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Hoy — 28 Septiembre 2024IT And Programming

Self-hosted email battle was won

This isn't an issue, but I wanted to just reach out to the people on this sub and say thanks.

Along with the help I've had along the way, I've been able to successfully set up my own email server.

This is coming from a point where I have rented a VPS from a company. And anyone who has rented one and tried to set up email, you'll come to realize real quick that 95% of all public hosted servers are automatically added to every block list known to man which makes it impossible to send / receive email to the more popular services like Google and Microsoft.

Over the last months, along with the help I've received, I spent the time setting up my own email server, using dovecot / postfix (the old-school way I guess you could say). Along with learning spamassasin / rspam, and figuring out how to write rules to properly filter.

I then went through and did an astronomical amount of research into all the different records that are needed, DMAR, TSLA, SPF, DKIM1, mta-sts / tls, PTR, etc.

Learned about Docker, Traefik, docker networking, iptables, the list goes on.

Then I had to learn about SSL certificates, setting up automatic generation from Let's Encrypt, so that I can use 465 or 587 with SSL, and without issue.

And then also learn about DNSSEC (shout out to the info at

After learning about every record type, how they work, and setting them up properly, I then reached out to all of the companies that monitor spam (such as Spamhaus, 0Spam, Hostkarma), and fought with them to prove that I'm a real person running a legit server.

After months of fighting, I got the last approval from a spam website, and after running a check, my server is now in none of the spam databases.

All my records come back as correct, and I'm able to send/receive email to and from any service I want, as well as setting up SSL properly so that I didn't have to cheat with services and do things like disable TLS/Certificate validation.

Outlook, Google, and all the major providers accept my emails without issue, no blocks, no bull.

It may sound silly to others, but it's a major sense of accomplishment. And sure, I could have gone with one of the email providers, but I wanted to do it the old fashion way, learn about all the aspects that make up email / domain security, and build something from the ground up.

And it was one hell of a fight. But keep this in mind. I've seen a lot of posts online about self-hosted email servers being something you should avoid. I had almost no experience going into this in regards to how email really worked, and what makes up the steps that an email takes to get from point A to point B.

If I can do this, anyone can. My IP reputation was probably on the more extreme end. And as someone else mentioned below; I focused on getting my server unblocked from every single major player. If you get a more clean IP, or you're not worried about being restricted on some "lesser-known" email hosts; then you'll have an easier time getting this done.

It's definitely doable. And if you're up for learning something new, I'd definitely recommend it as a side project.

submitted by /u/usrdef
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200€ iCloud replacement project

200€ iCloud replacement project

I started this project 1 month ago, when I realized both Apple and Google hold my data ransom to keep my paying monthly subscriptions. They obfuscate my data and try their best to make it unusable.

I achieved my personal goals:

✅ Usable: Background iPhone photos sync / gallery. Files interface with upload / browse / download.

✅ Fast: 1 month start to ready for daily use.

✅ Cheap: Refurbished Dell 7050 Micro.

✅ Free: 0 payments / month. Free DynDNS providers. Free open source software only.

✅ Minimal: No racks, fan noise, or dedicated server room.

✅ Travel friendly: 1 liter machines fit in a backpack, if need be.

✅ Multi-tenant: Easily extensible with photo storage instances for family members.

✅ Platform independent: Photos are kept in 1 folder with embedded GPS data and readable dates for filenames, in case I want to migrate from Immich or Proxmox or Linux.

✅ Backup: 1:1 replica on a physically separate NTFS Windows machine for disaster recovery every 6 hours.

✅ 0 setup remote access: Encrypted publicly accessible URLs, no Tailscale or VPN required on clients.

✅ Remotely debuggable: via Remote Desktop on the backup machine and Out of Band on the main machine.

✅ And most importantly: 😎 Cool architecture diagram with 0 overlapping lines!

This subreddit and others encouraged and helped me extract my data and self-host it. Questions and feedback are welcome.

submitted by /u/Shot-Chemical7168
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Subscription Manager - Self-Hosted App to Track Subscriptions & Expenses

Subscription Manager - Self-Hosted App to Track Subscriptions & Expenses

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share a new project I’ve been working on. It’s a web app to help you keep track of your subscriptions and manage expenses. You can easily add, edit, and delete subscriptions, view them on a calendar, and see weekly, monthly, and yearly totals. This makes it easier to decide what’s worth keeping or cutting.

Here is a quick demo

Subscription Manager Demo

The setup is super easy. Just clone the repo and run docker compose --build

Here is the link for Github repo: Subscription Manager
Hope it useful for someone! 😊

submitted by /u/ValuableNo5634
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Self-Hosted Udemy Clone idea

Hello, everyone! I recently discovered that Udemy offers a plethora of high-quality courses, but many of them lack sufficient assignments to reinforce the material. Additionally, I prefer to store my data locally rather than in the cloud. This sparked an idea: to create a small application, a clone of Udemy, using Python and React. My app will allow users to store all course files locally, and I also plan to add features for generating quizzes, tests, and practical assignments based on video content using AI in the future.

I’d love to hear your thoughts—would a self-hosted application like this be beneficial for you?

Key Features:

  • Course Collection Creation and Priority Setting:
    • Users can create collections from various courses and assign priority levels to each course, determining the order of study.
    • Example: A user creates a collection titled "Web Development" and sets priorities: High, Low, Medium.
  • Automatic Course Reading:
    • The app should automatically read courses stored on the local disk, providing a file structure overview and allowing users to download all course files.
    • Example: A user uploads a programming course, and the app reads all files and displays their structure.
  • Progress Tracking:
    • A feature to track user progress in each course.
    • Example: A user sees that they have completed 50% of the Python course.
  • Author Statistics:
    • Displaying statistics of courses created by each author and allowing users to rate authors.
    • Example: A user rates an author highly and can then download additional courses from that author.
  • AI-Powered Subtitles:
    • Integration with AI for course translation and subtitle enhancement.
    • Example: A user receives a translation of a course into Russian and improved subtitles based on context.
  • Progress Statistics and Course Completion Forecast:
    • Displaying progress statistics for courses and predicting the completion date based on the current pace of study.
    • Example: The app indicates that, at the current pace, the user will finish the course in three weeks.
  • User Administration:
    • Admins can register and delete users, as well as view user statistics.
    • Example: An admin adds a new user and monitors their progress across courses.
  • Course Note Addition:
    • Users can add notes to each course.
    • Example: A user adds a note about an important topic they want to remember.
  • Course Editing by Admin:
    • Admins can modify course descriptions and hide files.
    • Example: An admin updates a course description and hides outdated files.
  • Course Collection Creation by Admin:
    • Admins can create course collections for users.
    • Example: An admin creates a collection titled "Programming Basics" with a selection of foundational courses.
  • Course Locking System:
    • Implementing a system where access to certain courses requires prior completion of another course.
    • Example: To take the microservices course, one must first complete the Kubernetes course.
  • Idea and Link Note Addition:
    • Users can add notes with project ideas and links to GitHub.
    • Example: A user adds a note with a project idea and a link to the GitHub repository.

Additional features include subtitles displayed alongside videos (to avoid obstructing content), detailed speed adjustments (beyond just 1.25x and 1.50x), and the ability to auto-generate assignments and tests based on text, images, and subtitles for each video.

I appreciate any feedback or suggestions!

submitted by /u/some_igor
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Personal Finance Tool - Maybe

I've been looking at various self-hosted personal finance tools lately and I'm pretty much always dissatisfied, then I stumbled across "Maybe". It looks like it has some of the features I've been looking for. Anyone have any experience with it?

submitted by /u/PaperDoom
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What did I see?

I saw a system (maybe just the board) recently on YouTube which had 4 nvme slots, I think it had an on board cpu or similar, and was relatively inexpensive. I'm fairly sure it was in relation to a video about ceph. I've tried searching on Google for this with all the keywords I could think of but I can't remember enough specifics to find it. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

submitted by /u/Actual_Tie_5430
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how to replace portainer with docker desktop on ubuntu.

Hello all,

i would like to use docker desktop instead of portainer. i have been using portainer for a while but i noticed that after an update it fist wont let me access portainer for a few days and then when i can access it i am recreating my admin account. when it first happened i no longer had admin control of my images, so i then made sure all my compose files were saved to their folders so that i could restart them if it happened again. it did. everytime there is an update to portainer i have to recreate the admin account. so i would like to switch to docker desktop. of course the easy way to do so would be to backup and restore from portainer into docker desktop. but since the admin account doesnt control the containers as far as portainer is concerned i cant do that. any ideas how to move my current 15 container setup from portainer to docker desktop without losing any data?

i am able to follow directions but still feel like a noob at this. so i apologize if i wasnt clear in my problem description.
thanks in advance for any assistance and i hope this is the right place for this issue.


submitted by /u/MrLAGreen
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Vaultwarden + Cloudflare Access

Vaultwarden + Cloudflare Access

Hey y'all

Not sure if others will find this useful, but I figured I would share it out for anyone that is just a little paranoid like myself.

I've built up a few services on my homelab's kubernetes cluster that I have made available externally through Cloudflare ZeroTrust Tunnels. Because I'm a little bit paranoid about people getting access, I also have been placing Cloudflare ZeroTrust Access Policies in front using Authelia.

This works great (even though there are some double logins) for web app access, but was causing a problem for any non-interactive processes (like Vaultwarden extensions/apps.) Instead of just giving up and creating an unprotected endpoint, I decided to pull down the Bitwarden clients and modify them to allow Cloudflare Access Service Token Auth.

I've added the functionality to the Android App (Screenshot) and the Chrome Extension (Screenshot), and you can pretty easily build and sideload (for Android) or pack and install (for Chrome) yourselves.

submitted by /u/broncobone
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Staying firewalled with Gluetun+ProtonVPN+Qbit

Staying firewalled with Gluetun+ProtonVPN+Qbit

I reset my server I use for downloading and switched from Ubuntu to Debian and I am having a weird issue with port forwarding where it is working but I am staying firewalled. I have tried both OpenVPN and Wireguard.

My compose is below maybe I missed something in the docs but I am going crazy as this is what I figured would be the simplest thing to do as I have done it and helped others multiple times. I am guessing it's something to do with debian but I don't know.

version: "3.8" services: gluetun: image: qmcgaw/gluetun:latest cap_add: - NET_ADMIN environment: - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=protonvpn - VPN_TYPE=wireguard - WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY= - WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES= - SERVER_COUNTRIES=United States - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING=on - VPN_PORT_FORWARDING_PROVIDER=protonvpn - PORT_FORWARD_ONLY=on ports: - 8080:8080 - 6881:6881 - 6881:6881/udp - 8000:8000/tcp restart: always qbittorrent: image: container_name: qbittorrent network_mode: "service:gluetun" environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=America/New_York - WEBUI_PORT=8080 volumes: - /home/zolfey/docker/config/qbittorrent:/config - /home/shared/data/torrents:/data/torrents depends_on: gluetun: condition: service_healthy 
submitted by /u/ZolfeYT
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Good and budget friendly boards or desktops

I have already hosted nextcloud and bitwarden on my old laptop as a trial. (I have been using this for 6 months and the hard-disk is a failing now)

Now I want to have my own board to set up my own server to host such as True NAS, bitwarden, pi-hole and Fresh RSS.

Any suggestions on which board to run this.

Thanks for all the help.

submitted by /u/Logical_Arm3172
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Anyone know this self-hosted link shortener source?

Anyone know this self-hosted link shortener source?

I bumped into some link shortener today and checking the panel inside, I’m sure that this is a self-hosted and open source project.

Here is the screenshot.

Here is another one that is hosted by other entity.

Both of them are using the same source, the former has all features unlocked while the latter lock some of it (e.g branded domains) for premium users only.

I just don’t know which and whose project is this but the features inside is useful and complete enough for me, with bio page, QR codes, branded domain and more.

I wonder if anyone knows and could tell me the name of this shortener source, so that I can use it for my own project.

After searching whole day, I've finally found it. It's not an open source but a paid template instead. Thank you for any contribution

submitted by /u/OldVacation2426
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Self hosted wedding photo gallery?

Hi guys,

Would anyone be able to recommend a solution for me? I am getting married soon and my partner asked me if I could set up some kind of online drive where people from our wedding could upload their photos. The idea is that people will be able to upload their own and also view other people’s photos in a gallery. What solutions are out there? I think it should be super simple to upload and view the photos, with a nice UI as our families aren’t the most tech savvy.


submitted by /u/rubixsas
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PC Backups with Urbackup

Hey guys,

I want to Backup my hole system, and store the backup on my nextcloud storage wich is hosted by Hetzner.
Can i use Urbackup for this? If Yes, how do i do this excatly do i just put my nexloud path in the client config?
I host the Server for Urbackup on my system. My Computer is calles lets say Desktop-112, if i create i backup of this system, and the system is then Destroyed, how do i restore my system?

If you are an Expert, please explain it with every Detail, i´m new to this topic.


If this won´t work, do you know of an better alternative, that is free?

submitted by /u/Future_Caramel7384
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Untracker service


There are a lot of mails with links which track when you click one of the link (ie. Hacker Newsletter).

I'm hosting AdGuard home on my network which is fantastic, but there is one thing which is annoying me.

It blocks the tracked link from emails which doesn't allow me to see the content I want to see, except if I use something like manually.

Do you know if there is any solution to automate this un-tracking procedure? Some service where AdGuard Home could redirect to and un-track the link?


submitted by /u/Cruelness7868
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Anyone running their own server with Coolify, Supabase, and PowerSync?

Hey fellow self-hosters and developers,

I'm curious to hear from those who are running their own servers using Coolify, Supabase, and PowerSync. What has your experience been like?

submitted by /u/According-Cupcake-72
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Unraid vs Rockstor (Linux Beginner)

I recently set up a media server using this guide. It’s the same basic setup, though I didn’t include all the services, and I’ve added some of my own, such as Nginx and Organizer. I’ve been using OMV, but I’m considering switching to something else and have been looking at Unraid, Rockstor, and other possible alternatives.

I’m fairly new to Linux and don’t have much experience with the CLI, so I would prefer something that’s relatively beginner-friendly. One of the main things I’m looking for is the ability to easily transfer my current setup/configuration to a new system without having to set everything back up again from scratch. I would also like to expand beyond just a media server at some point, adding services for home automation, game servers, password management, etc.

If anyone has experience with Unraid or Rockstor, I’d love to hear your thoughts on which might be better for someone in my situation. If there are any other options that might be a better fit, I’m open to suggestions!

submitted by /u/Desperate-Eye-6190
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