my understanding, I would need to purchase a 2 or 4 port Intel gigabit network card.
  • I can't replace the ISP router and would have to use the Dell via DMZ to manage all network traffic. (My current router supports DMZ).

Option B: Protectli (V1410 or FW4B or FW4C)

  • I could completely replace the ISP router or use it only for the wireless network because the Protectli affordable line supports only 2.4GHz, not 5GHz, and I don't want to lose the 5GHz band.

My questions are as follows:

  1. Are my assumptions in options A and B correct?
  2. Which option is better and why? Is either option easier to set up?
  3. Can the budget Protectli devices handle the workload of malware detection, or would it slow down my network speed?

Additionally, is my network design correct so far (isolating smart appliances from the internet and creating a VLAN for trusted devices)?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/AccomplishedHyena738
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Free Push notification for mattermost

Is there a free solution for push notification in mattermost other than the TPNS ?

I don't want to compile Mobile apps and I also don't want to buy an Enterprise license, is it possible to run a self hosted push notification server or is there a cloud based one which offer free plans?

submitted by /u/ryn_eghbal
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nginx proxy manager access list

Hello, Im trying to make an access list for my local network only but for some reason i cant seem to be able to connect from a local device.

the blocked out ip is my public ipv4

The 2nd rule is what i thought should be the only one needed but that doesnt seem to be the case. and the third one is the local ip of the device im testing with my pc. nginx on separate server.

im pretty sure im not being a complete idiot about the ip im suppose to have in there either.

end goal is just to limit access to local connections only for some sites.

yes i added the list to the proxy host and i clicked save when i tried changing the access list.
incase it matters i am also using pihole dns for the local sites.


turns out i think i was being dumb at least for the result i really wanted. Still couldnt figure out why that would not work. But i also had a wildcard on my domain when i looking at getting certs earlier on cloudflare which is why all these domains were public in the first place removed that and it was no longer a problem. I also dont need that wildcard for the certs anyways so it was quite an easy alternative.

submitted by /u/Hackatoa
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Multiple docker installations vs one single installation?

Hi, im very new to in the self hosted game and i have a question. I have a proxmox with around 10 Lxc containers. In each container i installed docker and this seems to work for now. But this seems a little bit odd, installing docker for every service in every lxc container. I did this because i wanted a single IP address for every service in my network.

Can i run into issues with this configuration? Are there any alternatives?

submitted by /u/SeatLeon2020
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Server access and security setup

Currently running a dell optiplex micro server with some apps (frigate, haos, jellyfin..) but will migrate it to my twin dell r730 servers. In the meantime, I wanted to play around with and set-up a reverse proxy or something to gain complete access to my network while also keeping everything secure (I have a dell 6248 switch although haven't set-up vLans yet)

I have static IPv6, and static IPv4 (non-CGNat) from my ISP.

Currently using wireguard to forward the 192.168.x.x traffic to my wireguard instance.

Just wanted people opinion on what's the recommended solution to achieve this. Also would really love if you could point me to some guides or documenting I could read up to understand and workout.

submitted by /u/Sirnom
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