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AnteayerSelf-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services

Self hosted building security system.

Hi All, I’ve searched quite a lot on the group but couldn’t find anything.

A friend of mine has a charity and they just received a building to run. This is a 7 floor building used to be one big company and prior to that it was a shared working space. He knows I self host and have helped a few small businesses and has asked for help. In the end if we need to go with a more expensive solution that’s ok we will go there but he asked if I could take an initial look and see what can be done.

We are looking for a type of access control system. The building has a car park with an automated barrier, entrance barrier with card readers, card readers in most doors/floors and a camera and intercom system. However, the previous owners, not sure why maybe for security reasons, cut a lot of the networking cables and left no documentation on the cabling to understand what’s connected where.

All the endpoint hardware is still there but the switches and cabling at the start of the connections are gone/cut. Some cables are still in place and on Sunday we are going there to tidy it up and see what’s what. On Sunday I can take pictures of what’s there and share as some of the stuff that’s there seems older than me.

But my question is, might be a long shot, does anyone know a system we can self host that could handle all the barrier access, door access and maybe cameras ? Might be two or more systems but just want to see if there’s anything that can be self hosted.

submitted by /u/Maleficent-Usual4415
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