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An Ode to the SAO

Por: Tom Nardi
26 Septiembre 2024 at 14:00

There are a lot of fantastic things about Hackaday Supercon, but for me personally, the highlight is always seeing the dizzying array of electronic bits and bobs that folks bring with them. If you’ve never had the chance to join us in Pasadena, it’s a bit like a hardware show-and-tell, where half the people you meet are eager to pull some homemade gadget out of their bag for an impromptu demonstration. But what’s really cool is that they’ve often made enough of said device that they can hand them out to anyone who’s interested. Put simply, it’s very easy to leave Supercon with a whole lot more stuff than when you came in with.

Most people would look at this as a benefit of attending, which of course it is. But in a way, the experience bummed me out for the first couple of years. Sure, I got to take home a literal sack of incredible hardware created by members of our community, and I’ve cherished each piece. But I never had anything to give them in return, and that didn’t quite sit right with me.

So last year I decided to be a bit more proactive and make my own Simple Add-On (SAO) in time for Supercon 2023. With a stack of these in my bag, I’d have a personalized piece of hardware to hand out that attendees could plug right into their badge and enjoy. From previous years I also knew there was something of an underground SAO market at Supercon, and that I’d find plenty of people who would be happy to swap one for their own add-ons for mine.

To say that designing, building, and distributing my first SAO was a rewarding experience would be something of an understatement. It made such an impression on me that it ended up helping to guide our brainstorming sessions for what would become the 2024 Supercon badge and the ongoing SAO Contest. Put simply, making an SAO and swapping it with other attendees adds an exciting new element to a hacker con, and you should absolutely do it.

So while you’ve still got time to get PCBs ordered, let’s take a look at some of the unique aspects of creating your own Simple Add-On.

Low Barrier to Entry

To start with, let’s cover what’s probably the biggest benefit of making an SAO versus pretty much any other kind of electronic device: essentially all the hard work has been done for you, so you’re free to explore and get creative.

Consider the SAO standard, such as it is. You know there’s going to be 3.3 volts, you know physically how your device will interface with the host badge, and should you decide to utilize it, there’s an incredibly common and well-supported protocol (I2C) in place for communication with other devices.

There’s even a pair of GPIO pins thrown in for good measure, which more nuanced versions of the SAO spec explain can be used as the clock and data pins for addressable LEDs. In either event, they provide an even easier way to get your SAO talking to whatever it’s plugged into than I2C if that’s what you’re after.

Not having to worry about power is a huge weight off your shoulders. Voltage regulation — whether it’s boosting the output from a battery, or knocking down a higher voltage to something that won’t fry your components — can be tricky, and has been known to trip up even experienced hardware hackers. There’s admittedly some ambiguity about how much current an SAO can draw, but unless you’re looking to push the envelope, it’s unlikely anything that fits in such a small footprint could pull enough juice to actually become a problem.

Minimal Investment

Another thing to consider is the cost. While getting PCBs made today is cheaper than ever, the cost still goes up with surface area. Especially for new players, the cost of ordering larger boards can trigger some anxiety. Luckily, the traditional SAO is so small that having 20, 30, or even 50 of them made won’t hit you too hard in the wallet. Just as an example, having 30 copies of the PCB for my first SAO fabricated overseas cost me around $12 (shipping is the expensive part).

In fact, an SAO is usually small enough that a quick-turn prototype run with one of the domestic board houses might be within your budget. I’ve been playing around with a new SAO design, and both DigiKey and OSH Park quoted me around $40 to have a handful of boards produced and at my doorstep within 5 to 7 days.

Now assembly of your SAOs, should you outsource that, can still be expensive. Even though they’re small, it’s all going to come down to what kind of parts you’re using in the design. I was recently talking to Al Williams around the Hackaday Virtual Water Cooler, and he mentioned the cost to have just a handful of his SAO made was in the three figures. Then you look at the parts he used in the design, and it was clear this was never going to be a cheap build.

But even if you’ve got deep enough pockets to pay for it, I’d personally recommend against professional assembly in most cases. Which leads nicely into my next point…

A Taste of Mass Production

Being hobbyists, the reality is that most of us never get the opportunity to build more than a few copies of the same thing. For a personal project, there’s rarely the need to build more than one — and even if you count the early prototypes or failed attempts, it’s unlikely you’d hit the double digits.

But for an SAO, the more the merrier. If you’re planning on swapping with others or giving them away, you’ll obviously want quite a few of them. There’s no “right” number here, but for an event the size of Supercon, having 50 copies of your SAO on-hand would be reasonable. As mentioned earlier, I went with 30 (in part due to the per-unit cost) and in the end felt I should have bumped it up a bit more.

But even at 30, it was far and away the largest run of any single thing I’d ever done. After assembling the third or fourth one, I started to pick up on tricks that would speed up the subsequent builds. Where applicable, hand-soldering quickly gave way to reflowing. After some initial struggling, I realized taking the time to make a jig to hold the more fiddly bits would end up saving me time in the long run. Once ten or so were in various states of completion, it became clear I needed some way to safely hold them while in production, so I ended up cutting a couple board holders out of wood on the laser cutter.

A custom jig helped make sure each surface-mount header was properly aligned while soldering.

Looking back, this part of the process was perhaps what I enjoyed the most. As you might expect, I’ve been involved with  badge production at significant scales in the past. If you have a Supercon badge from the last several years, there’s an excellent chance I personally handled it in some way before you received it. But this was an opportunity to do everything myself, to solve problems and learn some valuable lessons.

Finding a New Community

Finally, the most unique part of making your own SAO is that it’s a ticket to a whole new subculture of hardware hacking.

The SAO Wall is calling, will you answer?

There are some incredibly talented people making badges and add-ons for the various hacker cons throughout the year, and there’s nothing they like better than swapping their wares and comparing notes. These folks are often pushing the very limits on what the individual hacker and maker is capable of, and can be a wealth of valuable information on every aspect of custom hardware design and production.

When you put your creation up on the SAO Wall at Supercon, or exchange SAOs with somebody, you’re officially part of the club, and entitled to all the honors and benefits occurring thereto. Don’t be surprised if you soon find yourself on a private channel in an invite-only chat server, pitching ideas for what your next project might be.

With a little over a month to go before the 2024 Hackaday Supercon kicks off in Pasadena, and a couple weeks before the deadline on submissions for the Supercon Add-On Contest, there’s still time to throw your six-pin hat into the ring. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

2024 Hackaday Supercon Workshop Tickets Go On Sale Now

24 Septiembre 2024 at 14:00

Our workshop ticket sales go live today at 8 AM PDT! If you’re coming to Supercon, and you’re interested, go get your workshop ticket before they all sell out!

And of course, you can’t join in the workshops at Supercon without coming to Supercon. So get your tickets now if you haven’t already.

There will be a change to this year’s workshop ticket limits. We heard our community’s feedback, and in the spirit of giving as many people as possible the opportunity to enjoy a workshop, we are limiting sign up to one workshop per attendee. If there are extra tickets by October 18th, we will allow folks to sign up for additional workshops.

If you register for more than one workshop we will refund you the ticket for the others based on the timestamp that you registered for each ticket (leaving only the ticket for the first workshop you registered for). We hope everyone understands our goal is to allow more people to experience a Supercon workshop due to limited space.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more speaker announcements!

Adam McCombs and Isabel Burgos
Hands on with an Electron Microscope

Price: $40.00

This workshop will teach you how to become an electron microscope knob turner, starting with basic principles and which fields you are actually manipulating in the column. We will also cover sample preparation and considerations, so bring something you want to examine!

Anool Mahidharia
Blinky Con Badge requires no soldering!

Price: $15.00

Conference badges have become incredibly complex over the years. This workshop will turn the clock back to a simpler time by showcasing a design that can be assembled quickly with simple components and zero soldering.

Jazmin Hernandez
It Matter(s)! Learn to use the Arduino Matter

Price: $10.00

This workshop will teach attendees how to use the Arduino Nano Matter in conjunction with the IoT cloud. It will also cover the basics of Matter protocol and how to connect devices. Beginners are welcome, there’s no prior experience required!

Matt Venn
Tiny Tapeout

Price: $60.00

In this workshop, you will get the opportunity to design and manufacture your own design on an ASIC! You will learn the basics of digital logic, how semiconductors are designed and made, how to use an online digital design tool to build and simulate a simple design, and how to create the GDS files for manufacture on the open-source Sky130 PDK. Participants will have the option to submit their designs to be manufactured on the next shuttle as part of the Tiny Tapeout project.

Shawn Hymel
Introduction to Zephyr: Demystifying Device Drivers

Price: $20.00

This workshop is designed for embedded engineers who are new to the Zephyr OS and are interested in exploring how it can be used for building next-generation embedded applications. Participants will gain hands-on experience with Zephyr OS, including initial setup, toggling pins with existing libraries, and creating custom device drivers. (Shawn’s workshop is sponsored by DigiKey.)

Paul Beech
Mini Robot Jam. Build Hard. Drive Hard.

Price: $20.00

Participants will be given a neat kit of tiny robot parts, and a garage of materials and sensors to build their sweetest ride. Learn how to make the RP2350 at its heart rock ‘n’ roll in MicroPython. Participants will pit their robot against obstacles to see how well their code works in real life. (Paul’s workshop is sponsored by DigiKey.)

Supercon 2024: Last Call For Display Tech Exhibit

Por: Tom Nardi
14 Septiembre 2024 at 02:00

During this year’s Hackaday Supercon, the Supplyframe DesignLab will be playing host to a unique exhibit that catalogs the evolution of display technology. That means showcasing the best and most interesting examples they can find, from the vintage to the ultra-modern. Where are all these wonderful toys coming from, you might ask? Why, the Hackaday community, of course.

This is a rare chance to show off your prized gadgetry to a captive audience of hackers and makers. Whether it’s a custom display you’ve created or some gonzo piece of hardware you’ve been holding onto for years, now’s the time to haul it out. However, there are only a few days left to submit your display for potential inclusion, so if you’ve got something you want the Hackaday community to see, make sure you fill out the form before the September 16th deadline. That’s Monday, if you were wondering.

The folks at the DesignLab tell us they’ve already got some very cool pieces of hardware lined up, many of which readers will recognize from these pages. We’re eager to get up close and personal with some of these incredible creations we’ve covered over the years, and we’re willing to bet many of the Supercon attendees will, too.

While we don’t want to give away too much, here’s a quick look at a couple of the displays currently slated for exhibition:

The More the Merrier

While there are some truly gorgeous examples lined up for the November exhibit, there are still a few gaps in the collection we’d love to see addressed. If you’ve got any of the following that you’d like to show off, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

  • Unique LCDs (I.E. Tiger handhelds)
  • Vintage Displays
  • CRTs (All Types)
  • Plasma Displays
  • Nixie Clocks/Displays
  • Anything Custom Built
  • Video Synthesizers

For some of those, like CRTs, submissions would ideally come from the Southern California area. But in general, submissions from all over the globe are welcome.

If you’ve been holding off on submitting because you’re worried somebody else has sent in for the same thing, don’t be. Showing different permutations of a particular display technology is a bit part of the exhibit — we’d rather have too many Nixie clocks to choose from than not enough.

Whatever you’d like to show off, just make sure you submit it before the end of the weekend!
