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Ayer — 4 Julio 2024IT And Programming

HortusFox v3.2 was released - the management app for plant parents

Hey r/selfhosted

I am with great pleasure to announce v3.2 of HortusFox - the free and opensource selfhosted, collaborative plant management app for plant parents!

With the current release we introduced many great things. There are now global custom plant attributes available, so if you need a custom attribute for all plants available, you can use this feature. Of course custom plant specific attributes are still possible as well. There is now also a plant log available, so you can manage log entries of each plants as well. Plus there is a french localization available. Très bien!

Here is the changelog:

  • Global custom plant attributes
  • Plant specific history log for each plant
  • Bulk watering, fertilising and repotting
  • Fixed checkboxes not applying in search
  • Fixed apostrophes causing errors in plant attributes
  • Fixed failed creation of manifest.json in docker environment
  • Show plant IDs in last AORU section if enabled
  • Fixed error when trying to fetch log entires of unassociated users
  • Fixed history error when using MySQL instead of MariaDB
  • Improved backup feature
  • Upgraded to PHP 8.3
  • And many more!

For those who are unfamiliar with the product: HortusFox assists you in managing your indoor and outdoor plants via a selfhosted environment. But not only can you manage your plants, you can also manage your tasks, calendar, inventory, view weather forecast, have a history of old plants, search feature and also collaborative group chat. You can even customize your dashboard via themes.

Link to GitHub downloads page:

Link to HortusFox homepage:

Thank you for flying with HortusFox!

Kind Regards

submitted by /u/hortusfox
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Is this a big deal?

for the past few month. someone has kept trying to brute force my ssh public key(using diffrent username and diffrent IPs) which hence I installed crowdsec, i didn't worry. doesn't sound like a big deal right? But after acknowledging CVE 2024-6387. I am thinking of if this started to be a problem. They stopped around 1-3week ago(the attack). i have checked /var/log/auth.log no ssh brute force attempts can be seen anymore.

And yes i noticed some abnormal phenomenon. my wifi sometimes goes off(3-4 times every day) I suspect that might be because I have moved to a new house recently and reinstalled the wifi.

I am in a panic, what can I do without reinstalling

edit: did a speedtest(by ookla)(cli):
Testing download speed................................................................................

Download: 0.00 Mbit/s

Testing upload speed......................................................................................................

Upload: 0.10 Mbit/s

submitted by /u/littleblack11111
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Where do you host your Wireguard server for accessing internal services?

Like many of you, I have a variety of services that are hosted inside my home that are completely internal. I also have a slew of VPS servers. I've been looking into Tailscale/Headscale, but probably don't need to go that route just to access my NAS outside of my home.

I am extremely conscious about security/privacy, so at this current moment, I don't access anything inside my home externally, and have no VPN's set up. If I wanted to run a service that I needed to access from the outside world, I would always just run that on a VPS.

I'm running a full stack of Ubiquiti gear, (UDMP, etc). In the past year or so, Unifi has added the ability to create a Wireguard server on the UDM Pro itself. I am thinking this might be the safest way to access my Synology from the outside world if I am traveling. I also could host it on a few Pi's that I have sitting around, but I think that just adds unnecessary complexity with security. Running the WG server directly on the firewall gives me more granular control through Firewalling, etc.

I've also toyed with the idea of running a WG server on a VPS server and using that kind of as a "jump" server, but not sure what the advantages/disadvantages would be over just running the WG server on my UDMP.

Anyone have any input? Especially those of you that also run a Ubiquiti stack.


submitted by /u/NorthernElectronics
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RoundCube - worth it? Safe? Something better?

I have multiple domains from which I also use email. gmail is one and then a bunch of other domains and websites I host and run also have email. I - shock horror - run my own mail server too (dockermailserver ftw)

I've always used google's ability to check other accounts but have two issues -

  1. It limits you to 5 and I am over that limit

  2. It's very slow. Only checks the other servers every hour or so.

Got me thinking - do I:
a) Use Outlook on phone and desktop for all mail

b) run roundcube?

Views? Anything better?

I'm on a drive to remove the 6 million "cheap monthly subscriptions" I currently have for many many services.

submitted by /u/CrappyTan69
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Help improve metadata providers

A lot of selfhosted tools use metadata from open-source providers.

So if something is missing or incorrect consider updating it, for example:

Lidarr -> MusicBrainz
Sonarr -> TVDB
Radarr -> TMDB
Readarr -> ????

Also I recently discovered and I think this will be an excellent replacement for Goodreads.
And I think it will be open source in the near future, if I read that correctly.

submitted by /u/OnlyNotMatt
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Toolbox similar to StirlingPDF

I'm using StirlingPDF from time to time and always enjoy how easy it is and the amount of tools it provides all combined in a simple interface. I am asking if anybody knows of any other selfhosted software which combines various tools for different use cases.

submitted by /u/Doctooaa
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Struggling with mounting virtual media on iDRAC via Ansible

Hi. Does anyone have experience with using iDRAC via Ansible and/or omsdk?

Im struggling with deploying an OS using iDRAC. Manually (via web ui) everything works, but when im trying to do that via Ansible, im getting:

TASK [Mount installation ISO] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [r230-proxmox ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "error_info": [{"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [{"Message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageArgs@odata.count": 0, "MessageId": "Base.1.2.InternalError", "RelatedProperties": [], "RelatedProperties@odata.count": 0, "Resolution": "Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.", "Severity": "Critical"}], "code": "Base.1.2.GeneralError", "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information"}], "msg": "Unable to complete the virtual media operation."} 


fatal: [r230-proxmox ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": {"DeleteOnCompletion": "false", "InstanceID": "DCIM_OSDConcreteJob:1", "JobName": "BootToNetworkISO", "JobStatus": "Failed", "Key": "<null_index>", "Message": "Exposing ISO image as internal device to the host system failed", "MessageID": "OSD17", "Name": "BootToNetworkISO", "Status": "Failed", "file": "", "retval": false}} 

Here is my script:

 - name: Install Debian on the server dellemc.openmanage.idrac_os_deployment: idrac_ip: idrac_user: "{{ idrac_username }}" idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}" share_name: "" share_user: "{{ smb_share_username }}" share_password: "{{ smb_share_password }}" iso_image: "faime-bookworm.iso" validate_certs: false delegate_to: # - name: Mount installation ISO # dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: # idrac_ip: # idrac_user: "{{ idrac_username }}" # idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}" # validate_certs: false # force: true # virtual_media: # - insert: true # image: "" # media_type: DVD # delegate_to: 

any advice please?

submitted by /u/Dinth
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Self-hosted, OpenSource CMS that has WYSIWYG editing, displays the content without needing to write a frontend, and has OAuth2 client capabilities - am I asking too much?

I run a hackspace and we use MemberMatters as our membership platform. This also provides an OAuth2 server which I use to control access to other platforms such as Moodle.

I've been using GoHugo as our CMS up until now, however I'm getting more and more requests for "non-technical" people (i.e. don't know Git and it's unreasonable to ask them to learn it for various reasons) to be able to add to the website/manage it, and I'd also like to move to something that's database-backed so I can query the content directly rather than having to try and scrape templated markdown.

Usually I'd reach for Wordpress here, but IMHO it's heavy, clunky, and a pain to create a custom template for unless you know PHP, and unless you pay for the MiniOrange plugin you can only set it up as an OAuth2 Server (which we already have).

I've done a fair amount of searching, but can't find anything that fits this criteria - things like ContentJet are API-Driven which is awesome until you realise that means you need to write/host your own frontend as well as the backend, but I can't believe I'm the only one who's looking for this?

Is there anything out there that will enable me to let people auth against our membership system, update the content of the website, and that is database-backed?

submitted by /u/TheProffalken
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Building a NAS for a small team

Hi to everybody,
i stumbled in a little problem, i didnt know where to find answers.

I'm the owner of a little company (5 people) and we work in the media.
I'm thinking of building a NAS to create a space where we can put all the files we need to work with, and so everyone one of us needs to access a file can just open the folder of NAS, search what he needs and open it.

We often works with projects files such as .psd, .ai, .prproj and would be nice to not transfer the files to our pcs, work on them, and then retransfer them on the NAS but just open the files directly from the NAS.

Now comes my doubts:
1) Is it possibile to work directly on files with a NAS?
2) If it's possibile how powerfull it needs to be to let 5 people work on files that are stored in it?
3) Since the NAS is ony use to access the file, but the work on the file will be done in our pcs, the computational work will be done by the pcs or the NAS?
4) If nothing of this is possible with a NAS, with system would you raccomend to do this kind of work?

Thanks to everyone that will lose their time to read and respond to me, and i'm sorry about my bad english, non native speaker here.
Every suggestion will be appreciated!

submitted by /u/IlCRUX
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Currently, when I'm out, I only use my mobile data. However, in many places, there is no mobile data signal, but there is that good old public Wi-Fi.

I was thinking of setting up a VPN server or a gateway for ZTNA. So, here's the question: considering data protection (i.e., using open Wi-Fi) and privacy, which would be the better option?

For VPN, I was thinking of using WireGuard, and for ZTNA, the Zero Trust from Cloudflare.

Instead of simply subscribing to a VPN/ZTNA service, I was considering setting one up myself to also access my services from outside the network.

submitted by /u/TurnoverAgitated569
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Looking for Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive alternative (simulator/emulator/...)

-please read to the end-

I use Windows programs that provide interfaces to Dropbox, GDrive and 1Drive for synchronization.

No native support for webdav/sftp/ftp/...

I have not yet found any alternatives for these programs with the same range of functions (that I use).

Is there a solution (Linux or Windows) that "pretends" to be Dropbox on the internal network, for example?

(or GoogleDrive or OneDrive)

So I can use the synchronization interface of the program.

Solution should only work in the internal network.

( maybe via wireguard also "external")

  • DNS server and other server services available in the internal network

  • Setting up an own server for the solution is possible

Currently I synchronize the files with Syncthing and rsync.

However, this solution cannot map all the functions of the program's "internal" synchronization.

submitted by /u/_kundenbetreuung_
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Expanding the network (Security camera/switch/NAS advice)

Hey all.

I've got Plex et al. running comfortably on my OptiPlex after having a few things stolen I'm looking to set up 5 or so PoE Cameras so need a switch to handle it. I'm thinking 4k cameras so not sure if I can get by with an older switch that only does 100mbit but then do I need a gigabit port to send all that data to the server that will process it? or could I have a smaller POE switch that feeds into a gigabit switch? I'd love a few examples so I can keep an eye out online.

Beyond that, is it feasible to store and all that video in a separate NAS running purple DVR drives or am I better to use a USB3.2 DAS enclosure?

submitted by /u/Thebandroid
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My user-facing Dashboard

My user-facing Dashboard

This is my user-facing dashboard, providing access to apps I host to my family members. I wanted to keep it simple, but modern. This is just the "Phantom" CSS theme from

I just have an nginx docker container on the backend hosting the website files, with the usual security in front (i.e. Authelia/SWAG proxied through Cloudflare).

submitted by /u/chandz05
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Self hosted building security system.

Hi All, I’ve searched quite a lot on the group but couldn’t find anything.

A friend of mine has a charity and they just received a building to run. This is a 7 floor building used to be one big company and prior to that it was a shared working space. He knows I self host and have helped a few small businesses and has asked for help. In the end if we need to go with a more expensive solution that’s ok we will go there but he asked if I could take an initial look and see what can be done.

We are looking for a type of access control system. The building has a car park with an automated barrier, entrance barrier with card readers, card readers in most doors/floors and a camera and intercom system. However, the previous owners, not sure why maybe for security reasons, cut a lot of the networking cables and left no documentation on the cabling to understand what’s connected where.

All the endpoint hardware is still there but the switches and cabling at the start of the connections are gone/cut. Some cables are still in place and on Sunday we are going there to tidy it up and see what’s what. On Sunday I can take pictures of what’s there and share as some of the stuff that’s there seems older than me.

But my question is, might be a long shot, does anyone know a system we can self host that could handle all the barrier access, door access and maybe cameras ? Might be two or more systems but just want to see if there’s anything that can be self hosted.

submitted by /u/Maleficent-Usual4415
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Safely Shutdown Services using UPS

I have a Synology DS1821 with a UPS connected by USB. I also have other devices on my network that are connected to that UPS so that they remain active during a power outage. What is the best way for me to safely shut down the other devices in the event of an outage? I have read so many options that it's a little overwhelming. They mentioned networkmonitortools, apcupsd, nuts - I'm just not sure.

I have multiple docker containers running on my synology so i'm open to any containerised solutions too.

I have OPNsense running as my router. I have a TP-Link Omada switch. I have a Windows desktop running my CCTV software. I would like them to shut down cleanly in the event of an ongoing outage that has lasted longer than X minutes.

What are my options?

submitted by /u/bapesta786
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Looking for day 1 instructions

Hi, I've been monitoring this subreddit for a little while and would like to dive in.

I have a 2019 MacBook Pro that's not in use. How can i create a password manager container on there and host it to the internet? There's only 2 user of this password manager in the beginning.

I have a domain but how do i get a password manager working on my phone to talk to it?

submitted by /u/pipperspray
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opensign selfhosting on docker ubuntu 24.04

I am trying to selfhost opensign on docker containters on ubuntu, while building the containers i get this error and it inturn doesnt work.


OpenSignServer-container | opensign-server running on port 8080.

OpenSignServer-container | Command output:

OpenSignServer-container | Parse DBTool v1.2.0 - Parse server tool for data migration and seeding.

OpenSignServer-container |

OpenSignServer-container | Run migration on parse-server at http://localhost:8080/app

OpenSignServer-container |

OpenSignServer-container | ⠶ Migrating 20231110174122-update_setclp.cjs

OpenSignServer-container | ERROR Class contracts_Users does not exist.

OpenSignServer-container |

OpenSignServer-container | SUCCESS Successfully run migrations.

OpenSignServer-container |

OpenSignServer-container |

has anyone encountered this?

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Pop9897
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