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FounderPal Slogan Generator

Por: EasyWithAI
26 Febrero 2024 at 15:19
FounderPal’s AI slogan generator is a free tool which lets you get up to 30 amazing slogans tailored to your business. Just tell the AI your business model or niche and describe your target audience. The tool then generates 30 catchy slogans in different tones such as friendly, direct, minimalistic, and more.



Por: EasyWithAI
12 Diciembre 2022 at 12:41
Namelix generates short and catchy business names using a powerful AI language model. For new businesses, naming options can seem quite limited. Short domains are very expensive, yet longer multi-word names don’t inspire confidence. If you’re lacking inspiration for your next brand name give Namelix a try – it’s free!

