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Spotify Voice Translation Pilot

Por: EasyWithAI
2 Octubre 2023 at 15:20
Spotify has launched a pilot of an AI-powered voice translation feature for podcasts. This allows episodes originally recorded in one language to be translated and heard in other languages, while retaining the original speaker’s voice and style. The tool uses advanced AI to match the speaker’s tone and cadence, for a more natural listening experience […]



Por: EasyWithAI
23 Julio 2023 at 13:21
BallonTranslator is an advanced comic/manga translation tool that utilizes deep learning. This tool offers a fully automated translation process, including text-detection, recognition, removal, and translation. It works efficiently with manga and comics, providing improved manga->English and English->Chinese typesetting. BallonTranslator is available on GitHub, and to install it you just need to download and run the […]



Por: EasyWithAI
2 Agosto 2023 at 13:10
EasySub is an AI subtitling tool that can automatically generate subtitles and translate subtitles, as well as simple video editing and exporting. EasySub has a professional AI speech recognition algorithm, which makes the accuracy of the subtitles it generates exceed most of the relevant software on the market. EasySub is designed to make creating subtitles […]


Static Recompilation Brings New Life to N64 Games

Por: Maya Posch
21 Mayo 2024 at 11:00

Over the past few years a number of teams have been putting a lot of effort into taking beloved Nintendo 64 games, decompiling them, and lovingly crafting them into highly portable C code. This allows for these games to not only run natively on PCs, but also for improvements to be made to the rendering engine and other components.

Yet this artisan approach to porting these games means a massive time investment, something which static binary translation (static recompilation) may conceivably speed up. Enter the N64: Recompiled project, which provides a binary translation tool to ease the translation of the N64’s binaries into C code.

This is effectively quite similar to what an emulator does in real-time, just with the goal of creating a permanent copy of the translated instructions. After this static binary translation, the C code can be compiled again, but as noted by the project’s documentation, a suitable runtime is needed to get a functional game. An example of this is the Zelda 64: Recompiled project, which uses the N64: Recompiled project at its core, while providing the necessary scaffolding and wrappers to create a working copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask as output.

In the video below, [Modern Vintage Gamer] takes the software for a test drive and comes away very excited about the potential it has to completely change the state of N64 emulation. To be clear, this isn’t a one-button-press solution — it still requires capable developers to roll up their sleeves and get the plumbing in. It’s going to take some time before you favorite game is supported, but the idea of breathing new life into some of the best games from the 1990s and early 2000s certainly has us eager to see where this technology goes

Thanks to [Keith Olson] for the tip.
