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Ayer — 8 Marzo 2025Salida Principal

Get Into Meshtastic On the Cheap With This Tiny Node Kit

8 Marzo 2025 at 09:00

There’s been a lot of buzz about Meshtastic lately, and with good reason. The low-power LoRa-based network has a ton of interesting use cases, and as with any mesh network, the more nodes there are, the better it works for everyone. That’s why we’re excited by this super-affordable Meshtastic kit that lets you get a node on the air for about ten bucks.

The diminutive kit, which consists of a microcontroller and a LoRa module, has actually been available from the usual outlets for a while. But [concretedog] has been deep in the Meshtastic weeds lately, and decided to review its pros and cons. Setup starts with flashing Meshtastic to the XIAO ESP32-S3 microcontroller and connecting the included BLE antenna. After that, the Wio-SX1262 LoRa module is snapped to the microcontroller board via surface-mount connectors, and a separate LoRa antenna is connected. Flash the firmware (this combo is supported by the official web flasher), and you’re good to go.

What do you do with your new node? That’s largely up to you, of course. Most Meshtastic users seem content to send encrypted text messages back and forth, but as our own [Jonathan Bennett] notes, a Meshtastic network could be extremely useful for emergency preparedness. Build a few of these nodes, slap them in a 3D printed box, distribute them to willing neighbors, and suddenly you’ve got a way to keep connected in an emergency, no license required.

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Hackable Cities

25 Febrero 2025 at 03:00
Flow chart containing directions on how to determine if you should use this toolkit as a resident, business owner, civic activist, or government official

There are many ways to hack the world. Graduate students at Parsons The New School for Design developed a guide for hacking the biggest piece of technology humans have developed – the city.

One of the things we love here at Hackaday is how hacking gives us a tool to make the world a better place for ourselves and those around us. Even if it’s a simple Arduino-based project, we’re (usually) trying to make something better or less painful.

Taking that same approach of identifying a problem, talking to the end user, and then going through design and execution can also apply to projects at a larger scale. Even if you live in an already great neighborhood, there’s likely some abandoned nook or epic vista that could use some love to bring people out from behind their screens to enjoy each other’s company. This guide walks us through the steps of improving public space, and some of the various ways to interact with and collate data from the people and organizations that makeup a community. This could work as a framework for growing any nascent hacker or makerspaces as well.

Hacking your neighborhood can include anything: a roving playground, a light up seesaw, or a recycling game. If you’ve seen any cool projects in this regard, send them to the tipsline!

Pocket Philosopher

Por: EasyWithAI
15 Noviembre 2023 at 18:58
Pocket Philosopher is a generative AI designed for guiding discussions on existential questions, with a focus on the moral compass theory. This approach considers how an individual’s innate sense of right and wrong, shaped by personal experiences, societal norms, and cultural values, influences life’s choices and the pursuit of personal meaning. Drawing on various philosophical […]

