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Hoy — 13 Julio 2024Self-Hosted Alternatives to Popular Services

Immich-love it but need a backup

So, just set up Immich. Brand new and it’s awesome. Just what I was looking for even though I was on the verge of paying for a service. With 35k photos going back more than 10 years it’s been kind of a mess. Anyway, I did it through the portainer script and now I’m getting alerts to update. No slick way to update. Backups seem tricky. Anyone know of a good guide or YT tutorial?

submitted by /u/Patient-Tech
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Where and why did you choose an underdog selfhosted service over the community favourite?

We hear a lot about nextcloud, gitea, tailscale and NPM. These are great applications. But mabe you run seafile, onedev, zerotier and zoraxy (respectively) instead.

This crazy modern world sure has problems but one of them is not lack of choice when self hosting the most common use-cases like file storage, source code management and secure access.

submitted by /u/Deventerz
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How to make RAID system in debian server?

Hey I'm kind of a newbie getting my feet wet. I've setup a plex and jellyfin server and I'm using Wireguard to access it outside of my local network. All on an old PC running debian server through docker containers. I've bought 4x6TB of hard drives to have more storage available for more things on my server and create an Immich/Nextcloud setup.
Until now, I've been running everything off of 2 drives, one boot SSD and one 2TB hard drive. I want to know, how I can setup data redundancy in my server for the 4 new drives, without having to scrap my whole server and install some NAS operating system. I am aware of ProxMox being able to do this, but do I install ProxMox as a docker container? Can the RAID Pools/Partitions ProxMox makes be visible to Plex, Jellyfin, Immich, Nextcloud if the ProxMox is in its own container? Is there a guide on how I can set this all up?

Also, I know I shouldn't be running a NAS ans a hosting server on the same device, unfortunately I don't have an alternative as of now. Thank you!

submitted by /u/not_the_brightest_1
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Radarr & Sonarr over multiple volumes

Hi all.

I’m running sonarr and radarrr with multiple instances for 1080p and 4K on a synology nas. My hardrove has filled up and I bought another 10tb but when I added the drive it turns out my initial selection when I diary’s set up the nas probably wasn’t the best choice, and now my best option to expand is to have 2x 10gb volumes.

Can I set up radarr and sonarr effectively to use 2 separate volumes for media storage? I figured I could just keep the current library and set a new root folder for saving any new titles to fill the second drive separately instead of putting more in the first?

submitted by /u/wythefucknotzoidberg
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Introducing PdfDing

Hi r/selfhosted,

I am happy to present you PdfDing 0.1.0. You can find the repo here. I would be really happy if you would find the time to check it out.

PdfDing is a browser based PDF viewer that you can host yourself. It's designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.

PdfDing was created because I was searching for a selfhostable browser based PDF viewer. However, the existing solution were (at least for my use case) too heavy and feature rich. Thus, I focused on making PDfDing a "simple" with a focus on a single thing: viewing PDFs. This is also why you won't find any fancy AI or OCR in this project.

The name is a combination of PDF and ding. Ding is the German word for thing. Thus, PdfDing is a thing for your PDFs. The name and the design of PdfDing are inspired by linkding.

Feature Overview:

  • Browser based PDF viewing
  • Organize PDFs with tags
  • Clean and responsive UI Remembers current position - continue where you stopped reading
  • SSO support via OIDC
  • Every user can upload its own PDFs. There is no admin curating the content.PdfDing is a browser based

At the end I want to mention, the platform where PdfDing's repository is hosted on. Codeberg is a platform like github, that is based on forgejo and operated by a registered non-profit association. I believe that the centralization of FOSS development on github as a single provider and solution is a big risk and I decided to host my code codeberg. Even though my ego would like github more :D. Maybe some of you want to register and try out codeberg. It's really great!

submitted by /u/pdf-ding
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Should I consider self-hosting Gitlea/Gitlab instead of Github?

Hi, I have been moving much of the cloud infrastructure of my software agency (6 people currently, hopefully more in the future) to a self hosted VPS. But I was thinking whether it makes sense for us to move our private repositories away from Github as well. Github does put many organization features behind a paywall. So I guess it makes sense to self host ourselves, since it will be much cheaper for us.

  1. Is there any big disadvantage in self-hosting that might over-weigh the benefit mentioned above?
  2. Between self-hosting Gitea and Gitlab, what would you recommend? I have given both a brief try and both look very capable, but want to hear from people who have a longer experience with them.
  3. Any other tips or suggestions?
submitted by /u/Red-Eye-Soul
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How to fix an internal IP always changing?

I have a server with a static IP address which hosts almost everything except Ollama because the GPU is on my main machine.

I sometimes have to use a hard physical switch to change between two different outgoing networks due to the country I am living in requiring a VPN to access the western internet.

With that in mind, how can I keep a hostname with which my server can always contact my dynamically changing IP address on the GPU machine? If I can make a hostname available I can do that. Otherwise how do I update OpenWebUI and other containers dynamically with the new address when it changes? I am a software engineer so developing some kind of service on the main server isn't out of the question.

My current thoughts are maybe making a service which I call periodically to update the IP in /etc/hosts for the hostname I use instead of an IP address?

I need to update the endpoint in OpenWebUI and AnythingLLM somehow while they are running otherwise which I am also unsure of how to do as they are docker run arguments.

submitted by /u/FecklessLizard
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Trying to connect multiple applications to my NAS, but can't ever seem to get it to work properly


I am working on my homelab, and I need some advice. I have recently been working on setting up your typical homelab applications, Jellyfin, Nextcloud, etc. I have successfully been able to get these applications up and running using Docker, but I have one problem that keeps occuring: I can't connect them to my NAS (Open Media Vault)

Or well, it's not that simple. I have been able to connect it, but only by setting "no_root_squash" in NFS, which, as far as I understand, is bad security practice. I am fone with running either CIFS/SMB or NFS, but I can't find any easy way to do so securely. What I seem to run into each time is the application not being able to run chmod/chown

My question is: How do you guys set this up, and do you have any tips for someone who is fairly new to setting up network volumes in Docker Compose?

submitted by /u/Ejo2001
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Remote Access/VPN, what are you using?

What is everyone using for remote access? I've been running headscale for a bit now, but there hasn't been an updated stable release in over a year and there are some bugs affecting me currently. I could go back to straight wiregurad, but I want something simple for my users. Just starting to look at zero tier. I'd almost just use tailscale's coordination server is the user limit wasn't so low. Need about 10 users and need external auth functionality and some sort of app for most media devices (firestick, appletv). What else should I look at?

UPDATE: It seems the AppleTV requirement is the deal breaker for most options out there. I might need to remove that requirement for now, it just means I won't accomplish my goal of closing all ports quite yet. It doesn't even look like there is a wireguard app for tvos yet, Tailscale app seems to be pretty much the only one.

submitted by /u/thelinedpaper
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Markup - but for the family

Markup - but for the family

I realize there are some markup options out there but all I am looking for is this:

  1. My wife sends me the url to a pizza joint
  2. I decide what I want and highlight/share it with her.
  3. She gets the message. This can literally be anything. Screenshot. Text I selected. URL with my highlight. Anything - just as long as it is easily discernable.
  4. My selections/url are saved for me (I wanna know what I ordered this time ... next time!)

Ultimately, I am looking to make life easier for the whole family but some of the options out there are overkill for what I want. I am not a marketer looking to provide feedback.

Any thoughts?

NOTE: Sorry the flair is bad. I didn't find "Personal-Guy who wants to make life easier and remember his pizza selection."

submitted by /u/TrackingSolo
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Help with a multi-purpose scoreboard / leaderboard site for a group of friends?

TL;DR - I am looking for a simple way to host a site / app which has a number of pre-defined and customisable leaderboards for a group of friends (stat-nerds) to keep track of their weekly shenanigans.

With context:

Each week, myself and 5 of my (40 something) friends try to meet up on a Wednesday, we do that strategically to break up the working week... I cannot recommend it enough... Anyway, so we are all young at heart and like to play games. We regularly visit the driving range, and then head back to someone's house and play cards with a few beers, sometimes it's boardgames or darts or anything. Importantly, we run a weekly quiz through WhatsApp. This quiz has a leaderboard and there's only one question each week, the winner will set the quiz for the following Wednesday. The question can be as elaborate as the setter wants it to be but the leaderboard is consistent, a bunch of names and their scores, updated once a week.

I have played around with HTML, CSS and JS (Using ChatGPT) to create a leaderboard site instead of just typing it out in WhatsApp each week.... And since doing this, it has prompted me to seek help here:

Is there something that already exists as a docker app or similar? I would like to be able to update scores each week but also log who has done that to keep things fair. I would also like to have multiple types of scoreboards as we play golf, cards, the quiz and I was hoping we could incorporate all of this into one app and use it for quick input at the end of a round of cards as one example.

I host an Unraid server at home (I will also post in the Unraid subreddit) so I have been nominated to investigate. I am willing to spend time learning to make this fit our needs but I must admit, I'm pretty new to hosting a site that somebody hasn't already created a docker container for.

I'm hoping for any initial guidance or ideas to get me started or if something already exists that would make our week.

submitted by /u/mat091084
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Use coolify with caprover?

Hi, I've spent thr past couple of days setting up Caprover on my vps. I really like the single click apps, which I have used to setup Nextcloud, Penpot and others on my server. Now I was thinking about moving my sites hosted on Cloudflare Pages to my server as well. They are all mostly Svetelkit and Nextjs 'serverless' sites. While its possible to use Caprover for it, I don't really like the DX of connecting it with private Git repositories. I found coolify as a nice looking alternative for my needs.

I have a couple of questions 1. Is it even a good idea to host a Nextjs site meant for serverless on VPS? What are the pros and cons compared to using Vercel, Netlify or Cloudflare. 2. Is it possible to use coolify with Caprover? 3. If they are not compatible, will Coolify support single click apps like Caprover? Will I be able to easily setup Nextcloud and Penpot etc with it?

submitted by /u/Red-Eye-Soul
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CGNAT options

I currently have Tailscale and Cloudflare Tunnels set up to bust through my CGNAT. These get a lot of gripe because they’re not truly 100% self-hosted and thus vulnerable to snooping. The only alternative I have seen is renting a VPS and setting up wireguard to the VPS.

Wouldn’t a VPS also be vulnerable to snooping? Seems like two sides of the same coin to me.

My ISP doesn’t offer ipv6. I don’t have access to another server/connection.

Is there any other truly 100% selfhosted way to get past CGNAT?

submitted by /u/sevenlayercookie5
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Photos - a long shot

I was watching one of Louis Rossmann's vids recently, was a few weeks ago and I have a piss poor memory so can't remember which one. He was rambling about something and giving options, just in a rant mode, of replacing software from big tech. He mentioned Google Photos and said replace with Photos.

Unfortunately as this was a rant, he didn't go into details. Does anyone know what app he was talking about?

submitted by /u/steviefaux
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Best way to transfer nextcloud n immich to new laptop

Current laptop has win 10 + docker. Nextcloud n immich date is about 700gb ( majority immich photos). Would be shifting to newer laptop with ubuntu mate. Whats the best possible way to transfer the data so that the system is up and running asap?

Edit. I dont have laptop backup, since data ( files n photos) are downloaded from google photos n drive n uploaded to immich n nextc. Nextcloud is configured to use host file system so that I actually see the files on c:\somefolder in file explorer. Also using sqlite since this is a personal family usage. Performance is never an issue.

Edit 2: Checking on net showed resilio synch. I guess that is the easiest way I found as of now.

submitted by /u/amgschnappi
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Wifi Connection Going Nuts over Adguard DNS

i have recently bought a raspberry pi and set it up as a small home server for me to play with and get my hands dirty. the first thing that i wanted to self host is a dns server so i set up adguard on to my raspberry pi home server and gave the raspberry pi a local static ip of using my home router settings

i then set my router's dns server to be (my raspberry pi home server) so everything goes through my raspberry pi home server. for quite some time everything has been working ok and ads and tracking things are getting blocked and logged in adguard but recently it just stopped working properly.

one day things suddenly were not working. when i access a website, somtimes

  • the connection times out (i dont know why this happens)

  • dns probe issue

    • i understand this might be from my adguard not working properly BUT when i set my router's dns server to default, and locally set my PC's dns to be , everything is working okay.
  • cannot connect to wifi at all

    • if i try to connect to it, it just kicks me out and i need to reset the router for me to be able to connect to the wifi again

anyone have any theories on what this issue might be?

submitted by /u/darkalimdor18
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Local Distributed SQL DB

I currently run my “production” db which is MySQL 8 inside of a docker container which is stored locally on my NAS.

So I have a little redundancy from the RAID.

As my applications have grown in popularity, my data has become more important to me. I have recently acquired access to a second internet connection off site where I can host a second set of servers and load balance between the two.

I’ve got the web side of the distributed services worked out, but I’m not sure about the best route for data redundancy and high availability.

My ideal solution was a master to master MySQL setup over a VPN. I tried this and it wasn’t very reliable. The tables got out of sync somehow and ended up corrupting one of the DBs.

So onto the real question, do you have any recommendations for a reliable SQL based, self hosted, distributed/high availability compatible database?

submitted by /u/Jbyerline
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Is there way to keep deleted media's trace or log for future downloading with radarr /sonarr ??

Yea i know Who wants to delete media !!! I have a small server and it used by my family and friends. Its almost full now, most of the media they don't even end up watching. which is waste of storage.

I don't want to fully delete them, at least i want to keep track of what watched before or if i want to watch it again i can just download it again easily

submitted by /u/itshardtopicka_name_
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