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AnteayerSelf-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services

I built an open-source website analytics tool focused on simple self-hosting

I built an open-source website analytics tool focused on simple self-hosting

Hi all,

I want to share Medama, a privacy-focused, lightweight, and easily self-hostable alternative to Google Analytics.
This project offers a single-binary setup with no external dependencies, such as setting up a separate database.

Demo Homepage

Unlike other self-hostable solutions that require heavy databases like ClickHouse—which can be overkill for the average website owner—Medama can effectively run on a 256MB VM for most small websites. It uses embedded databases (SQLite and DuckDB) stored as files, making backups simple, intuitive and straightforward.

Another key focus of this project is its ability to run headlessly as an API server using the OpenAPI specification. This allows developers to seamlessly integrate Medama into their personal or professional dashboards. I've chosen the non-restrictive Apache 2.0 and MIT Licenses for the project to encourage modifications and adaptations for various use cases (personally, I do not believe the AGPLv3 license supports truly open development).

This project is still in its early-stages and has lots of features left to be added, but I'd love some early feedback to help improve the end-user experience in the long-run.

Repository: medama-io/medama

Thanks for checking out this project!

submitted by /u/DeathlyLotus
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