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EMO: Alibaba’s Diffusion Model-Based Talking Portrait Generator

Por: Maya Posch
10 Junio 2024 at 23:00

Alibaba’s EMO (or Emote Portrait Alive) framework is a recent entry in a series of attempts to generate a talking head using existing audio (spoken word or vocal audio) and a reference portrait image as inputs. At its core it uses a diffusion model that is trained on 250 hours of video footage and over 150 million images. But unlike previous attempts, it adds what the researchers call a speed controller and a face region controller. These serve to stabilize the generated frames, along with an additional module to stop the diffusion model from outputting frames that feature a result too distinct from the reference image used as input.

In the related paper by [Linrui Tian] and colleagues a number of comparisons are shown between EMO and other frameworks, claiming significant improvements over these. A number of examples of talking and singing heads generated using this framework are provided by the researchers, which gives some idea of what are probably the ‘best case’ outputs. With some examples, like [Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing] singing ‘Unconditional‘ big glitches are obvious and there’s a definite mismatch between the vocal track and facial motions. Despite this, it’s quite impressive, especially with fairly realistic movement of the head including blinking of the eyes.

Meanwhile some seem extremely impressed, such as in a recent video by [Matthew Berman] on EMO where he states that Alibaba releasing this framework to the public might be ‘too dangerous’. The level-headed folks over at PetaPixel however also note the obvious visual imperfections that are a dead give-away for this kind of generative technology. Much like other diffusion model-based generators, it would seem that EMO is still very much stuck in the uncanny valley, with no clear path to becoming a real human yet.

Thanks to [Daniel Starr] for the tip.

Feast Your Eyes on These AI-Generated Sounds

Por: Tom Nardi
28 Mayo 2024 at 11:00

The radio hackers in the audience will be familiar with a spectrogram display, but for the uninitiated, it’s basically a visual representation of how a range of frequencies are changing with time. Usually such a display is used to identify a clear transmission in a sea of noise, but with the right software, it’s possible to generate a signal that shows up as text or an image when viewed as a spectrogram. Musicians even occasionally use the technique to hide images in their songs. Unfortunately, the audio side of such a trick generally sounds like gibberish to human ears.

Or at least, it used to. Students from the University of Michigan have found a way to use diffusion models to not only create a spectrogram image for a given prompt, but to do it with audio that actually makes sense given what the image shows. So for example if you asked for a spectrogram of a race car, you might get an audio track that sounds like a revving engine.

The first step of the technique is easy enough — two separate pre-trained models are used, Stable Diffusion to create the image, and Auffusion4 to produce the audio. The results are then combined via weighted average, and enter into an iterative denoising process to refine the end result. Normally the process produces a grayscale image, but as the paper explains, a third model can be kicked in to produce a more visually pleasing result without impacting the audio itself.

Ultimately, neither the visual nor audio component is perfect. But they both get close enough that you get the idea, and that alone is pretty impressive. We won’t hazard to guess what practical applications exist for this technique, but the paper does hint at some potential use for steganography. Perhaps something to keep in mind the next time we try to hide data in an episode of the Hackaday Podcast.
