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Promox: Domain-Based Traffic Routing

Promox: Domain-Based Traffic Routing

Hello everyone,

Sorry if the question was already posted, but the search is a little bit difficult here.

I'm currently running a Proxmox server hosted on a dedicated Hetzner server, and I am exploring the possibilities of configuring HAProxy for more advanced traffic routing between my VMs.

Here's the context of my existing setup:

  • Server: Proxmox is hosted on a dedicated Hetzner server.
  • Current Configuration: OPNsense is already in use as the firewall, and I'm considering integrating HAProxy for specific routing needs.

Before I lease another IP from Hetzner, I want to see if HAProxy can handle my specific requirements for directing traffic based on domain names. Specifically, I'm looking to set up routing rules like:

  • Directing traffic for kasm.rogafe.domain exclusively to a VM designated for KASM.
  • Routing all other subdomains matching *.rogafe.domain to a different VM called Cloud, where I run my docker using compose + traefik.

Diagram of the Setup:

My questions are:

Can HAProxy, when configured on OPNsense, handle this type of domain-based routing efficiently?

  • Are there any special considerations or settings in HAProxy that I should prepare for to enable such routing?
  • If anyone has implemented a similar configuration, could you share your insights or point out any potential issues I should be aware of?

I'm looking for any advice or experiences that could help me determine the feasibility of this setup without needing an additional IP.

I am also willing to use another proxy running on a VM, I saw Nginx Proxy Manager named a bunch here

Thanks in advance for your input!

submitted by /u/rogafe
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