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2024 Business Card Challenge: POV Fidget Keeps Your Info In Their Hands

28 Junio 2024 at 20:00
A business-card-sized fidget spinner with the Hackaday logo.

So what if we’re halfway through 2024? People who needed to fidget all along still need something to do with their hands. So why not hand them a solution with your information on it?

Not only will this spin nicely, the spinning action will use magnets to energize PCB coils and light up LEDs for some persistence of vision action. Designing the PCB was easier than you might imagine thanks to KiMotor, a KiCad plugin to automate the design of parametric PCB motors.

Mechanical testing went pretty well with the bearings and magnets that [mulcmu] had on hand, along with a scrap PCB as the sacrifice. Although a bit difficult to hold, it spins okay with just the bearing and the shaft. Once the boards arrived, it was time to test the electrical side. So far, things are not looking good — [mulcmu] is only getting a few tens of mV out of the rectifier — but they aren’t giving up hope yet. We can’t wait to see this one in action!

Hurry! This is the last weekend to enter the 2024 Business Card Challenge! Technically you have until Tuesday, July 2nd, but you know what we mean. Show us what you’ve got!

2024 Business Card Challenge

Hackaday Links: June 16, 2024

16 Junio 2024 at 23:00
Hackaday Links Column Banner

Attention, slackers — if you do remote work for a financial institution, using a mouse jiggler might not be the best career move. That’s what a dozen people learned this week as they became former employees of Wells Fargo after allegedly being caught “simulating keyboard activity” while working remotely. Having now spent more than twice as many years working either hybrid or fully remote, we get it; sometimes, you’ve just got to step away from the keyboard for a bit. But we’ve never once felt the need to create the “impression of active work” during those absences. Perhaps that’s because we’ve never worked in a regulated environment like financial services.

For our part, we’re curious as to how the bank detected the use of a jiggler. The linked article mentions that regulators recently tightened rules that require employers to treat an employee’s home as a “non-branch location” subject to periodic inspection. More than enough reason to quit, in our opinion, but perhaps they sent someone snooping? More likely, the activity simulators were discovered by technical means. The article contains a helpful tip to avoid powering a jiggler from the computer’s USB, which implies detecting the device over the port. Our guess is that Wells tracks mouse and keyboard activity and compares it against a machine-learning model to look for signs of slacking.

Speaking of the intersection of soulless corporate giants and AI, what’s this world coming to when AI walks you right into an online scam? That’s what happened to a Canadian man recently when he tried to get help moving Facebook to his new phone. He searched for a customer service number for Facebook and found one listed, but thought it would be wise to verify the number. So he pulled up the “Meta AI”-powered search tool in Facebook Messenger and asked if the number was legit. “No problem,” came the reply, so he called the number and promptly got attacked by the scammers on the other end, who within minutes used his PayPal account to buy $500 worth of Apple gift cards. From the sound of it, the guy did everything he should have to protect himself, at least up to a point. But when a company’s chatbot system gives you bad information about their own customer support, things like this are going to happen.

Just a reminder that we’re deep into con season now. Open Sauce should be just about wrapped up by the time this gets published, and coming up the week after is Teardown 2024 in Portland. The schedule for that has been released, which includes a workshop on retrocomputing with the “Voja4” Supercon badge. A little further on into the summer and back on the East Coast will be HOPE XV, which still has some tickets left. The list of speakers for that one looks pretty good, as does the workshop roundup.

And finally, if you have some STL models in need of a little creative mutilation, try out this STL twister online tool. It’s by our friend [Andrew Sink], who has come up with a couple of other interesting 3D tools, like the Banana for Scale tool and the 3D Low-Poly Generator. The STL Twister does pretty much what it says and puts the screws to whatever STL model you drop on it. The MakerBot Gnome mascot that pops up by default is a particularly good model for screwifying. Enjoy!

A Treasure Trove In An English Field

Por: Jenny List
3 Junio 2024 at 14:00

This is being written in a tent in a field in Herefordshire, one of the English counties that borders Wales. It’s the site of Electromagnetic Field, this year’s large European hacker camp, and outside my tent the sky is lit by a laser light show to the sound of electronic music. I’m home.

One of the many fun parts of EMF is its swap table. A gazebo to which you can bring your junk, and from which you can take away other people’s junk. It’s an irresistible destination which turns a casual walk into half an hour pawing through the mess in search of treasure, and along the way it provides an interesting insight into technological progress. What is considered junk in 2024?

Something for everyone

As always, the items on offer range from universal treasures of the I-can’t-believe-they-put that-there variety, through this-is-treasure-to-someone-I’m-sure items, to absolute junk. Some things pass around the camp like legends; I wasn’t there when someone dropped off a box of LED panels for example, but I’ve heard the story relayed in hushed tones several times since, and even seen some of the precious haul. A friend snagged a still-current AMD processor and some Noctua server fans as another example, and I’m told that amazingly someone deposited a Playstation 5. But these are the exceptions, in most cases the junk is either very specific to something, or much more mundane. I saw someone snag an audio effects unit that may or may not work, and there are PC expansion cards and outdated memory modules aplenty.

Finally, there is the absolute junk, which some might even call e-waste but I’ll be a little more charitable about. Mains cables, VGA cables, and outdated computer books. Need to learn about some 1990s web technology? We’ve got you covered.

Perhaps most fascinating is what the junk tells us about the march of technology. There are bins full of VoIP telephones, symptomatic of the move to mobile devices even in the office. As an aside I saw a hackerspace member in his twenties using a phone hooked up to the camp’s copper phone network walk away with the handset clamped to his ear and yank the device off the table; it’s obvious that wired handsets are a thing of the past when adults no longer know how to use them. And someone dropped off an entire digital video distribution system probably from a hotel or similar, a huge box of satellite TV receivers and some very specialised rack modules with 2008 date codes on the chips. We don’t watch linear TV any more, hotel customers want streaming.

Amid all this treasure, what did I walk away with? As I have grown older I have restricted my urge to acquire, so I’m very wary at these places. Even so, there were a few things that caught my eye, a pair of Sennheiser headphones with a damaged cord, a small set of computer speakers — mainly because we don’t have anything in our village on which to play music — and because I couldn’t quite resist it, a microcassette recorder. As each new box arrives the hardware hackers swarm over it like flies though, so who knows what treasures I’ll be tempted by over the rest of the camp.

Hands-On With The Electromagnetic Field 2024 Badge

Por: Jenny List
2 Junio 2024 at 05:00

With every large event in our circles comes a badge, and Electromagnetic Field 2024 is no exception. We’ve told you about the Tildagon when it was announced, it’s a hexagonal badge designed with provision for user-created “Hexpansions”, which can be picked up at future camps. The idea of this badge is to make something with a lifetime beyond the one camp, and we’re interested to have received our badge. It’s unusual for a hacker camp badge in that it costs a little extra rather than just coming with the ticket.

The two PCBs linked by the ribbon cable.
This badge is not particularly difficult to assemble.

In a pair of anti-static bags are the front and rear PCB assemblies, a piece of ribbon cable, a couple of glue pads, and some screws. It could be bought with a battery, however since it’s compatible with the EMF 2016 and 2018 batteries we opted to use one of those instead. Assembly is a case of attaching the cable between the two boards, sticking the battery in place with the glue pads, hooking it up, and screwing the two together.

Looking at the boards, we find the ESP32-S3 microcontroller running the show, and the six sockets for the hexpansions. These last components as well as a set of metal threaded standoffs are evidently not cheap parts, and we’re guessing they’ve had quite some effect on the BOM. The front PCB has a round LCD display module attached, this is of slight interest because it’s done with a row of offset PCB holes rather than a socket. It appears to form a decent connection and hold on to the display adequately.

The badge displaying "Unknown error".
Never judge a badge by day one firmware

Software-wise, there’s the option for an over-the-air update, which we did through the camp network. There are a set of buttons round the points of the hexagon which form the interface, but sadly there’s little in the way of cues as to which does what and it’s a case of figuring it out for yourself. We managed to repeatedly crash our badge when we tried anything, however  it’s not unusual for better working firmware versions to emerge hot on the heels of the badge itself.

We like the hardware of this badge, it’s robust and cleverly designed. We like the idea of a badge for future camps too, and the hexpansions are a pretty neat idea. It’s plain that the firmware version on the first day is a bit flaky, but especially since this is a badge for the long term we’re sure this will get better. All-in-all an eye-catching badge with a future!


Por: EasyWithAI
23 Enero 2023 at 19:18
Illustroke is a text-to-SVG tool that can generate vector illustrations from text prompts. The tool works on a token system – each token is equivalent to one illustration generation request, and in each request, you’ll receive 3 variants of the same illustration, giving you the ability to choose the best one. You can download the […]



Por: EasyWithAI
26 Diciembre 2022 at 22:33
Icons8 now features a number of AI tools on their website. Among them are the smart upscaler, face swapper, background remover and more. The Icons8 upscaler allows you to drag and drop your image file and upscale it up to 8x (2x on the free version). Icons8 also offers quite a few other icon, image […]


Looking Forward To EMF 2024

Por: Jenny List
29 Mayo 2024 at 11:00

It’s that time of year again when some parts of our community travel out into the countryside to spend time with each other under canvas in a field somewhere with power and fast internet — it’s hacker camp season. Here in Europe that means it’s the turn of the British hackers to have the year’s large event, in the form of the latest incarnation of Electromagnetic Field. We’ll be there, camera and microphone in hand, and with luck we’ll be able to bring you a flavour of the event.

The atmosphere that comes from being in the company of several thousand like minds is stimulating enough, but what makes these outdoor events special is that the villages become so much more than simply a group of geeks at a table with their laptops. Where else can one find a tea room run by a hackerspace except courtesy of MK Makerspace, or a fully functional pop-up motor racing circuit from Hacky Racers?

This year’s event badge is an interesting one, the ESP32-S3 powered and hexagon-shaped Tildagon. It’s a bold attempt to redefine the event badge away from a one-off trinket into one that lasts across multiple events, with custom “Hexpansions” like the petals on a flower, intended to have new ones appear on an event by event basis.

If you’re going to be at EMF then maybe we can join you for a pint, otherwise we’ll be bringing you the best that we find there. To whet your appetite, here’s something of the last one.

Supercon 2023: Building The Ultimate Apple IIe, Decades Later

Por: Lewin Day
14 Mayo 2024 at 14:00

The Apple II was launched in 1977, a full 47 years ago. The Apple IIe came out six years later, with a higher level of integration and a raft of new useful features. Apple eventually ended production of the whole Apple II line in 1993, but that wasn’t the end. People like [James Lewis] are still riffing on the platform to this day. Even better, he came to Supercon 2023 to tell us all about his efforts!

[James]’s talk covers the construction of the Mega IIe, a portable machine of his own design. As the name suggests, the project was based on the Mega II chip, an ASIC for which he had little documentation. He wasn’t about to let a little detail like that stop him, though.

The journey of building the Mega IIe wasn’t supposed to be long or arduous; the initial plan was to “just wire this chip up” as [James] puts it. Things are rarely so simple, but he persevered nonetheless—and learned all about the Apple II architecture along the way.

Simply Mega

For the unfamiliar, the Mega II contained most of Apple IIe, but condensed down to fit on to one single 84-pin ASIC. It first appeared in 1986, and was used in the Apple IIGS. The Mega II chip doesn’t contain a CPU, but does contain a lot of the supporting hardware that makes the Apple IIe what it is. The IOU, MMU, video and keyboard ROMs, and keyboard and mouse controller are all there.

[James] began his work with breadboards and plenty of flywires.
In theory, you could wire it up with a CPU, some RAM, and a ROM, and you’d have an Apple II. That sounded about right to [James], but as he would soon find out, the reality is more complicated. Had real documentation been available, he might have learned this sooner, but he was flying blind and stuck at it anyway.

[James]’s talk starts by dispelling some myths. The first is that the Mega II is a single-chip Apple II. His own build makes it obvious that’s not the case. Beyond that, he also notes that the Apple IIGS didn’t use the Mega II for backwards compatibility. It was instead used as a memory controller and for working with classic Apple II video modes and the expansion slots. He also states that the “Gemini” chip from the Macintosh LC Apple II card is not a Mega II, based on significant differences in registers and general design. He wanted to check on a rumor, too, that the chip was never finished, hence why it was just used as a basic controller in the Apple IIGS. To figure that out, he wanted to prove that you could build a functional Apple II using the Mega II chip salvaged from the IIGS.

Getting the boot sequence working at all was a challenge.

Early work went well. After spinning up a basic board with the Mega II and the necessary hardware, [James] was able to get a text video mode working. It spat out a lot of gibberish, but it was evidence that something was going on. The string “Apple ][” even appeared in the output!

It wasn’t smooth sailing from there, though. Months of debugging ensued, with a logic analyzer showing the “computer” he’d built was making seemingly random jumps all over the place rather than going through a normal boot process. He suspected it was because the chip wasn’t finished, but that wasn’t the case. Eventually, a friend suggested he check if one of the data bus lines was stuck. It turned out a stuck wire fragment on a solder pad was causing all of his problems. With that fixed, he made a huge leap forward. He saw the message appear—”KERNEL OK”. Success!

However, he still wasn’t at a prompt. He was stuck in a test routine, and didn’t have a fully fledged computer. Nonetheless, he knew this meant he was on the right path. If the test routine was behaving appropriately, it suggested the Mega II really did have most of an Apple II living inside it.

From there, the talk goes through the arduous work required to get this thing fully operational. He faced crash after crash as he tried to get a full boot to happen. Once he got that far, he had to try and go from a rat’s nest of wires and breadboards to something that wouldn’t fall apart every time he breathed on it. His final design has some neat features—like the way he built his own motherboard with a connector that let him plug his logic analyzer right in with a single connector.

Revision 2 used a multi-board design with headers used as backplane connectors.

By revision 2, he had the thing built up on a bunch of PCBs with header connectors, and it was even booting from floppy disks. The amount of work it took to get even this far was phenomenal. [James] didn’t just have to whip up a motherboard, he had to do all kinds of work to give the thing a working keyboard interface and the ability to read floppy disks. By this point, he’d realized that the supposed single chip solution that was the Mega II anything but. Beyond RAM, ROM, and a CPU, it also needed another custom ASIC called SlotMaker, and a keyboard controller. This chip is for handling expansion slots, but it also handles one important signal for the keyboard that makes it essential to the computer’s proper functioning. Frustrating stuff indeed. Other work involved producing video output over VGA and creating a working sound board.

The revision 3 board was neat and compact.

His third revision involved consolidating his multi-PCB solution into a working computer on a single PCB. A few mistakes cropped up in the board design, but it wasn’t enough to stop [James]. With a little creative bodging, he got the thing operational. He’d managed to build a working computer based around the Mega II ASIC.

He may not have been the first to build a Mega II into a working computer; [James] admits that the prototype of the Tiger Learning Computer from Tiger Electronics does serve as an existing example that the Mega II was usable as a fully-fledged machine. But he did manage to do it without any support or documentation from Apple at all. That’s no mean feat.

It’ll even run Prince of Persia!

Watching the talk, it’s easy to understand why the project took [James] several years to complete. It’s always neat to see someone set themself a difficult goal and follow through to completion. It’s also rad that [James] was able to teach us so much more about the Mega II that we never knew before. That’s worthy of celebration!

Supercon 2023: MakeItHackin Automates the Tindie Workflow

7 Mayo 2024 at 14:00

Selling your hardware hacks is a great way to multiply your project’s impact, get your creations into others’ hands, and contribute to your hacking-related budget while at it. If you’re good at it, your store begins to grow. From receiving a couple orders a year, to getting one almost every day – if you don’t optimize the process of mailing orders out, it might just start taking a toll on you.

That is not to say that you should worry – it’s merely a matter of optimization, and, now you have a veritable resource to refer to. At Supercon 2023, [MakeItHackin]/[Andrew] has graced us with his extensive experience scaling up your sales and making your shipping process as seamless as it could be. His experience is multifaceted, and he’s working with entire four platforms – Tindie, Lektronz, Etsy and Shopify, which makes his talk all that more valuable.

[MakeItHackin] tells us how he started out selling hardware, how his stores grew, and what pushed him to automate the shipping process to a formidable extent. Not just that – he’s developed a codebase for making the shipping experience as smooth as possible, and he’s sharing it all with us.

His research was initially prompted by Tindie, specifically, striving to make the shipping process seamless. If you go the straightforward way and use the Web UI to copy-paste the shipping data in your postal system, it’s going to take you a good few minutes, and it’s an error-prone process. This is fine for a couple orders a year, but when you’re processing dozens of orders at a time, it starts to add up. Plus, there’s a few issues – for instance, the invoices Tindie prints out, are not customizeable. As for Etsy, it is less than equipped for handling shipping at all, and you are expected to have your own system.

There are APIs, however – which is where automation can begin. The goal is simple – spending as little time as possible on shipping, and as much time as possible on designing hardware. He shows us a video with a simple demo – cutting down the shipping label creation time from a couple minutes, down to fourteen seconds. That alone is a veritable result, and, there’s more.

On the way there, he’s had to reverse-engineer a couple APIs. In the talk, you get a primer about APIs – how they work, differences between external and internal APIs, ways to tap into internal APIs and make them work your magic. APIs are one of the keys to having the shipping process run smoothly and quickly, and [MakeItHackin] teaches you everything, from managing cookies to using browser inspect element tools and Selenium.

Another key is having fun. [MakeItHackin] gives us another demo – an automated system that stays in your workshop, powered by a Raspberry Pi and assisted by an Arduino, which does the entire process from start to finish without human input, save for actually putting things into envelopes and taking them to the post office. Of course, the system is also equipped with flashing lights and sirens – there’s no chance you will miss an order arriving.

Then, he goes into customs and inventory management. Customs forms might require special information added to the label, which is all that much easier to do in an automated process completely under your control. As for inventory management, the API situation is a bit dire, but he’s looking into a centralized inventory synchronization system for all four platforms too.

The last part is about working with your customers as people. Prompt and personalized communication helps – some might be tempted to use “AI” chatbots, and [MakeItHackin] has tried, showing you that there are specific limitations. Also, careful with the temptation to have part of your shipping process be cloud-managed – that also means you’re susceptible to personal data storage-related risks, so it might be best to stay away from it.

In the end, we get a list of things to watch out for. For instance, don’t use your personal details on the envelope, whether it’s the “From” address or the phone number, getting substitute ones is well worth it to protect your privacy. On the practical side, using a label printer might turn out to be significantly cheaper than using an inkjet printer – remember, ink costs money, and, there’s a dozen more pieces of advice that any up-and-coming seller ought to know.

Of course, all this is but a sliver of the wealth of information that [MakeItHackin] shares in his talk, and we are overjoyed to have hosted it. If you’re looking to start selling your hardware, or perhaps you’re well on your way, find 45 minutes for this talk – it’s worth its metaphorical weight in gold.

Supercon 2023: Jose Angel Torres On Building A Junkyard Secure Phone

1 Mayo 2024 at 14:00

If you ever wondered just what it takes to build a modern device like a phone, you should have come to last year’s Supercon and talked with [Jose Angel Torres]. He’s an engineer whose passion into investigating what makes modern devices tick is undeniable, and he tells us all about where his forays have led so far – discovering marvels that a Western hacker might not be aware of.

Six years ago, he has moved to China, having previously been responsible for making sure that their Chinese subcontractors would manufacture things in the right ways. Turns out, doing that while being separated by an ocean set up more than just the timezone barriers – they were communicating between different worlds.

[Jose] tells us of having learned Chinese on the spot, purely from communicating with people around him, and it’s no wonder he’s had the motivation! What he’s experienced is being at the heart of cycle of hardware life, where devices are manufactured, taken apart and rebuilt anew. Here’s how he tapped into that cycle, and where he’s heading now.

One day, he sat down with his phone, connected to a computer, ADB prompt open, and enabled a logging routine. He saw a myriad of debug messages scrolling past – despite the phone being, for all intents and purposes, turned off, it was still alive. That made him think – now, what makes a phone tick? Which parts of it are responsible for this activity? How much control do you have over this, and can you replace these parts?

To get to the core of these questions, he headed down into dark places, where phones are taken apart, their motherboards laid bare, people working away with hot air guns and tweezers in hand. Trays of freshly desoldered BGAs, to be put into bespoke testing jigs and verified, so that they can be repackaged into tapes anew and resold to customers unconcerned with an increased failure rate.

On the streets where blocks are entirely owned by different companies, in stores overflowing with parts you couldn’t imagine to have existed, he has met a handful of friendly faces, each introducing him to different facets of the hardware world – from Macbook repairs that are officially not supposed to happen, to full-board reverse-engineering services.

If you need a PCB taken apart layer by layer, component by component, carefully imaged, and turned into CAD files, here is where you can get this done. What about a phone? What if you wanted to rebuild a phone? Well, not only can you fully reverse-engineer its PCB here, but they have tons of custom tooling for all the even somewhat popular models.

He glanced at a Huawei phone he’s just recently had bought, and decided to use it as a case study. The Ifixit diagrams can tell you about every single component on it, but only here can you walk up to a table and see piles and bins full of all sorts of different components for this specific model. Need a specific BGA? Here’s where you get a strip of them for $10.

What if you want to recreate the entire manufacturing process for a specific phone, from schematic to test jig, complete with all the different little parts like custom antennas and shells? That’s where you refer to a reverse-engineering company. This kind of company will take an example board, desolder all components, sand off all layers to get to even the internal copper, put all that data into a digital format. All passives that are taken off? Measured with an LCR meter. All ICs? Carefully documented, and, again, you can get a strip of them for $10. After a few weeks of work, you get Gerber files and Altium sources you can modify to add any feature the board might be missing. A schematic usually not included, but you can pay for it to be rebuilt too. And, of course, you get a BOM. Now, this is most of what you need to get a batch of identical phones assembled, starting from just one.

Now, what about if you need some test fixtures for bringup? Here, you can even use a phone of the same model as a test fixture – extend the connectors with separate FPCs, and use that second phone to test any of the different components you might be working on. All of these practices tie into the smaller seller culture, where every part you buy is marked with a seller’s stamp, so you can try and bring it back for a refund if it’s faulty.

[Jose] ends by showing a small curiosity he’s found – an I2C-connected daughterboard for a certain phone lineup, that almost, just barely, fits the SAO standard, with proximity and ambient light sensors on it. If you ever wanted to build a secure phone, you want to understand it, and if you want to understand what makes a phone tick, China will give you insights from the place this phone was born.
