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Asteroids: Kessler Syndrome Edition

5 Agosto 2024 at 18:30

Asteroids, the late-70s arcade hit, was an immensely popular game. Often those with the simplest premise, while maintaining a fun, lighthearted gameplay have the most cultural impact and longest legacy. But, although it was popular, it doesn’t really meet the high bar of scientific fidelity that some gamers are looking for. That’s why [Attoparsec] built the Kessler Syndrome Edition of this classic arcade game.

The Kessler Syndrome is a condition where so much man-made debris piles up in low-Earth orbit that nothing can occupy this orbit without getting damaged or destroyed by the debris, and thus turning into more debris itself in a terrible positive feedback loop. [Attoparsec] brings this idea to Asteroids by reprogramming the game so that asteroids can be shot into smaller and smaller pieces but which never disappear, quickly turning the game into a runaway Kessler Syndrome where the chance of survival is extremely limited, and even a destroyed player’s ship turns into space junk as well.

To further the scientific accuracy and improve playability, though, he’s added a repulsor beam mechanism which can push the debris a bit and prolong the player’s life, and also added mass effect reactions so that even shooting bullets repels the player’s ship a bit. The build doesn’t stop with software, either. He also built a custom 70s-style arcade cabinet from the ground to host the game.

Asteroids is still a popular platform for unique builds like this. Take a look at a light-vector game using lasers to create the graphics, or this tiny version of the game that uses a real CRT.

Thanks to [smellsofbikes] for the tip!

Building the Unreleased Lemmings Arcade Cabinet from 1991

Por: Maya Posch
30 Julio 2024 at 05:00

Back in the early 90s the world was almost graced with an arcade version of Lemmings, but after a few board revisions it was abandoned in 1991. Now the folk over at UK-based [RMC – The Cave] on YouTube have managed to not only get their mitts on a nearly finished prototype board, but have also designed and built a period-appropriate cabinet to go with it. This involved looking at a range of arcade cabinets created by Data East and picking a design that would allow both for the two-player mode of the game, and fit the overall style.

The finished Lemmings arcade cabinet. (Credit: RMC – The Cave, YouTube)

Arcade cabinets came in a wide range of cabinet styles and control layouts, largely defined by the game’s requirements, but sometimes with flourishes to distinguish the cabinet from the hundred others in the same arcade.

In this particular case the typical zig-zag (Z-back) style was found to be a good fit as on the Data East Night Slashers 1993-era cabinet, which then mostly left the controls (with two trackballs) and cabinet art to figure out. Fortunately there is plenty of inspiration when it comes to Lemmings art, leading to the finished cabinet with the original mainboard, the JAMMA wiring harness with MultiPi JAMMA controller, a 19″ CRT monitor and other components including the 3D printed controls panel.

With more and more new arcades popping up in the US and elsewhere, perhaps we’ll see these Lemmings arcade cabinets appear there too, especially since the ROMs on the prototype board were dumped for convenient MAME-ing.

Thanks to [Neil] for the tip.

How To Turn Cheap Speakers Into Something A Little Better

Por: Jenny List
5 Julio 2024 at 08:00

[Adam Francis] bought some cheap speaker drivers from AliExpress. Are they any good? Difficult to tell without a set of enclosures for them, so he made a set of transmission line cabinets. The resulting video proves that a decent sounding set of speakers shouldn’t have to cost the earth, and is quite entertaining to watch.

The design he’s going for is a transmission line, in effect a folded half-wave resonant tube terminated at one end and open at the other, with the speaker close to half way along. There is a lot of nuance to perfecting a speaker cabinet, but this basic recipe doesn’t have to be optimum to give a good result.

So after having some MDF cut to shape and glueing it all together, he ends up with some semi decent speakers for not a lot of money. The video is entertaining, with plenty of Britishisms, but the underlying project is sound. We’d have a pair on our bench.
