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AnteayerIT And Programming

I need a free remote desktop solution that allows reliable headless unattended access to my entire normal desktop environment (Debian 12 GNOME) from my windows 11

I am not comfortable doing everything through shell as I am very new to Linux and prefer a DE.

I have tried RustDesk and what it provided was very promising until I unplugged the monitor, apparently I need a dummy HDMI for it to function correctly and I'm only willing to deal with that if I have no other options.

The other solutions I am aware of are:

  • Remmina (I am not sure if this is what I am looking for)
  • xRDP (Looks good but seems technical and I would like to hear if people think this is right for my needs before I try it)
  • Google Chrome Remote View (I don't trust google but it seems reliable and I'll use it if it's the most reliable option)
  • AnyDesk (Seems decent)
  • Teamviewer (Spyware probably lol)
  • Gnome Remote Desktop
  • Gnome Connections

I'd love to hear what you guys use for this specific use case and what you have had the best experience with! I'd also love to hear about any other options I don't know of. What's most important is that it's not just SSH or a generative DE, I want reliable unattended headless access from distant locations to my normal DE I use with a monitor. I'm OK with connecting to a central server I don't have a preference on that. Thank you!

submitted by /u/python_88
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