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Struggling with mounting virtual media on iDRAC via Ansible

Hi. Does anyone have experience with using iDRAC via Ansible and/or omsdk?

Im struggling with deploying an OS using iDRAC. Manually (via web ui) everything works, but when im trying to do that via Ansible, im getting:

TASK [Mount installation ISO] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [r230-proxmox ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "error_info": [{"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [{"Message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageArgs@odata.count": 0, "MessageId": "Base.1.2.InternalError", "RelatedProperties": [], "RelatedProperties@odata.count": 0, "Resolution": "Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.", "Severity": "Critical"}], "code": "Base.1.2.GeneralError", "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information"}], "msg": "Unable to complete the virtual media operation."} 


fatal: [r230-proxmox ->]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": {"DeleteOnCompletion": "false", "InstanceID": "DCIM_OSDConcreteJob:1", "JobName": "BootToNetworkISO", "JobStatus": "Failed", "Key": "<null_index>", "Message": "Exposing ISO image as internal device to the host system failed", "MessageID": "OSD17", "Name": "BootToNetworkISO", "Status": "Failed", "file": "", "retval": false}} 

Here is my script:

 - name: Install Debian on the server dellemc.openmanage.idrac_os_deployment: idrac_ip: idrac_user: "{{ idrac_username }}" idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}" share_name: "" share_user: "{{ smb_share_username }}" share_password: "{{ smb_share_password }}" iso_image: "faime-bookworm.iso" validate_certs: false delegate_to: # - name: Mount installation ISO # dellemc.openmanage.idrac_virtual_media: # idrac_ip: # idrac_user: "{{ idrac_username }}" # idrac_password: "{{ idrac_password }}" # validate_certs: false # force: true # virtual_media: # - insert: true # image: "" # media_type: DVD # delegate_to: 

any advice please?

submitted by /u/Dinth
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