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A Simple Guide to RF PCB Design

23 Agosto 2024 at 08:00

[Hans Rosenberg] knows a thing or two about RF PCB design and has provided a three-part video demonstration of some solid rules of thumb. We will cover the first part here, and leave the other two for the more interested readers!

The design process begins with a schematic diagram, assuming ideal conductors. Advanced software tools can extract the resistive, inductive, and capacitive elements of the physical wiring to create a parasitic model that can be compared to the desired schematic. The RF designer’s task is to optimize the layout to minimize differences and achieve the best performance to meet the design goals. However, what do you do when you don’t have access to such software?

[Hans] explains that at low frequencies, return current flows through all paths, with the lowest resistance path taking most of the current. At higher frequencies, the lowest inductance path carries all the current. In real designs, a ground plane is used instead of an explicit return trace for the lowest possible impedance.

You really wouldn’t design an RF circuit like this.

[Hans] shows the effect of interrupting the signal return path on a physical test PCB. The result is pretty bad, with the current forced to detour around the hole in the ground plane. A nanoVNA shows a -20 dB drop at 4 GHz, where the ground plane has effectively become an antenna. Energy will be radiated out, causing signal loss, but worse, it will create an EMC hazard with an unintended transmission.

Additionally, this creates an EMC susceptibility, making the situation worse. Placing a solder blob to bridge the gap directly under the signal trace is all that’s required to make it a continuous straight path again, and the performance is restored.

Floating planes are also an issue in RF designs, causing signal resonance and losses. One solution is to pull back the planes near the signal or stitch them to the ground plane with vias placed closely on either side of the signal trace. However, such stitching may slightly affect transmission line impedance and require tweaking the design a little. The next two parts of the series expand on this, hammering home the importance of good ground plane design. These are definitely worth a watch!

PCB design is as much art as science, and we’ve discussed this subject a lot. Here’s our simple guide to rocking RF PCB designs. There’s also a lot of devil in that detail, for example when understanding edge-launch SMA connectors.

Programming Tiny Blinkenlight Projects with Light

1 Agosto 2024 at 11:00

[mitxela] has a tiny problem, literally: some of his projects are so small as to defy easy programming. While most of us would probably solve the problem of having no physical space on a board to mount a connector with WiFi or Bluetooth, he took a different path and gave this clever light-based programming interface a go.

Part of the impetus for this approach comes from some of the LED-centric projects [mitxela] has tackled lately, particularly wearables such as his LED matrix earrings or these blinky industrial piercings. Since LEDs can serve as light sensors, albeit imperfect ones, he explored exactly how to make the scheme work.

For initial experiments he wisely chose his larger but still diminutive LED matrix badge, which sports a CH32V003 microcontroller, an 8×8 array of SMD LEDs, and not much else. The video below is a brief summary of the effort, while the link above provides a much more detailed account of the proceedings, which involved a couple of false starts and a lot of prototyping that eventually led to dividing the matrix in two and ganging all the LEDs in each half into separate sensors. This allows [mitxela] to connect each side of the array to the two inputs of an op-amp built into the CH32V003, making a differential sensor that’s less prone to interference from room light. A smartphone app alternately flashes two rectangles on and off with the matrix lying directly on the screen to send data to the badge — at a low bitrate, to be sure, but it’s more than enough to program the badge in a reasonable amount of time.

We find this to be an extremely clever way to leverage what’s already available and make a project even better than it was. Here’s hoping it spurs new and even smaller LED projects in the future.

Coax Stub Filters Demystified

22 Julio 2024 at 05:00

Unless you hold a First Degree RF Wizard rating, chances are good that coax stubs seem a bit baffling to you. They look for all the world like short circuits or open circuits, and yet work their magic and act to match feedline impedances or even as bandpass filters. Pretty interesting behavior from a little piece of coaxial cable.

If you’ve ever wondered how stub filters do their thing, [Fesz] has you covered. His latest video concentrates on practical filters made from quarter-wavelength and half-wavelength stubs. Starting with LTspice simulations, he walks through the different behaviors of open-circuit and short-circuit stubs, as well as what happens when multiple stubs are added to the same feedline. He also covers a nifty online calculator that makes it easy to come up with stub lengths based on things like the velocity factor and characteristic impedance of the coax.

It’s never just about simulations with [Fesz], though, so he presents a real-world stub filter for FM broadcast signals on the 2-meter amateur radio band. The final design required multiple stubs to get 30 dB of attenuation from 88 MHz to 108 MHz, and the filter seemed fairly sensitive to the physical position of the stubs relative to each other. Also, the filter needed a little LC matching circuit to move the passband frequency to the center of the 2-meter band. All the details are in the video below.

It’s pretty cool to see what can be accomplished with just a couple of offcuts of coax. Plus, getting some of the theory behind those funny little features on PCBs that handle microwave frequencies is a nice bonus. This microwave frequency doubler is a nice example of what stubs can do.
