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AnteayerIT And Programming

RoundCube - worth it? Safe? Something better?

I have multiple domains from which I also use email. gmail is one and then a bunch of other domains and websites I host and run also have email. I - shock horror - run my own mail server too (dockermailserver ftw)

I've always used google's ability to check other accounts but have two issues -

  1. It limits you to 5 and I am over that limit

  2. It's very slow. Only checks the other servers every hour or so.

Got me thinking - do I:
a) Use Outlook on phone and desktop for all mail

b) run roundcube?

Views? Anything better?

I'm on a drive to remove the 6 million "cheap monthly subscriptions" I currently have for many many services.

submitted by /u/CrappyTan69
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How do you get your Linux distros? Newsgroups or torrent?

For years I've used nntp and really cannot complain. Fast, with automation with *arr, brilliant.

Recently, I've been reviewing all the small things I pay monthly and news is one of them so I was pondering, do I move to torrent (in vpn) or is it not worth it.

My biggest delight is sitting down in the evening and deciding to view a distro someone at work mentioned. With gb home broadband, that distro is there within 10 minutes and ready to.... Install.

Views on the two? Anyone switched and switched back as it felt retrograde step?

submitted by /u/CrappyTan69
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