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Por: EasyWithAI
25 Septiembre 2023 at 17:27 is a website that offers an AI-powered Instagram growth service. With targeted, automatic actions and artificial intelligence algorithms, Botrush helps enhance your Instagram presence. The platform ensures privacy and security, using dedicated proxies and handling requests directly through Instagram servers. Botrush offers different packages with features such as organic account growth, mass story views […]



Por: EasyWithAI
26 Mayo 2023 at 12:06
QuantPlus uses AI to optimize ads before launching them. Its breakthrough technology boosts ad performance by analyzing each element, allowing you to create up to 300% more effective ads. By analyzing historical ad data, QuantPlus identifies and ranks high-performing creative elements such as text, images, and more.



Por: EasyWithAI
18 Julio 2023 at 19:08
KeywordSearch uses AI to maximize ROI for your Google & YouTube ad campaigns. It allows you to discover the best advertising audiences for your business in minutes using AI & then sync them to your ad account in one click. KeywordSearch can optimize your marketing campaigns and maximize leads and sales by connecting you with […]


FounderPal Slogan Generator

Por: EasyWithAI
26 Febrero 2024 at 15:19
FounderPal’s AI slogan generator is a free tool which lets you get up to 30 amazing slogans tailored to your business. Just tell the AI your business model or niche and describe your target audience. The tool then generates 30 catchy slogans in different tones such as friendly, direct, minimalistic, and more.



Por: EasyWithAI
17 Noviembre 2023 at 15:42
StoryChief is the all-in-one content marketing platform that helps individuals and teams collaborate, organize, and distribute content more efficiently. For content marketers, social media managers, and agencies juggling multiple clients, StoryChief brings order to content chaos. It centralizes your content planning, creation, and publishing so you can coordinate workflows across teams. With StoryChief, you can:


Hackaday Links: June 2, 2024

2 Junio 2024 at 23:00
Hackaday Links Column Banner

So you say you missed the Great Solar Storm of 2024 along with its attendant aurora? We feel you on that; the light pollution here was too much for decent viewing, and it had been too long a day to make a drive into the deep dark of the countryside survivable. But fear not — the sunspot that raised all the ruckus back at the beginning of May has survived the trip across the far side of the sun and will reappear in early June, mostly intact and ready for business. At least sunspot AR3664 seems like it’s still a force to be reckoned with, having cooked off an X-class flare last Tuesday just as it was coming around from the other side of the Sun. Whether 3664 will be able to stir up another G5 geomagnetic storm remains to be seen, but since it fired off an X-12 flare while it was around the backside, you never know. Your best bet to stay informed in these trying times is the indispensable Dr. Tamitha Skov.

Back here on our soon-to-be-incinerated planet, you know we’ve reached the peak of the AI hype curve when you see something like AI competitive thermal paste being hawked. That’s the marketing niche Cooler Master has staked out for its new Cyrofuze 5 thermal paste, which is supposed to somehow make your computer smarter by keeping it cooler? Or maybe not; it’s not really clear from Cooler Master’s Chinese website for the product what the AI advantages are, and sadly the Cryofuze 5 line doesn’t seem to be offered on the US site. Which is a shame, because the new smartening goo comes in six designer colors that for all the world look like a Bob Ross palette — it that alizarin crimson and phthalo blue? Who in their right mind wouldn’t want a chance to color coordinate their thermal grease while simultaneously making their machine more AI competitive?

Speaking of AI, we’ve covered a lot of interactions between humans and autonomous vehicles in this column, with most of them tending toward the violent. But we’ve finally got a more heartwarming interaction to report, where a pedestrian helped a stuck delivery vehicle out of a tough spot. The truck, which is really only a little bigger than those munchie-delivering robots that ply college campuses, maneuvered itself onto a driveway sporting a pair of speed bumps spaced almost exactly as far apart as the vehicle’s wheelbase. The front wheels made it over the first bump, but when it came time to climb both obstacles at the same time, the poor little truck just couldn’t manage it. The fact that the bumps were a significant fraction of the wheel diameter on the tiny truck likely didn’t help, but thankfully a pedestrian took pity and gave the little fella a push. The bot’s rear wheels seemed to be having trouble clearing the last bump, too; the video cuts off too soon to tell, but we’ll give it the benefit of the doubt.

Victim blame is generally in bad form, but if you don’t even bother to change the default password, can you really call a cyberattack a “break-in”? That’s the question we have after learning of an alarming increase in cyberattacks against public infrastructure in the US, including public water supplies in Pennsylvania and Texas. While the separate attacks resulted in no damage to the physical plants, the article links to a report listing some attacks that did result in damage, including an intentional release of 800,000 liters of sewage in Australia in 2000.

And finally, speaking of cybersecurity, if you’ve ever procrastinated on keeping your OS patched, what happened when a Windows XP machine was put online with no protection should spur you into action. YouTuber Eric Parker put an XP machine on the raw internet — no router, no firewall, and no anti-malware software. It only took about ten minutes for the first signs of infection to appear, and things went downhill pretty fast from there. Parker notes that the same setup on a Windows 7 machine resulted in no major malware infections after several hours, which should be a gut punch to those who fought so long against updating from XP.



Por: EasyWithAI
23 Enero 2023 at 19:35
CopyMonkey helps you create and optimize your Amazon product listings. The AI-algorithm places all of the important keywords in your listing to improve your chances of ranking organically on the first page. The tool will generate keyword-optimized bullet points and descriptions for you, making sure you don’t miss any important keywords your customers are searching […]

