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Ayer — 2 Julio 2024Salida Principal

Appy Pie AI App Generator

Por: EasyWithAI
27 Junio 2024 at 13:38
Appy Pie’s AI App Generator allows anyone to create custom mobile apps without coding knowledge. This platform uses AI to transform text or speech inputs into functional apps for both Android and iOS. Simply describe your app idea, and the AI will generate a working prototype that can be further customized with features like push […]


Unicorn Platform AI

Por: EasyWithAI
27 Junio 2023 at 12:51
Unicorn Platform is an AI-powered website and landing page builder designed specifically for indie makers, startups, and SaaS businesses. This tool allows you to enter in an idea, and create a fully-functional and stunning website in just a few minutes. There are several templates to choose from, and the AI will take into account your […]


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Dorik AI

Por: EasyWithAI
6 Febrero 2024 at 14:17
Dorik AI is an AI website builder that generates stunning websites, requiring just a simple prompt. Its powerful AI technology creates professional-grade webpages complete with SEO-optimized text, relevant images, and engaging copy that is tailored to your industry and niche. It’s fairly easy to use, just describe what you need and Dorik’s AI will take […]


SocialBook PhotoStudio

Por: EasyWithAI
17 Julio 2023 at 09:59
SocialBook PhotoStudio provides a wide range of powerful AI design tools with advanced photo editing and creative effects for stunning visuals. It provides all-in-one generative AI solutions for easy and professional design and includes tools for extending an image, object removal, style transfer, and more.


Programming Robots is Hard, Figuring out How to Make it Easier is Harder

18 Junio 2024 at 23:00

[Benjie Holson] is an experienced roboticist and wrote an interesting article published on IEEE Spectrum about how the idea most people have of non-roboticists is a myth, and efforts to target this group with simplified robotic frameworks tend to be doomed.

Now, let’s make a couple things absolutely clear right up front: He is not saying robots shouldn’t be easier to program, nor is he saying that non-roboticists literally do not exist (of course they do.) The issues he’s highlighting really come down to product design.

[Benjie] points out that programming robots is super hard, but it’s also hard in more than one way and for more than one reason. And when people try to create a product to make it easier, they tend to commit two big product design no-no’s: they focus on the wrong hard parts, and they design their product for a vaguely-defined audience that doesn’t really exist. That group is the mythical non-roboticist.

These are actually very solid points to make in terms of product design in general. Designing a product that solves the wrong problems for a poorly-defined group isn’t exactly a recipe for success. [Benjie]’s advice on making a truly effective and useful API framework that genuinely lowers the bar of complexity in a useful way is similarly applicable to product design in general.

His first piece of advice is not to design for poorly-defined amorphous groups. Your product should serve actual needs of actual users. If you cannot name three people you have actually spoken to who would be helped by your product, you are designing for an amorphous (and possibly imaginary) group.

The second is to design as though your users are just as smart as you are, just less tolerant of problems stemming from rough edges like compatibility and configuration issues. Remove those so that your users can get useful work done without having to re-invent the wheel, or resort to workarounds.

Robotic frameworks like ROS are useful and extensible, but whenever someone attempts to focus on creating a simplified framework, [Benjie] says they tend to step on the same rakes. It’s a mistake [Benjie] has committed himself, and see repeated by others. We think his advice is good product design advice in general, whether for designing APIs or something else.

Design Review: Switching Regulator Edition

18 Junio 2024 at 14:00

This article was prompted by a friend of mine asking for help on a board with an ESP32 heart. The board outputs 2.1 V instead of 3.3 V, and it doesn’t seem like incorrectly calculated feedback resistors are to blame – let’s take a look at the layout. Then, let’s also take a look at a recently sent in design review entry, based on an IC that looks perfect for all your portable Raspberry Pi needs!

What Could Have Gone Wrong?

Here’s the board in all its two-layer glory. This is the kind of board you can use to drive 5 V or 12 V Neopixel strips with a firmware like WLED – exactly the kind of gadget you’ll want to use for LED strip experiments! 3.3 V power is provided by a Texas Instruments TPS54308 IC, and it’s the one misfiring, so let’s take a look.

The design has an ESP32 on the opposite side of the switching regulator. For review purposes, let’s pull the regulator circuit out – disable all front layers (copper, silk, mask, courtyard and paste), hide vias, then box select the regulator circuit and move it out. I’ve also added net labels to the circuit – here’s a screenshot.

There are things done right here, for sure, and a few things that could be the culprit in improper regulation. If you want hints, you can see TPS54308 datasheet, page 22, for layout recommendations. Both SW and FB nodes are pretty long, and the FB trace goes right next to VOUT – before regulation.

Furthermore, from the pinout and also the layout recommendations, it appears this regulator is designed in a way that all switching circuitry can be. Yet, this design has the inductor go all the way to supposedly sensitive side. Thankfully, this is easy to fix.

Refresher – FB and SW traces have to be as short as possible, inductor as close to SW as possible, and the VOUT to FB connection can be a separate tracks on the other layer. With that in mind, let’s move the inductor to the other side of the regulator, move the FB resistors to the FB pin, and see how far we get.

My Take Versus TI’s Recommendation

This is my take. FB resistors moved to one side, switching components to the other, VOUT track on another layer. Add capacitors and vias as necessary, and pull tracks under components to get extra ground connections if needed. Of course, ideally, SW would be a copper polygon, and so would be VOUT. I’m also showing how EN could be pulled out, in case you needed that – in this particular schematic, EN can be safely left floating, but most regulators will want you to pull it either to VIN or to GND.

Since this is a TI chip, it also has a diagram for the layout recommendation! Let’s take a look how far off the mark we are, and it appears we aren’t that far. Curiously, it wants us to put SW onto another layer. Having switching current pass through extra inductance doesn’t sit right with me, personally, but my guess is that they want to minimize switching current flowing under the regulator, as the recommendation suggests.

Another part that’s curious to me, is a suggestion for a Kelvin connection for the FB net’s GND pin. TI also publishes data for evaluation boards, and the TPS54308 has such a board indeed. Seeing on the page 13 of the evaluation board datasheet, I’m not quite seeing a Kelvin connection, unless Kelvin is the name of the engineer involved in designing the board. I do see that GND is tapped with a via far away from the area where switching happens, so it might just be that.

At this point, I’m curious whether my take is a dealbreaker, but since TI’s recommendations are available, I might just end up implementing exactly that and sending the files back. So, we take this circuit, implant it back into the board, order a new revision, and keep our fingers crossed.

A Pi-suited UPS, On A Stamp

A week ago, [Lukilukeskywalker] has shared a board with us, asking for a design review. The board is a stamp that houses a LTC4040 chip, and the chip itself is a treat. It takes 5 V, outputs 5 V, and when connected, it generates 5 V from a battery. It supports both regular LiIon, can do up to 2.5 A, and appears to be a perfect option if you want to power a Raspberry Pi or any other 5 V-powered SBC on the go.

There are a few small nits to pick on this board. For instance, the connector for the battery is JST-SH, 3-pin, with one pin for BATT+. 2.5 A at 5 V means 12.5 W means up to 4 A at 3.5 V battery level, which might just melt a JST-SH connector or the gauge of wire you can attach to a JST-SH-sized metal contact. However, it’s switching regulator time, so let’s take a look at that specifically.

Here’s another thing you might notice immediately – lack of ground path from the IC’s ground connections, all the way under the switching path. In particular, the switching path is broken by a few traces, and it doesn’t appear that these traces must be there! Page 22 in the LTC4040 datasheet, which lists the layout recommendations, also stresses upon this, elaborating that “High frequency currents in the hot loop tend to flow along a mirror path on the ground plane which is directly beneath the incident path on the top plane of the board”.

Well, there are only two tracks that really interrupt the switching path above them, and both could be moved to the left. One of them is for a resistor that sets the charging current limit, and another goes to a castellated pad. Moving the latter is going to break the symmetry, but remember – it’s okay for a stamp to be asymmetric, that helps you ensure it’s mounted on your board correctly!

Sadly, while Linear Tech makes fancy tech, their evaluation board data isn’t as available as TI’s – there’s a PDF with schematics, but no layout data I could find. However, comparing to the pictures, you can see that the general layout of the switching area is correct, our hacker correctly uses polygons, the feedback circuit is pretty nice – it’s just these two tracks that are a bit uncouth when it comes to the switching regulator part of it. As for reviewing the rest of the board, you can read this article!

Towards A Powerful Future

Got switching regulator designs that didn’t quite work right when you put them to test, or that you’re yet to order and feel cautious about? Show them to us down below in the comments, and let’s take a look; your circuits deserve to operate at their best capacity possible.

And, as usual, if you would like a design review for your board, submit a tip to us with [design review] in the title, linking to your board files. KiCad design files strongly preferred, both repository-stored files (GitHub/GitLab/etc) and shady Google Drive/Dropbox/etc .zip links are accepted.


Por: EasyWithAI
11 Julio 2023 at 18:09
Coframe is an AI-based website A/B testing tool that can be used as a copywriter, frontend developer, and UX researcher. The platform lets you input your website URL and analyze it for possible improvements, such as higher converting copy. Coframe persistently analyzes your site for optimization, letting you easily compare between results. The tool is […]


Dora AI

Por: EasyWithAI
17 Mayo 2023 at 18:34
Dora AI allows you to effortlessly create powerful websites using the magic of AI. With a single text prompt, you can generate stunning websites infused with AI 3D animation. The intuitive no-code editor lets you personalize and tweak all aspects of your website. Dora AI is currently in alpha stage, lots more features are planned […]


Webstudio AI

Por: EasyWithAI
20 Octubre 2023 at 12:11
Webstudio AI is an AI website builder that allows anyone to build and design a website using voice commands. Its powerful voice prompts function allows you to speak instead of typing, and the AI features advanced copywriting that generates text for your pages. You can use automatic layout generation and templates to design specific pages, […]



Por: EasyWithAI
16 Diciembre 2023 at 14:13
ZipWP is an AI-powered website builder that creates WordPress sites and templates in just 60 seconds. Simply describe your ideal website or business idea and ZipWP’s AI will design a visually stunning website with pre-written copy tailored to your needs. The generated sites are mobile-responsive with a contact page and relevant images already inserted. You […]


Spacely AI

Por: EasyWithAI
28 Marzo 2023 at 14:16
Spacely AI is an interior design service that provides users with fast and easy design ideas for room photos. The tool is easy to use, simply choose the room type, style, and upload a photo of your chosen room. The AI then generates furniture suggestions and color schemes to make your project implementation easier. Spacely […]



Por: EasyWithAI
22 Septiembre 2023 at 16:14
Turbologo is an easy-to-use AI logo generator that allows anyone to create a professional logo in just minutes. Simply enter your company name, slogan (optional), and industry, and Turbologo’s AI will generate logo ideas for you for free. When creating your logo, you’re able to customize the fonts, color scheme, icons and more to personalize […]


Turbocase Generates A PCB Shell For You

3 Junio 2024 at 11:00
An example of the case generated for a simple PCB, being shown in the OpenSCAD viewer

Our PCBs greatly benefit from cases – what’s with all the pins that can be accidentally shorted, connectors that stick out of the outline, and cables pulling the board into different directions. Designing a case for your PCB might feel like a fair bit of effort – but it likely isn’t, thanks to projects like turbocase from [Martijn Braam].

This script generates simple and elegant OpenSCAD cases for your KiCad PCBs – you only need to draw a few extra lines in the PCB Editor, that’s it. It makes connector openings, too – add a “Height” property to your connector footprints to have them be handled automatically. Oh, and there’s a few quality-of-life features – if your project has mounting holes, the script will add threaded-insert-friendly standoffs to the case; yet another argument for adding mounting holes to your boards, in case you needed more.

Installing the script is a single line, running it is merely another, and that will cover an overwhelming majority of boards out there; the code is all open too, of course. Want some more customization? Here’s some general project enclosure tutorials for OpenSCAD, and a KiCad-friendly StepUp tutorial. Oh, and of course, there’s many more ways to enclose PCBs – our own [Bob Baddeley] has written a guide to project enclosures that you are bound to learn new things from.

We thank [adistuder] for sharing this with us!


Por: EasyWithAI
17 Agosto 2023 at 14:26
StyleAI offers AI-powered tools to establish and boost your online business. Its assistants Levi, Seona, and Astra help build and optimize websites, improve SEO and search rankings, and manage Google Ads. Levi acts like an assistant for when you’re building your website, and you can use it to easily perform tasks, add customization, change design […]


AI Logo Generator

Por: EasyWithAI
18 Septiembre 2023 at 01:07
AI Logo Generator is a free web tool that can generate customizable logos that are perfect for businesses, personal branding, and more. Simply enter your business name or branding, describe the main symbol or subject of your logo, and finally, select your industry. You can then click on “Generate” to generate 4 unique logos, which […]



Por: EasyWithAI
7 Agosto 2023 at 13:26
Relume Library now features an AI website builder that offers a simple and easy way to design and build websites. It provides access to a massive library of pre-built Figma and Webflow components that can be copied and pasted into your website design. This allows you to build responsive, professional websites in hours instead of […]


CADmium moves CAD to the Browser

23 Mayo 2024 at 11:00

For plenty of computer users, the operating system of choice is largely a middleman on the way to the browser, which hosts the tools that are most important. There are even entire operating systems with little more than browser support, under the assumption that everything will be done in the browser eventually. We may be one step closer to that type of utopia as well with this software tool called CADmium which runs exclusively in a browser.

As the name implies, this is a computer-aided design (CAD) package which looks to build everything one would need for designing project models in a traditional CAD program like AutoCAD or FreeCAD, but without the burden of needing to carry local files around on a specific computer. [Matt], one of the creators of this ambitious project, lays out the basic structure of a CAD program from the constraint solver, boundary representation (in this case, a modern one built in Rust), the history tracker, and various other underpinnings of a program like this. The group hopes to standardize around JSON files as well, making it easy to make changes to designs on the fly in whatever browser the user happens to have on hand.

While this project is extremely early in the design stage, it looks like they have a fairly solid framework going to get this developed. That said, they are looking for some more help getting it off the ground. If you’ve ever wanted something like this in the browser, or maybe if you’ve ever contributed to the FreeCAD project and have some experience, this might be worth taking a look at.
