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Por: EasyWithAI
12 Enero 2023 at 01:08
MutableAI is an AI-accelerated software development tool to quickly create high-quality code with ease. It has an autocomplete feature which saves time on boilerplate and reduces reliance on Stack Overflow. Refactor, document and add types with one click. Simply give instructions to the AI to modify your code, there is also an upcoming test generation […]


Amazon CodeWhisperer

Por: EasyWithAI
9 Enero 2023 at 02:54
Amazon CodeWhisperer is an ML-powered AI coding assistant that helps developers build applications faster by providing real-time code recommendations in their integrated development environment (IDE). It can generate entire functions and logical code blocks, and offers recommendations for AWS APIs across popular services like EC2, Lambda, and S3. CodeWhisperer can also assist with unit test […]


Sourcegraph Cody

Por: EasyWithAI
9 Enero 2024 at 16:01
Cody is an AI coding assistant by Sourcegraph that is designed to help developers write, understand, and fix code faster. Open-sourced and powered by AI, Cody provides intelligent code completion, documentation, and chat support across programming languages and codebases. With just a few clicks, Cody can explain entire code repositories, generate tests, optimize code, and […]

