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HortusFox v3.2 was released - the management app for plant parents

Hey r/selfhosted

I am with great pleasure to announce v3.2 of HortusFox - the free and opensource selfhosted, collaborative plant management app for plant parents!

With the current release we introduced many great things. There are now global custom plant attributes available, so if you need a custom attribute for all plants available, you can use this feature. Of course custom plant specific attributes are still possible as well. There is now also a plant log available, so you can manage log entries of each plants as well. Plus there is a french localization available. Très bien!

Here is the changelog:

  • Global custom plant attributes
  • Plant specific history log for each plant
  • Bulk watering, fertilising and repotting
  • Fixed checkboxes not applying in search
  • Fixed apostrophes causing errors in plant attributes
  • Fixed failed creation of manifest.json in docker environment
  • Show plant IDs in last AORU section if enabled
  • Fixed error when trying to fetch log entires of unassociated users
  • Fixed history error when using MySQL instead of MariaDB
  • Improved backup feature
  • Upgraded to PHP 8.3
  • And many more!

For those who are unfamiliar with the product: HortusFox assists you in managing your indoor and outdoor plants via a selfhosted environment. But not only can you manage your plants, you can also manage your tasks, calendar, inventory, view weather forecast, have a history of old plants, search feature and also collaborative group chat. You can even customize your dashboard via themes.

Link to GitHub downloads page:

Link to HortusFox homepage:

Thank you for flying with HortusFox!

Kind Regards

submitted by /u/hortusfox
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