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AnteayerSelf-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services

Accessing internal services WITHOUT NAT Loopback, or local DNS access

I've been self-hosting some internal/personal utilities (Plex/*arr, Home Assistant, etc.) for a few years now. I work from home, and primarily use my company issued laptop day-to-day including managing certain aspects of my homelab. The problem I ran into when I started this job and was assigned this laptop was that my internal subnet just so happens to ALSO be a subnet in use by my employer's network, so when I am connected to the corporate VPN, I would not be able to access my local network, since all requests to that subnet were routed through the VPN. I have had a few ideas/solutions to this issue, and was able to get access to internal (Accessible by me only) services, but am still struggling with my Wordpress site that I sometimes share posts from to friends and family. The options that I came up with so far are:

  1. Accessing the site from the public IP - I am using an ISP provided router that has NAT Loopback disabled and give no way to enable it.
  2. Static routes on my laptop - This was working great for everything UNTIL the IT department stripped my Administrative rights from my laptop.
  3. Cloudflare - This works great for internal services but requires some sort of authentication provider to be used to access the site. I'm trying to avoid having my users need to add an additional form of authentication to the site.
  4. Separate URL (Routed to Cloudflare) - As far as I know, Wordpress doesn't allow multiple URLs to be used, so it's kind of a one or the other situation.
  5. Access via web proxy - IT has web proxies blocked.
  6. Disconnect from VPN every time I want to edit/access the site - This is just plain annoying.
  7. VNC to another machine - This is my current 'solution' to the problem. I have VNC enabled and access it through my Cloudflare Tunnel to update the site.
  8. Re-Subnet my network - This is IMO probably my best, most complete solution, but will be a pretty big project that I just don't have the time for at this time. I am working on getting the gameplan together to make sure I do it right, and without disturbing the wife and kids.

Does anyone know of another way that I could get access to my site from my work PC without Public or Internal IP access for free until I can get my network re-subnetted? For reference, my current infrastructure related to this is as follows:

  • ISP provided router that doesn't support NAT Loopback, or multiple subnets.
  • Two docker hosts running Ubuntu.
  • Two Unifi AP's
  • My work laptop, with no admin access, with a VPN that routes traffic on my local subnet through it.
submitted by /u/No_Conference_4984
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